LawState and Law

Types of legal liability

Legal responsibility is related to law, the state and, of course, the law. The state is able to apply it regardless of the desires of subjects of legal relations. If it can be argued that the state in this case is a support or even a coercive mechanism, it is reasonable to call the law the mechanism by which this coercion occurs.

Concept and types of legal responsibility

It is understood as nothing more than the application of certain measures of state coercion in relation to persons who violated the rights protected by law. All people for the committed unlawful acts must bear responsibility before the law, and also by the court - this is one of the most important differences of legal responsibility from the moral.

The legal responsibility, the concept and types of which are considered in this article, has very specific features. To them it is possible to carry:

- embodiment in procedural form;

- reliance on state coercion;

- negative consequences for violators of the law;

- public condemnation;

- can come only for certain acts (for those that are provided by various legal norms);

- Legal liability can only be imposed for committed acts;

- can not step twice for the same crime;

- can only be imposed by competent authorities.

Types of legal responsibility are different. They differ both in the nature of the misconduct and in the consequences that may occur for these offenses.

Types of legal liability are as follows:

- Administrative;

- criminal;

- material;

- civil law;

- Disciplinary.

One of its varieties is criminal liability. Only persons accused of criminal deeds (crimes) can be brought to her. Note that they are called guilty actions, registered in the Criminal Code. Such legal responsibility may entail extremely unpleasant measures of state coercion, possibly substantial restriction of the rights of a person found guilty of committing a crime. Criminal responsibility may come not only for the crime committed, but also for attempting to commit it, complicity, training and so on. It is much more serious than all other kinds of legal responsibility.

Only a court can recognize a person guilty. It can also be imposed only by him. With all this, it is necessary to observe a certain procedural form.

Administrative liability is assumed to be administrative responsibility. This kind of punishment, as a rule, is applied in order to prevent new offenses. It can in no way be associated with physical or moral harm, the dignity of a person should not suffer.

Types of punishment:

- an administrative fine ;

- Disqualification;

- Arrest (administrative);

- administrative termination of activities and so on.

Special types of punishment are applied to legal persons , however, they are most often subject to fines.

For violations of military, labor, educational, official discipline, disciplinary liability is applied. It can be associated not only with the commission of a misdemeanor, but also with the failure to perform any compulsory actions.

The following penalties are possible:

- dismissal:

- reprimand;

- a remark.

The types of legal liability include civil liability. It occurs in the event of damage to someone's property, non-fulfillment of obligations under contracts and so on. This legal liability may entail sanctions on the type of compensation for harm, the performance of certain actions and so on.

There is also material responsibility. It is understood as the duty of the employee to compensate for the damage caused to the employer in the event of damage to the instruments of production, goods, and so on.

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