
What is useful for hair mask kefir

One of the simplest and most common for home use of hair masks is kefir, as it contains a large number of living bacteria that will help you in solving a variety of problems with your hair. From what exactly components are added to it, depends on what is useful for kefir hair mask, that is, it will be possible to achieve different effects. Apply masks to washed, slightly damp hair, keep them required for at least an hour. The result will be more noticeable if you cover your hair with a film, and warm it from above, for example, wrapping your head with a towel.

For all the simplicity of this mask, after its application, the hair becomes softer. However, in order to understand the usefulness of the kefir hair mask and to feel radical changes in the hair condition, of course, this procedure should be done quite often and for a fairly long period of time.

Some women wash their hair with kefir. That is, they replace them with a purchased shampoo. However, if you have fat roots, and the tips are dry enough and you just want to feed them a little with kefir, most likely, you can not do without shampoo, as many people after using kefir hair become heavier and greasy. And you want to wash them 2 times with shampoo.

You can say this dairy product is good enough as a supporting, an auxiliary means for the treatment of hair loss - this is what the kefir hair mask is useful for. Nevertheless, one should not place too high hopes on him in the treatment of hair. Kefir is unlikely to be able to actively activate growth, because it is generally difficult to achieve exclusively by external procedures. However, for dry hair the mask will be a good nutrient.

In order to enhance the effectiveness of yogurt, you can add a little honey, vegetable oil or a little essential oil in this mask, as esters are remarkably dissolved in different lactic acid products, this base will be very useful, and esters will help strengthen the strengthening effect on the hair.

Kefir promotes the activation of metabolism, as well as it replenishes the lack of trace elements and minerals in the body, which has a beneficial effect on hair strengthening and their normal growth - this is the main thing that the kefir hair mask is useful for.

In order to make such a mask for hair, it should be heated about a glass of kefir, in it to dissolve a tablespoon of honey, then carefully mix the resulting mixture. Apply the prepared mixture to a well-washed hair, which must be slightly moist. After two hours, the kefir mask should be washed off with warm water.

Another very useful mask for hair from rye bread and yogurt. It is necessary to cut the rye bread into small pieces and pour them a little warm kefir. Let the bread brew for about 4 hours in a sufficiently warm place. Blend the mixture and add to it 1 spoonful of honey, castor and burdock oil and 2 tbsp. Tablespoons of henna (colorless). Thoroughly mix the prepared mask and apply it to the very roots of the hair for about 1 hour, then wash off with a shampoo suitable for your hair type.

Mask of yogurt with infusion of nettle.

We also advise you to try to make a mask for hair on kefir with the addition of the nettle. Dried nettle leaves need to pour a little warmed kefir and the resulting mixture to stand for about two hours. Then the mixture is filtered through a sufficiently fine strainer or through gauze, which must be folded into several layers. Clean skin on the head should be moistened with infusion and a little massage. Rinse hair after this procedure with water is not necessary. The characteristic smell will very quickly erode.

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