HealthHealthy Eating

What to eat in the heat to cool

In the summer, the days become longer and warmer, but at the same time it is sometimes impossible to refresh yourself in the heat. However, food can help much more than ice cold drinks and air conditioning. Talking about what is better to eat in the heat, you can not forget about fresh vegetables and fruits. They will perfectly help you reduce your body temperature and refresh yourself. First of all, fruits are recommended that have a high water content and the necessary nutrients and antioxidants. Talking about what they eat in the heat, you can call grapes, apples, peaches, pears, berries, watermelons, melons, as well as various citrus (oranges for example). Fruits can be included in your diet in different ways. You can add them to the summer salad, mix with milk or yogurt and make a cocktail or eat them raw for a mid-morning snack.

The most common recommendation regarding what is eaten in the heat is advice to use a watermelon. It consists of 90 percent water, which helps to keep the liquid in the body in the heat. In addition, watermelon contains many vitamins A and C, has no fat and contains lycopene - an antioxidant that can help in the prevention of cancer and heart disease. In search of what is eaten in the heat, try to prepare the next salad - mix the watermelon slices with the crushed Feta cheese, pour olive oil and balsamic vinegar and sprinkle with the crushed leaves of the basil (fresh).

Melon also has a high water content, and its use helps to avoid dehydration at high temperature. This fruit is very low in calories and high in potassium. Although it is not a rich source of other nutrients, a small amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates makes the fruit ideal for losing weight, treating hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Melons are also considered a diuretic that can help rid the body of toxins. Following the recommendations on what is in the heat, try the following recipe - make melon pulp from the pulp and add the cut mint leaves into it.

Citrus fruits, including grapefruits, oranges, limes and lemons, are the most refreshing fruits. In addition to the delicious taste, they will give you health. Citrus fruits are considered to be an excellent source of microelements for skin health. They contain many phytonutrients acting as antioxidants, including flavonoids, anthocyanins, polyphenols. In citrus rich in vitamin C. In talking about what is eaten in the heat, do not forget about the right drink - start every day with a large glass of chilled water with lemon juice. This drink with a slight sour taste not only refreshes, but also helps to cleanse the body.

In addition, there is an abundance of vegetables that help reduce body temperature when it's hot around. These are cucumbers, radishes, lettuce and greens (arugula and spinach), as well as fresh herbs (for example, mint). All of them can actually help the body protect itself from overheating. There are many ways to include these vegetables in your diet. Just cut them into a bright summer salad, wrap in lavash or chop and mash.

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