Food and drink, Dessert
How to prepare a dessert "Mazurka" (cake)?
If you want to get not only tasty, but also original home-made dessert, then we offer to make an amazing treat called "Mazurka". A cake made of three different cakes will turn out to be incredibly tender and will certainly please your guests.
So how is this dessert made? This we will tell right now.
Fabulous cake "Mazurka": recipe
To make a delicious dessert for a festive table, we will need (for the test):
- Eggs large - 5 pcs .;
- Raisins are dark - ½ cup;
- Soda slaked - incomplete dessert spoon ;
- Wheat flour - about 250 g;
- Light sugar - 1.4 cups;
- Poppy seeds - ½ cup;
- Walnuts peeled walnuts - 2/3 cup.
Mesim biscuit dough
What kind of cakes is the "Mazurka" dessert made? The cake should be prepared from biscuit. For kneading the dough, we need a powerful blender.
So, chicken eggs are neatly divided into proteins and yolks. Next, half of the total amount of sugar used is added to each of the components. The yolks are carefully grinded with a spoon, and the whites are blended to stable peaks. After that, both masses are thoroughly mixed. In the future, they add to them slaked soda and light wheat flour.
Once you have a gentle semi-liquid dough, divide it into three equal parts. In one, add parboiled raisins, in the other - poppy seeds, and in the third - peeled crushed and fried walnuts.
Bake biscuits in the oven
How to bake cakes for dessert "Mazurka"? The cake, consisting of three cakes, is prepared in separate forms. They lubricate with oil, and then spread the dough with different fillers. Each cake is baked for 40 minutes. After that they are removed and completely cooled.
Ingredients for Cream
Which cream is most suitable for dessert "Mazurka"? Cake can be collected with sour cream or condensed cream. We decided to use the last option. For him we will need:
- Good butter - about 200 mg;
- Condensed milk not boiled - 200 ml.
Preparation of condensed cream
Before you make a thickened cream, butter should be thawed at room temperature. Then it is whipped with a mixer. After the culinary fat has turned white, not boiled condensed milk is gradually added to it.
Beat the ingredients together, get a high-calorie and very tasty cream.
Forming a cake
How to form a dessert "Mazurka"? To do this, use the cake plate. In it, first lay the walnut crust. It is well lubricated with cream, and then covered with poppy biscuit. In conclusion, a cake with raisins is placed on the semi-finished product.
After the described actions, all the dessert is smeared with cream, and then beautifully sprinkled with a mixture consisting of poppy seeds and crushed roasted walnuts.
Now you know how to make a cake "Mazurka" at home. A photo of this unusual delicacy is presented in this article.
Once the dessert is ready, it is sent to the refrigerator. For a thorough impregnation of all the cakes, the cake is kept for about five hours or longer.
How to serve to the table?
Before serving, the "Mazurka" dessert should be kept warm for half an hour. This will make it more tender and tasty. Serve such a cake family members or guests preferably with a cup of hot tea.
Helpful Tips
If you are afraid that thick cakes can not soak thick thickened cream, then they can be dipped in sweet syrup beforehand, and only then you can form a beautiful cake.
In addition to poppy seeds, walnuts and raisins, other fillers can be added to such a dessert. For example, a very delicious cake "Mazurka" with colorful candied fruits, crushed dried apricots, prunes, peanuts, hazelnuts and even chocolate chips.
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