Education, Languages
What is a keyword in the text, and how to find it?
For those who work with the text, it is very important to find keywords in it. What is a keyword in the text? Let's understand.
Definition of concept
If you correctly find the keywords in the text, then it will not be difficult to restore the entire text. Alexander Blok said this about this: the text is a blanket stretched over several pegs. Key words are the basic fragments of the text that carry the content load of the whole statement and are arranged in a certain order.
If they are found and located correctly, then the meaning of the text will be clear and understandable.
Supporting words in the fairy tale "Ryabka Kuroka"
Take as an example the most famous text - the fairy tale "The Chicken Ryaba". Each sentence contains the following keywords:
- Grandfather and woman;
- Chicken Ryaba;
- testicle;
- Golden
- They did not break it;
- Mouse;
- it broke;
- Cry;
- I'll take down a simple one.
With these reference fragments, all text is easily recovered.
How to find keywords
What is a keyword in the text? Usually it is the main member of the proposal, well, at least one of them. If you select a keyword from the stem, then select the one that is associated with the subsequent context. Usually, secondary members are elected in the role of support on this principle - in connection with the following proposal.
Find the keywords on the example text
Let us turn to a concrete example and find in it the supporting words:
1) Conscience suddenly disappeared. 2) Until recently, she flashed here or there, and suddenly disappeared. 3) The internal turmoil and an eternal restlessness of the soul have subsided, which forever bore and disturbed the conscience by their mere presence. 3) Became freer and somehow more expansive. 4) People, getting out of the yoke of conscience, sighed with relief, hurried to take advantage of the fruits of neglect. 5) They became frenzied: robbery and robbery, fraud and fraud began. 6) In the end, there was general chaos and ruin. (According to ME Saltykov-Shchedrin)
So, we have to search for keywords in the text, and we will write out parts of the fundamentals of sentences or the whole of the basics:
1) conscience;
2) disappeared;
3) Trouble and restlessness subsided;
4) became freer;
5) people hastened to take advantage;
6) were furious;
7) chaos and ruin.
To verify the correctness of the work done, you need to try to restore the text by these words. Try to do this, if you succeed, it means that we coped successfully with the task.
Drawing up a basic summary
When we know what a keyword is in the text, you can use this knowledge in the process of compiling a basic summary. Let's take an easy text-description for training:
The night threw her blanket over the autumn forest. There was peace and quiet in it. Silence fell silent in the trees. They seem scared. A lonely leaf falls from time to time with a soft rustle. Milky-white mist broke away from the lake and swam to the edge of the forest.
And suddenly a breeze came. He reassured the tops of trees encouragingly and dispersed the fog. And then the mischief dashed off to meet the dawn.
The stars shine in the sky, giving mystery and splendor to the picture of the night.
That's the dawn! Awakened the world from sleep. The forest stirred, fluttered and stretched towards the sun with joy and delight.
Create a reference note - find in the text keywords | Bright text expressions that need to be preserved when the text is retold, but they are not key. |
First paragraph
Second Paragraph
Third paragraph
The fourth paragraph
| Cover They reigned Alone Milky white. The mischief Shine Awake. He stretched. |
If we are faced with the task of writing an exposition, then, having written down the left part of the sheet (the reference note) at the first reading, and if the second one is the right part (vivid expressions), we can easily cope with this task.
Keywords - search engine helpers
Nowadays the concept of "keywords" has one more meaning - this is what is the content of the site and what the search engines are looking for. For example, I am a seller of pans, and I have an online store. On my page I place text in which I use this word several times. A person who wants to buy a frying pan will enter the name of this item in the search bar, and my site will be published.
In this case, you need to consider the density of keywords in the text. If it is too large, in almost every sentence, the search engine will find the site spammed and will not display it as one of the first results.
Let's do a practical lesson and try to find keywords in an article from a website, for example, in the following way:
This journey changed my life! Altai is a truly fabulous place! It reveals in a person hidden opportunities, which he himself did not even guess! Every day here is full of events: that day, then new impressions. You come to a new place and you think: here it is, the most beautiful place in Altai! And in half an hour you are at another point, which is even more beautiful, even more magnificent!
Separately I want to thank Alexander, our guide, conductor and just a specialist with a capital letter. He could infect us with love for Altai, and now we are like all relatives united by one connection - affection for this magical place. Although everything is far from each other, but we correspond and communicate, remembering this beautiful fairy tale, whose name is Altai!
Answer: Altai
So we figured out what a keyword is in the text. Without it, it is impossible to imagine a coherent statement, as you can see.
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