Food and drink, Main course
What kind of croup is this couscous? Benefit and harm of grain crops
Many people have probably heard about the valuable and taste qualities of couscous. In our country, it does not enjoy such great popularity, as, for example, in Morocco. Moroccan women know a lot of original recipes based on this cereal. Prepare it with a variety of vegetables, seafood and meat. In more detail tell about couscous. The benefits and harm of this cereal will be described in today's article.
Under a mysterious and unusual name for us, ordinary croup is found, which is obtained from solid varieties of rice, barley or millet. Its home is the sunny country of Morocco, where it is considered a national dish and consumed daily. The product is popular in African countries, such as Libya, Algeria, Tunisia.
They love and appreciate couscous for their high nutritional value. Useful properties of porridge are really unique, which is why the population is so respectful of this dish. The technology of making a grain product is very similar to the production of pasta. In the sale come very small grains - no more than 1.5 mm.
Biochemical composition
In the composition of cereals are essential for the human body macroelements (magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium) and trace elements (manganese, zinc, copper, iron). Rich in polyhydric alcohols and plant styrenes couscous. Benefit and harm are the subject of research of specialists. The product contains a lot of thiamine (B1), nicotinic acid (vitamin B3), riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acid, pyridoxine.
Rich in cereals amino acids: arginine, alanine, aspartate, glycine, valine, isoleucine, glutamic acid, isoleucine, lysine, proline and leucine. It also contains fatty acids: tetradecanoic, palmitic and octadecanoic acids. As you can see, a whole set of nutrients can boast of couscous.
Benefits for man
Specialists and doctors unanimously say that the regular application of the grain culture helps to fight insomnia and chronic fatigue. Thanks to the enriched chemical composition, it is possible to cope with depressive states and neurotic disorders. Particularly shown to people engaged in active mental and physical activity.
Couscous has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. It is recommended to use it for sick anemia. In addition, croup improves the regeneration of the epidermis of the skin, prevents earlier aging, strengthens the hair follicles and helps cope with various inflammatory phenomena. It is not without reason that it is advised to use it in the period of respiratory diseases, when it is necessary to strengthen the immune system.
Kasha can be given to adults and small children with disorders of the intestinal tract. In addition, croup stabilizes water-salt metabolism, reduces harmful cholesterol and increases hemoglobin. And due to the presence of potassium in the composition, the cardiovascular system is strengthened. Cuskus has a stimulating effect on the work of brain activity and prevents the development of joint diseases.
Caloric value and nutritional value
Nutritionists consider this cereal an ideal product for weight stabilization, because it has a sufficiently high glycemic index and consists of complex carbohydrates. In simple words, eating a portion of porridge for breakfast, you for a long time get rid of hunger and fill the body with valuable substances. As you know, complex carbohydrates are indispensable in losing weight. At 100 gr. The product accounts for 376 kcal. It is shown to sportsmen, children and elderly people couscous.
Harm and contraindications
Undoubtedly, the grain culture is very nutritious and useful. But even with such a generous and valuable composition, croup has some contraindications. With caution, it is necessary to use it for diabetics and people with a high degree of obesity. Persons with intolerance to cereals should also be extremely careful and better not to use this cereal. Cusk does not have any other contraindications. Benefits and harm are on the opposite sides of the scales.
What to cook?
For those who are interested in this product, we will describe a tasty and simple recipe.
Ingredients: couscous (150 gr.), Champignons (200 gr.), Young zucchini, eggplant, onion, cherry tomatoes (you can take other varieties) - 10 pcs., Turmeric, pepper and salt.
Finely chop the onion, brown until golden and add mushrooms - fry for five minutes. Zucchini with blue cut into small cubes and lay to the mushroom mass. Do not forget to pepper and salt. Bring the vegetable mixture to half-ready.
In a glass of boiling water, add turmeric and salt - pour into the frying pan. There also put the tomatoes - leave for a few minutes to bask. Remove from the plate and add the rump. A hearty and high-grade dish is ready for use.
For breakfast, cook yourself a delicious porridge with dried fruits and nuts - charge energy for the entire coming day. Do not exclude from the diet couscous. The benefits and harms of this valuable grain crop are now known to you.
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