
What is the definition in Russian. Types of definitions in Russian

The question, what is the definition in Russian, is considered in the syntax section. The definition is one of the secondary members involved in the proposal; Characterizes the feature of the subject, answering the questions: whose, which, which? The definition can be represented by a single word and a speech construct.

Classification of definitions by the property of a syntactic connection. The condition of matching by genus. Definitions agreed upon by number and case form. Used parts of speech

By the nature of the relationship between the components of the word combination, the main types of definitions in the Russian language are distinguished: agreed; Uncoordinated; An additional kind of definition is an application. The agreed definitions are expressed:

  • A noun that can vary in numbers: destiny is a villain ;
  • Adjective: green Mercedes;
  • Participle: the unfading light;
  • Ordinal numerals: first messenger;
  • Pronominal adjective: my hero.

The agreed definitions take the form of the case and the number of the word, the sign of which they express. In the singular they are consistent with the main word and by gender.

Parts of speech in the role of isolated definitions. Variants of isolation relative to the main words

A separate definition in the Russian language is represented by participles and adjectives. It can be isolated both intonationally and punctuation in those cases if:

  • Is expressed by an adjective with a dependent word and stands in the postposition;
  • Is involved in the turnover in the postposition;
  • Several single definitions follow the main word provided with another prepositional definition;
  • A single postpositive definition reinforces the meaning of the main word;
  • Is remote from the word being determined by other members of the sentence;
  • The definition refers to the pronoun.

Parts of speech in the role of uncoordinated definitions. What is a definition in Russian, created by the type of contiguity or control

Uncoordinated definitions with the main word are connected by type of contiguity or control by:

  • Noun in the nominative: on Lake Sivash ;
  • Noun in one of the oblique cases:
    • With the preposition: trousers in stripes ;
    • Without a preposition: the songs of the sea ;
  • A verb of an indefinite form (infinitive): the intention to enter ;
  • Unalterable adjective: cache- payment;
  • Possessive pronoun: their family, not his fault, her happiness;
  • Adverbs: meat in a Captain's style ;
  • Word combinations:
    • Phraseological units: poor as a church rat , he managed to look decent;
    • Phraseologically free phrases: there was still time to think and go back .

Characteristics of the application and its imaginative power

An appendix as a kind of definition expressed by a noun may consist of a definable word in the relations "private-general" by the type of adjacency or agreement. This is a convenient and often used technique, because this definition in Russian is most graphically conveyed:

  • Property or quality of the object: bird- troika ;
  • Title, age, profession of man: steelmaker Ivanov;
  • More precise indication or explanation: The Urals, the main landmark of the European-Asian border , stretched from north to south;
  • Names of trade marks, works of art, enterprises: the novel "Dead Souls" ;
  • Geographical names: Hindustan Peninsula.

Classification of definitions by the type of connection in the phrase. Management, alignment, abutting

In the phrase always one of the types of subordinate communication is established, such as:

  • Coordination of the definition with the main word;
  • Definition management ;
  • The adjunction of the definition to the main word.
Types of definitions in Russian

Type of connection


Definition as part of speech

The nature of communication


In hero cities


The determined (main) word establishes for its definition (dependent word) case, gender, number.

Affectionate May


Our mothers

Pronominal adjective

Third horseman


The coming century



Noun of the oblique case:

The main word puts the definition in one of the cases, which is retained by it for any declension of the main word.

Lesson on schedule, schedule lesson

A) with a preposition (unchanged with the declension of the main word)

Brother of husband, brother of husband, brother of husband

B) without a preposition

possessive pronoun:

For his misfortune, for his misfortune, for his misfortune

A) with a preposition (with the declension of the main word, the preposition is replaced)

Her dress, her dress, her dress

B) without a preposition


Magazine "Crocodile", from the magazine "Crocodile"

Immutable noun in the nominative

Type of communication without external manifestations. The definition is adjacent to the main word in the only form that exists for it.

Komi literature, for the literature of Komi

Unalterable adjective

A shotgun with a shotgun




Homogeneous definitions as a method of comprehensive characterization of the sign of the word being determined, intonational and punctuation features

In the Russian language, homogeneous definitions are included as equal words, characterizing an equally determined word.

  1. May relate to a single feature of the subject, which in the conversation is conveyed by the intonation of the enumeration.
  2. They can pass the gradation of the sign: close, familiar, beloved .
  3. If different characteristics are listed, homogeneity is observed according to the criterion common for all (the effect on the listener, the qualitative parameter):
  • White, faded desert sky;
  • Long, straight, thick hair.

Example of preparation for the lesson in the 6th grade: Regularities in the formulation of uncoordinated definitions. Repetition of the topic covered and assessment of the acquired knowledge

Russian language lesson. Definition.

Subject: Patterns of registration of uncoordinated definitions.

Educational goals:

  • Consider in the role of definitions previously studied parts of speech;
  • Form the notion of agreement definition.

Developmental objectives:

  • To establish the difference between the agreed type of definition and the inconsistent;
  • Stimulate creative thinking;
  • Develop analytical skills, train associative thinking.

Educational goals:

  • To increase the applied interest in native speech;
  • Deepen understanding of the role of language in the history of the Russian people.

Type of lesson work: deepening of the fundamental knowledge of the course.

Checking and assessing the degree of mastery of the previous topic:

  • Rule about the indirect addition (2 people).
  • Exercise 131 (1 person orally).

Repeating class 5 material from the "Definition" section. Acquaintance with the theme of uncoordinated definitions and rules for their design. Phimminutka for training the eyesight - working with cards. Independent work in groups

The theme of this lesson is: Patterns of uncoordinated definitions.

1. Indication of the goal.

2. Brief review of the 5 th class "What is the definition in Russian":

  • Write on the board word combinations;
  • Note orthograms;
  • Specify the method of communication;
  • To name parts of speech;
  • Indicate the number and case of dependent words;
  • To formulate conclusions in positions:

A) the definition function;

B) differences in the type of connection;

  • Draw a classification classification scheme in the notebook:

3. Independent reading of the theoretical section.

4. Entry of the topic into the notebook: "Ways to register inconsistent definitions" .

5. Retelling the rule.

6. Withdrawal of visual tension - display of cards. Definition in Russian: questions-guidelines.

Survey and performance of exercises in order to consolidate new material. Work in groups, familiarity with texts of different levels of complexity

Fixing new material:

  • The formation of coherent and uncoordinated word combinations (verbally 4 people);
  • Write out the specified phrases on the board, indicating the type of definition (1 person);
  • Give examples of definitions with an explanation of their role in the conversation.

Work in groups:

Texts for work
I "Description of the school."
II "A thousand times better to have common sense without education than having the education to be devoid of common sense". RG Ingersoll
III The school, the medics .. on, ol .. the guar, the leader .. the estate, with .. knowledge, p ..port, j .. ethan, p..aa, tel..graph, erudite..y, bra .. St., Prosv.schenie, sh..kolada,, greater .. nstvo,,, she (?) Svovat, ch..mp3, to .. mfort.
IV "The most equipped office in the school."
V "During the trial testing, Lena tried to use a cheat sheet. The teacher noticed this and evaluated the result of her testing for a deuce. How to talk to the teacher and should I tell my parents about this? "
VI "To understand the role of the definition in the Russian language is unlikely to want a careless student who even a simple dictation can write with so many mistakes and corrections that from the red dung of the teacher's pen he has a ghost in his eyes. Without the hard work of thought without developing skills, attending classes will be meaningless. "

Distribution of texts. The general task is to select the definitions. Additional tasks

Groups Creative task Analytical assignment
I Leave on your own behalf. Denote the definitions.
II Rewrite the statement by placing commas.

Confirm or refute the author's opinion.

Give arguments.

Highlight definitions.

III Write out the words in the context of "education".

Describe this relationship by the example of the selected words.

Write phrases with these words.

Highlight definitions.

IV Describe your impression. Distinguish definitions.
V To clarify the situation.

Describe possible actions.

Highlight definitions.

VI Perform a punctuation test. Write out the word combinations with an agreed definition.

Final concepts: what is the definition in the Russian language; Designations of uncoordinated definitions. Homework

  • Learn the rules for denoting inconsistent definitions.
  • Write 5 phraseological units from the life of birds.
  • Exercises for podgoku to dictation.
  • Exercise on the topic covered.

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