Food and drinkDessert

Cake "Michelle": a recipe with a photo

Cake "Michelle" is an incredibly tasty dessert. However, work on it will take some time. If you believe the enthusiastic feedback, many are ready to puzzle the preparation of this dish for an amazing result. About how to create this multi-layer cake with a delicious filling of cherry jelly and vanilla cream, you will learn in our article.

Main Ingredients

Cake "Michelle" - a difficult dish, but it is prepared from the available ingredients. They can easily be found on the shelf of any store. In order to create a dessert, you will need the following products:

For vanilla biscuit:

  • Egg - 3 pieces
  • Sugar - polstakana;
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla extract - one spoon (tea)
  • Flour - one third of the glass;
  • Starch - two spoons (table) without a slide.

For chocolate biscuit:

  • Soft oil - 100 grams;
  • Sugar - polstakana;
  • An egg - two pieces;
  • Kefir (yoghurt) half a cup;
  • Chocolate - 60 grams;
  • Vanilla extract - half a teaspoon;
  • Cocoa - two tablespoons (table);
  • Flour - one spoon (dining room);
  • Ripper - one spoon (tea);
  • Soda - half a teaspoon;
  • Salt - one pinch.

For cherry jelly:

  • Cherry (frozen) pitted - 400 grams;
  • Gelatin - 30 grams;
  • Sugar - one tablespoon;
  • Water - one tablespoon.

For vanilla and chocolate cream:

  • An egg - two pieces;
  • Milk - 350 milliliters;
  • Starch - four tablespoons (table);
  • Sugar - polstakana;
  • Chocolate - 100 grams;
  • Cream - 500 milliliters;
  • Vanilla extract - half a teaspoon.

Preparation of vanilla biscuit

The cake "Michel" is made in several stages. The recipe for production involves the creation of vanilla biscuit.

  1. First you need to whip the yolks and a half portion of sugar and vanillin into a thick and thick foam.
  2. Then you need to beat the yolks into a strong, homogeneous mass. The indicator of the product's readiness will be soft peaks on the surface. After that, add the rest of the sugar to the contents of the container and mix again thoroughly.
  3. Next, you need to sift the yolks into flour and starch. After this, everything must be stirred with a plastic spatula.
  4. Now you should carefully combine the yolks with proteins. This should be done gradually, in several ways.
  5. After it is necessary to put the contents in a baking dish and send it to the oven. The temperature of baking is 170 degrees. Cooking time - 30 minutes.
  6. Then the finished biscuit should be removed from the stove and turned over to a metal grate for cooling.

Preparation of chocolate biscuit

Own cake is Michelle. The recipe with the photo clearly shows us how well white and chocolate color cakes look together. The taste of this combination is even better. So get ready to make a chocolate biscuit.

  1. First you need to take all the dry ingredients, properly sift them and mix.
  2. Next, beat the soft butter along with vanillin and sugar in a solid mass.
  3. After that, you must melt the chocolate.
  4. Then in the oil, continuously stirring, you need to enter one egg.
  5. Now everything should be mixed with chocolate.
  6. Then, in a mixture of dry ingredients, it is necessary to introduce liquid in several receptions, first kefir, then egg-and-oil mass. Each time the contents of the pot must be thoroughly mixed so that no lumps appear.
  7. After this, the resulting dough should be poured into a baking dish and put in the oven for 40 minutes. The cooking temperature is 180 degrees.
  8. Ready biscuit should be freed from the form and cool on the grate.

Creating a cherry jelly

The berry component is one of the most spicy in our dessert. With it, the cake "Michel" becomes especially tasty. Recipe step by step recommends making this ingredient a day before the final assembly of treats.

  1. First of all, you need to lay out berries and sugar in a saucepan. Then pour all with clean water. Then bring everything to a boil and cook for about 15 minutes.
  2. After that, the mixture must be filtered, to separate the juice from the pulp. The first should be put aside, and the second - to blend with a blender.
  3. Next in the juice should be dissolved gelatin. To do this, it must be introduced into the liquid for 10 minutes, and then - heated in a microwave until complete dissolution. Then, through a strainer in the gelatin, add cherry pulp. After you need to mix everything neatly and put in the refrigerator for the night.

Cream Preparation

  1. First you need to mix starch, sugar and eggs to a homogeneous state. Then they must be properly shaken with a fork.
  2. After this, you need to put the milk on medium heat, lightly heat up and enter into it a starch-egg mixture.
  3. Next, the ingredients should be cooked with constant stirring. You should achieve a dense consistency, but do not spoil the food. It is by the poet that the fire should be maintained at an average level.
  4. Then add vanilla extract to the resulting mass . After this, it must be cooled completely. Now we have a classic custard - magnificent and elastic.
  5. However, we need two kinds of filler. In order to create a vanilla cream enough to mix the custard with 300 milliliters of whipped cream. This delicacy will go directly to the cake "Michel".
  6. Preparation of chocolate cream is also not difficult - you need to mix the rest of the custard with melted chocolate and whipped cream (200 milliliters). Now all the ingredients of the future dessert are ready.

Confectionery assembly

  1. We proceed to the formation of cakes. Each biscuit should be divided into two parts. It turns out two white and two chocolate crusts.
  2. After that, a thick layer of vanilla cream should be applied to the chocolate biscuit.
  3. Next, put the chocolate cake. It must also be generously smeared with white cream, and a cherry jelly layer on top.
  4. Now you need to lay the ingredients in the following order: vanilla cream - white biscuit - again cream and chocolate cake.
  5. Then the cake should be coated on all sides with chocolate cream.
  6. If you wish, you can make a dessert with glaze. To do this, mix 150 milliliters of fatty cream and as much melted chocolate. It turns out effectively, but it takes a little longer.
  7. Cake "Michelle" is ready! Alternatively, it can be decorated with edible decorative chips or small pieces of chocolate.

Special Remarks

  1. Cake "Michelle", reviews of which are excellent, it is better to collect the next day after baking biscuits and making jelly. Then all the ingredients of this magnificent delicacy will be in the required stage of readiness - the cakes will cool properly, and the jelly will gain the proper firmness and elasticity.
  2. The optimal size of the baking dish is 20-22 centimeters in diameter. Suitable disposable metal or detachable containers. A small size will help easier to manage with the cakes - gently cut them along, without damaging the gentle surface.
  3. The container in which the loose ingredients are measured should be a volume of 250 milliliters. A standard faceted glass with thick walls will do.


Now you know the secrets of cooking the dessert we describe. The people are very popular cake "Michelle". "Romeo and Juliet" (reviews about it are positive) - another name for the confectionery. Apparently, the combination of chocolate and vanilla cakes with a cherry layer symbolizes the two halves of one whole, combined into something beautiful. In our case - a culinary masterpiece. Cake is suitable for a family holiday or a grand celebration. It will be appreciated by all your relatives and friends. Try different options, experiment with the ingredients, and you will succeed. Bon Appetit!

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