HealthHair loss

What to do if your hair falls out

The first thing that people pay attention to is his hair. Then they look at his clothes and shoes and then on his features. If all this looks proper, then the interlocutor is ready to begin to communicate with you or to know your inner world.

However, what to do if the hair fell out, and there is simply nothing to produce the first impression? For women, this is a painful issue, in which today we decided to sort out, to protect ourselves once and for all from the threat of alopecia.

What to do if your hair falls out

The rate of hair loss in a healthy person is 80 pieces per day. Visually, this is invisible to others, that is, none of the households collect them by the apartment and in the ready dishes in the kitchen.

If hair loss has become catastrophically noticeable, then it's time to visit a trichologist. Yes, you can solve your problem yourself by changing the image of nutrition and including vitamins in it, applying head massage and cosmetic masks. However, it is better to do it on the advice of a professional.

When hair falls out, what vitamins to drink

If you contact a trichologist, he will examine your scalp with special equipment, determine what causes hair loss, and prescribe a treatment.

The reasons can be different:

  • health problems;
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Insufficient supply of blood to the hair follicles.

Determine the cause with accuracy only a professional can, but the Russians are not used to talking frivolously to doctors and prefer self-treatment. In this case, it will be useful for you to know that for normal hair growth, vitamins are needed: A, E, C, D, F.

What to do if your hair falls out

Start with a head massage. A rush of blood to the skin will supply the follicles with nutrients, and hair loss can stop.

If after a week of using the massage, hair loss is almost not decreased, then the body lacks vitamins. They will need to be included in their diet in the form of pharmaceutical preparations, and in the form of foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, B, F, D, zinc and iron.

What to do if the girl's hair falls out

At a young age, children rarely get hair without good reason. You definitely need to send your child for examination, because this problem can be a sign of a more serious disease!

Hair loss can be caused by diseases of the thyroid gland or even more dangerous disease. After examination in the clinic and getting comforting results, you should consult a doctor-trichologist - then the problem is not with health in general, but directly with the skin of the head.

What to do if the hair drops completely

It is unfortunate that you did not begin to solve your problem even when you had a luxurious head of hair. It is much cheaper and more effective to prevent hair loss than to restore lost roots.

In modern cosmetology, there are many medical procedures that can revitalize your bulbs without hair transplant or other serious interference.

We wish you thick hair and never have problems with them! Do preventive maintenance, drink vitamins, visit the doctor on a regular basis and will be healthy and young for a long time.

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