HealthDiseases and Conditions

Hemangioma of the liver: symptoms, treatment

An insidious and often asymptomatic disease is the liver hemangioma. This disease is found in about 7% of healthy people, and, strangely enough, more often, liver hemangioma is diagnosed in women. In fact, this tumor formation, but in cancer it never grows. Hemangioma of the liver, the cause of which can not always be detected, is mostly small (3-4 cm), but sometimes the tumor can reach 10 cm, which is a danger to life.


In medicine, two types of these tumors are distinguished. The first - cavernous hemangioma of the liver - is characterized by its placement inside the organ. In its form, the formation resembles a ball of vessels. Many doctors today say that this type is not a tumor at all, but rather a pathology. In their opinion, the disease is inherited. Capillary hemangioma - the second type - often occurs due to changes in the hormonal background, in particular because of pregnancy or taking medications containing estrogens. It looks like this formation on the curves from the vessels, which are separated by partitions.

How is it manifested?

As mentioned above, the liver hemangioma for a long time does not let you know about yourself. When the size of the tumor increases significantly, the patient often feels:

  • Dull pain on the right side;
  • A feeling of constriction in the abdomen;
  • Nausea.

Sometimes there is vomiting, and when you see an obvious increase in the liver. Quite rare, but still there are situations where the hemangioma of the liver is broken. This is very dangerous for life, because internal bleeding begins . The pain becomes sharp. At the same time, all those symptoms are manifested, as with internal bleeding.


Among the diagnostic methods most often used ultrasound. More modern equipment allows you to get more information about the state of education, its size. This particularly applies to methods such as magnetic resonance imaging, angiography. The patient must also donate blood and urine for analysis. A biopsy is not performed when a hemangioma is detected, since a rupture is possible.

Treatment with traditional methods

Traditional medicine offers two ways of treatment. The first is a non-surgical method and is based mainly on taking hormonal drugs. Laser treatment, microwave radiation, electrocoagulation, cryodestruction, liquid nitrogen are also possible. The second way concerns surgical intervention. The operation is performed in those cases when the hemangioma reaches 5 cm or more, or when the symptoms begin to disturb the patient. To refuse surgical intervention it is necessary in cases when:

  • The tumor occupies both lobes of the liver;
  • Cirrhosis is found;
  • Neoplasm affects large veins.

Folk methods

Traditional medicine offers the use of nature products. So, a well-known decoction of oats. Brew cereals need a long time. But after the liquid is ready, it must be filtered, diluted with water and taken daily, at least 100-150 ml. Lime tea, which successfully fights against viruses and colds, will help to overcome neoplasms on the liver. The use of raw potatoes will also help. But you need to start with a small amount, for example, from 20-25.

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