
Easy breathing with the drug "Akvalor Fort"

Perhaps, no one will object to the fact that the cold is almost the most unpleasant symptom of the common cold. A stuffy nose, a splitting head, irritability bring in our everyday life gray and bleak. However, there is a reliable drug against the common cold that facilitates breathing, promotes a speedy recovery and replaces gray with bright colors - this means "Akvalor Fort". The instruction is quite simple.

A few words about the drug

The drug contains natural sea water extracted in an ecologically clean area of the Atlantic Ocean and, accordingly, has all the active microelements and substances that make up its composition: Zn, K, Cl, Mg, Na, Fe, I, etc. The drug is recommended for adults and Children aged two years.


  • With influenza and ARVI;
  • With chronic and acute rhinitis;
  • With sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • With adenoiditis;
  • With deformities and distortions of the nasal septum ;
  • After operations of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses for early recovery;
  • With increased dryness of the nasal mucosa.


There were no contraindications to the use of the drug "Akvalor Fort". You can use the medicine during pregnancy and lactation. After operations in the nasal cavity it is necessary to talk with the doctor about the use of the drug.

Side effects

Side effects when using the drug is not revealed.

Dosage and route of administration

The agent "Akvalor Fort" is applied intranasally, maintaining sterility throughout the entire period of use. For the purpose of prevention, one should wash each nasal passage one to three times a day. For the purpose of hygiene, only one wash once a day is sufficient. For therapeutic purposes, each nasal passage is washed two to four times a day (if necessary, the procedure can be repeated more often).

Mode of application:

  • You need to tilt your head to one side;
  • In the nasal passage carefully insert the tip of the can;
  • Wash the nasal passage for a couple of seconds;
  • Should blow your nose well.

This action must be carried out with each nasal passage and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Why is it necessary to use the drug "Akvalor Fort"?

There are several advantages of this tool:

  • The medicine is of high quality. All forms of the drug contain pure sea water and meet the requirements of the European standard: they are continuously sprayed for better washing; The nozzles exactly repeat the shape of the nasal passage, which facilitates the procedure and does not contribute to damage; During the whole period of use the product maintains sterility;
  • The drug is safe. The product does not contain colorants and preservatives. Suitable for use in children from birth and pregnant women. Does not cause allergies and habituation. Sterile;
  • A wide line of drugs - the ability to choose the right one. The medication is available in forms for the whole family, differing in volume, in spraying options, in the content of sea water or medicinal plants;
  • Availability and usability. The drug is used at any angle, does not spill and does not change the direction of spraying. The cost of the facility (very affordable) is fully recovered by its quality;
  • Proven effectiveness. Clinical studies have shown that the drug is highly effective in the treatment of adults and children.

"Akvalor forte" - reviews

Users of various forums and online communities note the high effectiveness of the drug, the absence of side effects and the convenience of using the drug. Forums are full of words of gratitude to manufacturers and doctors who have prescribed this remedy. Some particularly note the fact that the drug "Akvalor Fort" is a little expensive. However, its effectiveness is much higher than the price.

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