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Children's films of the USSR: the list of the best

The appearance of the cinema not only diversified the conduct of leisure activities, but also expanded the opportunities for parents and educators in the upbringing of children. While watching films, small viewers and older children learn about the lives of people in different countries, life and customs of peoples of different historical eras, learn to distinguish good from evil, true from false, beautiful from ugly, master moral and ethical norms.

Great attention was paid to children's films in the Soviet Union. Famous stories were screened, scenarios of fantastic, adventure tapes were created. Cinematographers did not forget about the relations of people, the interaction of the individual and the collective, the first love. Children's films of the USSR, the list of which occupies more than one page, are popular in our time.

What should be the cinema for children

Teachers and psychologists believe that children's cinema not only entertains, but also brings up. Screen heroes are models for imitation, to which every child and teenager is intuitively or consciously oriented. Therefore, the cinematographers have a great responsibility for who they show on the screen, how this character behaves, what characters have manners, habits, views on life. Also in children's films violence, erotic scenes, demonstration of a narcotism, prostitution, other negative phenomena are excluded. The content of the picture should be clear to the children.

All these positions were taken into account by Soviet writers and directors, so today we have wonderful children's films of the USSR. The list is approximately the following.

Movies of fabulous content

The fairy tale accompanies a person from early childhood, helps to better know the world around, teaches children to be kind, optimistic, not to be afraid of difficulties and to find a way out of any, even the most dangerous, situation.

Here is not a complete list of children's films-fairy tales of the USSR:

  1. "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors". The main heroine of the picture - capricious Olya - gets an opportunity to look at herself from the side. The girl gets to the fairy-tale country, where there is not a single working mirror. Characters have never seen their true guises, they do not distinguish truth from lies, and therefore hypocrisy, deception, slander and malice flourish in the kingdom. Fortunately, Ole managed to bring the negative heroes to clean water, to find his way home and, most importantly, to reconsider his behavior.
  2. "The Adventures of Pinocchio". The film tells of a restless, overly gullible boy who can not sit still, everywhere he puts his long nose, refuses to learn and gets into various troubles. Despite the peculiarities of his character (and, perhaps, thanks to them), Buratino manages to save his friends from the evil Karabas Barabas and help Pope Carlo find the secret door behind which is a beautiful puppet theater.
  3. "Cinderella". At the heart of this tale lies the idea that kindness, modesty and diligence sooner or later are rewarded.

Adventure and fantasy

It is unlikely that there will be a child or teenager who does not want to prove himself on the best side, to perform a heroic deed. Although the heroism is not very relevant for representatives of the modern generation, films for children of past years about the adventures of peers, they look with pleasure.

These are such pictures as:

  1. "Guest from the future." The girl Alice and her friends from the last century render harmless the space pirates, thus saving humanity. The guys were in grave danger, but they were able to win thanks to strong friendship and mutual assistance.
  2. "Adventures of Electronics." The creators of the film raise a serious philosophical problem concerning what it means to be a human being. The robot boy designed by the inventor tries to behave like a man and only at the end of the film understands that you can cease to be an intelligent machine only when you begin to feel truly human feelings (joy, sadness, compassion, etc.).
  3. "A great space journey." In Soviet times, many dreamed of flying into space, and the heroes of this film embodied their dream. True, the flight was not real, but the tests that fell to the lot of the boys and girls turned out to be quite real. During the "expedition" each participant took responsibility for the crew members and found a way out of difficult situations.

Here he is, a typical children's film of the USSR. Adventures, the list of which was limited only by the imagination of writers, screenwriters and directors, is in the film adaptation of the works of Mark Twain about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, the pictures "In Search of Captain Grant", "Treasure Island" and many others.

Historical Children's Cinema

In the Soviet Union films were filmed about the country's revolutionary past. You can differently relate to the events of the beginning of the twentieth century, but one can not but agree that children, the heroes of historical films, show themselves bold, steadfast and courageous (the characters' images are idealized, but this is a tribute to time), and thus serve as a worthy example for The younger generation. Therefore revolutionary children's films of the USSR, the list of which is proposed below, deserve attention:

  1. "Elusive Avengers". Three guys and a girl are in the thick of the civil war. In the village guy, Danki and his sisters, Ksanki, kill his father, and the teenagers, together with their friends, vow to take revenge on the murderer. I can not do this. Guys by a miracle are saved from trouble and become soldiers of the Red Army. While watching the film, it seems that yesterday's children do not fight against someone, but fight for the ideals of freedom, goodness and justice. Revolutionary activities of the characters continue in the films "New adventures of the elusive" and "Crown of the Russian Empire."
  2. Trilogy "Dirk", "Bronze Bird", "The Last Summer of Childhood". In the first film, friends Mishka, Genka and Slavka manage to find sunken documents and expose the counter-revolutionary organization. In the second and third parts of the trilogy, the guys disclose crimes.
  3. "The Wagtail Army." This picture also tells how teenagers fought for Soviet power, but the actions take place on the territory of Latvia.The name of the bird is a union consisting of three homeless boys.

Children during the war

From 1941 to 1945, the country experienced the hardships of the Great Patriotic War. Fascists were fought not only by adults, but also by children. The children's films of the USSR are also telling about the resistance of the people to the invaders. List of the best:

  1. "The son of the regiment." The main character of the novel of the same name, V. Kataev, Vanya Solntsev lost his parents in the war. The boy was sheltered by Soviet soldiers, whom he helped fight, extracting intelligence data. After the death of the battery, Vanya goes to the Suvorov School, in the cadets of which he takes part in the Victory Parade.
  2. "The Salty River of Childhood." Actions take place on the troubled Syrdarya river, through which important cargo is transported. The only adult working at the crossing was the old man Zeynolla. After the elderly person dies, all adolescents are responsible for the work performed.
  3. "Five brave". The film tells about the children who helped the Belarusian partisans to fight the fascists. Once they manage to destroy the German weapons warehouse. The operation was so successful that the Nazis thought that the partisan detachment had done it.

Movies about relationships

In the country of the Soviets it was considered that schoolchildren, pioneers are exemplary children who behave exceptionally well, do not deceive and betray friends, clearly follow the rules of behavior, watch children's films of the USSR (list attached) and dream of labor exploits and Military glory. These stereotypes destroyed R. Bykov's feature film "Scarecrow".

The plot is based on the conflict between the schoolgirl Lena Bessoltseva and her classmates. A girl who has not enjoyed success with her peers yet, takes upon herself the guilt of her friend, for which she becomes an outcast. The boycott, which announced Bessoltzova sixth grade students, was a real test, but in the end the girl was on top.

About the fact that love is not only happiness, but also serious trials, the heroes of the film "You never dreamed." Katya and Roma in love can not be together because of the vicissitudes of the adults around them. Parents try to prevent the development of relations between adolescents, but the result of these actions is sad.

The difficulties of establishing a relationship between a growing person and adults and peers are also described in the film "The Wild Dog of Dingo".

Children's feature films of the USSR, the list of which can be infinitely supplemented, contributed to the worthy upbringing of more than one generation of children. Today these people, themselves become dads and mothers, with pleasure show their favorite movies to their children.

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