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Vaudeville is ... The meaning of the word "vaudeville"

Vaudeville is a genre from the world of drama, which has characteristic, recognizable signs. With confidence we will say that he is the "great-grandfather" of modern variety art. Firstly, this is a very musical piece, full of dances and songs. Secondly, it is always a comedy.

Vaudeville is also a theatrical piece created in this genre. Her plot is simple and easy. The conflict is based on a funny intrigue and is resolved by a happy ending.


Curious is the origin of such an unusual word. Historians argue that it was born in the fifteenth century in Normandy, near the river Vir. There lived poets who composed folk songs, which were called val de Vire, in translation - "Virsky Valley". Later the word changed to voix de ville (literally "provincial voice"). Finally in French, the term took shape in vaudeville, which means "vaudeville". The so-called literary creations in which events were presented through the prism of simple-minded uncomplicated perception were called. Initially, these were only street comic songs, which were performed by wandering artists. Only in the eighteenth century did playwrights appear who, based on the nature of these songs, began to compose plays with similar subjects and in a similar style. Because the lyrics were poetic, music was easily laid on them. However, during the performance of the plays, the actors improvised a lot, they did it most often in prose, so the playwrights also began to alternate verse pieces with prose ones.

Vaudeville and the operetta

Art critics say that from that moment the vaudeville had a younger sister - an operetta, which, however, very soon became extremely popular. Singing prevailed in the operetta, and conversations in the vaudeville. The specialization of the form was followed by some difference in content. Vodevil - this is not a satirical, but rather humorous portrayal of the life and customs of middle-class people. Comedy situations in it develop rapidly, rapidly and often grotesquely.

Features of the genre

One of the characteristic features of the works of this genre are the constant appeals of the actor to the viewer during the action. Also, the specific nature of vaudeville is an obligatory repetition of the same song verses. Features vaudeville made it a welcome part of any benefit. The actor who gives such a performance, after serious dramatic monologues, can please the audience, presenting in a completely different image. In addition, vaudeville is a great opportunity to demonstrate vocal and dance data.

Influence on cultural traditions

Vodevil in the era of its origin is very fond of the inhabitants of different countries and continents, but in every culture he went his own way. In America, for example, from it grew a music hall and other bright, amazing imaginative show programs. In Russia the vaudeville brought to life plays-jokes and comic opera. Absolutely vaudeville content of some of the brilliant works of AP Chekhov ("Proposition", "Bear", "Drama", etc.).

A sample of the Russian vaudeville

"Miller - sorcerer, deceiver and matchmaker" - the sparkling comic play of Alexander Ableisimov in the spirit of vaudeville was first played on the stage in 1779. After two hundred years, she is pleased to put modern theaters. The plot is extremely simple: the mother of Anyuta, a peasant woman, born of a noblewoman, but married to a peasant, with all her might impedes the wedding of her daughter who has chosen as her husband a peasant boy. He does not want to take him to the son-in-law and the girl's father. Conflict is caused to solve the artful and enterprising miller Thaddeus. Since the village belief says that all millers are sorcerers, Thaddeus does not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this, believing that a fortune is nothing but a deception. He becomes a matchmaker and, finding his own "key" to each, successfully convinces Anyuta's parents that they can not find a better son-in-law. In this funny sitcom there is everything that includes the meaning of the word "vaudeville".

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