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How to use the codes on "GTA: San Andreas" on the dog?

Today we will review the codes on "GTA: San Andreas" (on the dog). This game is one of the best in its genre. A lot of opportunities and an open world allowed the development of Rockstar to become truly unique.


A special cheat code on "GTA: San Andreas" adds a dog to the game, the presence of which was not provided by the creators of the project from the very beginning. Such a character brings into the process a huge variety, since it is a question of the best friend of a person. The codes for "GTA" on the dog need to be downloaded as a separate archive with the application. This solution is in the public domain.

What gives the appearance of the animal

First of all, by applying the codes to GTA: San Andreas to the dog, you can add a new character, and hence additional emotions. Sometimes new abilities, cars and weapons are not enough. The dog will allow to distract from continuous battles and shootings. The process becomes much more interesting. By the way, other animals can be added to the game: birds, turtles, fish. However, it is much more difficult to interact with them. In fact, they are only an active part of the scenery, which can not be said about the true dog.

Why you need to download the add-on

Codes on "GTA: San Andreas" on the dog can be obtained from trusted sources and successfully used them. Among other things, the dog can come to the rescue if our character needs it. You should carefully choose the source to download the add-on. The fact is that a lot of resources contain non-working materials or dummy archives. It is also possible to accidentally infect a computer with a virus, so you should check the package with the update with a PC protection system. After the special modification is installed, you can call a friend by pressing the D key. The dog refuses to come if the hero is in the water or does nothing. Control is carried out using the keys G and H.

Here is a step-by-step action algorithm that will add the dog to the game:

  1. Download the special add-on (without it, the code does not work, because there are no combinations for calling the animal under standard conditions).
  2. We check the resulting archive with an antivirus.
  3. We install the modification as a normal application.
  4. Run the game.
  5. Enter the code D, and the dog appears.
  6. Use the keys to control animals - G and H.
  7. We enjoy communicating with a true friend.

Now you know how to use the codes on GTA: San Andreas on the dog, but this is not the only useful addition that deserves attention. The following codes must be entered in a paused state. You can get a set of weapons for fans using the combination LXGIWYL. To get 250,000 dollars and armor, and to improve health, we introduce HESOYAM. A professional weapon set is opened with a combination of KJKSZPJ. You can increase the crime rate of our hero by 2 stars using the OSRBLHH code. If you need a set of weapons that is beyond the permitted range, it will be provided by the combination UZUMYMW. So we figured out how the codes on GTA: San Andreas are used on the dog, and also learned about some other tricks.

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