
Cedar Oil: Properties, Application, Feedback

The largest areas of cedar forests in Russia are in the Altai, Tyva and the south of the Tomsk region. Siberian pine cedar pine is called Siberian cedar. To the genus of such pines also belong mountain cedar stlanik, pine cedar Manchurian - cedar Korean. But a full nut is collected only in the forests in the south of Siberia, and cedar oil is produced from it.

Sacred tree

In Altai, and in all of Siberia, cedar is revered. He feeds his nuts all in the taiga. They do not disdain sable, bear, chipmunks and squirrels prepare supplies for the winter. A feathered nutcraper is engaged in the resettlement of cedar, it hides nuts so much that it can not eat during the winter, and in the spring the nuclei germinate with new trees. Along with the walnut oil, this sacred tree of the Siberian forests gives man numerous gifts: cedar gum, butter, which is expelled from the needles, as well as by-products from the processing of walnut and gum.

By its composition of nutrients and the content of fat, the pine nut is even ahead of even the walnut and peanuts. The peoples of the south of Siberia have been pressuring cedar oil in harvest years from time immemorial. And now many people like Cedar oil. Feedback from those who have tried it at least once, only positive.

Cedar nut oil

Surprising properties of this product to the people of Siberia are known for a long time and have been successfully used for the treatment of various diseases. It was used for preparing dessert dishes and for ritual purposes. The Old Believers, who fled to Siberia from Nikonianism, used cedarwood as an incense, and the holy oil of Siberian cedar burned in the lamps.

All these unique properties can be explained by two reasons. Cedar - one of the oldest species of coniferous trees. Places of its growth are in the most ecologically clean regions of Russia. Therefore, the healing oil is cedar oil, the properties of which are unique in that it has practically no contraindications to consumption. Can only if dietary, as the caloric value of the nut is high.

One of the important properties of cedar nut oil is due to the presence in it of a large amount of vitamin E, which is responsible for the correct metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, protects cells of our body from the effects of free radicals. Vitamin E slows the aging process, gives us youth. In the Siberian villages it was believed that the pine nut restores male strength.

The composition of this product

And what substances contains cedar oil? Composition of his Is unique:

  • The fat content in pine nuts is only slightly inferior to walnut - 61 g compared to 65 g per 100 g of walnut;
  • And the content of vitamin F, unsaturated fatty acids exceeds fish oil - about 94%;
  • Vitamin E is greater than in olive oil;
  • Vitamins of group B are present in their entirety;
  • The mineral composition of cedar oil is rich in zinc, magnesium, tin, phosphorus and rare earth metals ;
  • By the content of proteins, cedar is on the average place in the family of nuts, but a protein composition that is balanced in a special way is peculiar only to him.

Cedar Oil: Application

First of all, it is used in the treatment of gastric diseases, stomach and duodenal ulcers. Its use is reduced to ingestion of a teaspoon of oil on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day. In the same way, gastritis is treated. This dose also helps with cholelithiasis.

Ingestion has no contraindications, but for the treatment of diseases of internal organs, the use of cedar oil should be agreed with the doctor. Half or full teaspoon for 20-30 minutes before meals three times a day can be used as a curative and as a preventive tool for strengthening immunity.

Rubbing cedar oil, especially if it is a mixture with a pasta or a grease, has a beneficial effect on the spine and joints. But after such procedures it is necessary to keep warm. Therefore, it is better not to apply the procedure in a bath to avoid hypothermia. After bath procedures at home before bedtime - the optimal solution.

External application

For the skin, cedar oil is used very often. It has always been a panacea for various injuries and diseases:

  • Frostbite and burns, lubricated with nut balm, heal very quickly;
  • It is good for ulcers and bedsores;
  • Eczema, lichen, diathesis disappear after a brief application;
  • And, of course, it is an excellent cosmetic product - moisturizing the skin, eliminating the peeling, giving the skin elasticity - this is its main qualities.

Use of this tool in cosmetology

At the Siberian beauties, cedar oil always enjoyed a well-deserved popularity. It was used to care for hair and nails. Periodic rubbing of a small amount into the scalp strengthened the roots, eliminated hair loss. Baths in herbal decoction with subsequent nourishment of nails with cedar oil significantly strengthened them.

Applying it as a cosmetic for skin care requires care.

  • Dry skin will quickly respond positively to such care.
  • Normal and oily skin can also be nourished with cedar oil, but it is necessary to do this for half an hour before bath procedures. In the process, oil is absorbed by the skin, and excess fat is washed away with steam and water.
  • Cedar oil for hair requires the preparation of a balm consisting of it and fresh tea: a teaspoon for half a glass. If the hair is oily, 30 g of vodka is added to the mixture.
  • Lubrication of hands during the winter against dryness is determined by the same requirements.
  • For procedures with manicure, especially after removing the varnish, it is recommended to nourish the cuticle of nails with cedar oil.

Cedar oil is a powerful natural antioxidant

Prevention of cancer, protection of the body from the effects of free radicals were not known to our ancestors. Applying cedar oil, they instinctively protected themselves from the adverse effects of food and natural phenomena. Magnetic and radiation exposure to natural anomalies also existed in ancient times. Cedar oil protected our ancestors.

Scientists have identified the ability to remove from the human body radionuclides with cedar oil. Moreover, this ability is actual in the modern world. Vitamins of group B normalize the nervous system, here they are contained in its entirety. Clinical studies confirm: the psychoemotional state magically improves with the regular intake of small amounts of pine nuts. Cedar oil in capsules is a convenient option for such application.

How to make butter from walnut

The best product is the one that is produced in the traditional way. Cold spinning during production preserves not only all microelements, amino acids and fats. In full in the vitamins remain - the main health pantry.

In the Altai villages, the walnut was cleared of shells on a special device. It looks like an ordinary hand mill, on which the Altaians grind the toasted corn on a talcum (a kind of barley). With a certain adjustment, such a mill cleaves the nuts, and the shells, together with the kernels, roll down into the collecting box.

The kernels, separated from the shell on the winnowing machine, are carried to the press. The present pressure press is made of hardwoods, but the containers are made of cedar wood, from a solid tree, the one that dried on the vine. Such wood is surprisingly strong and does not rot.


This product was extracted with the help of a tap of cedar plantations. To date, industrial cutting of this tree across Russia is prohibited, and this barbarous way of extracting resin from live cedar wood is also not used. But, as the great Russian woodcutter V. V. Dokuchaev said, there is no forest without cutting. Forestry enterprises carry out selective reforesting cuttings. In the course of them, it becomes possible to prepare a small amount of gum, which is now used for medical purposes.

Cedar gum, in comparison with pine, contains more terpentines and essential oils. Its antiseptic properties have long been known. In this category, cedar is beyond competition. Even drying it on the trunk occurs throughout the warm season. Barras, hardened gum, retains almost all the useful properties. If there is turpentine cedar in cedar oil, reviews about this product are the most enthusiastic. Apply the product as an external antifungal and wound healing, used in creams and balms.

Another type of cedar oil

Cedar oil, obtained by distillation of cedar lapnika (branches with needles), is widely known to a wide range of readers. This is due to the popularity of fir oil and a ban on cedar felling. But, as indicated above, the opportunities for small pieces remain. If a forestry enterprise produces fir oil, it is not difficult to drive out cedar oil in small quantities. Migration of equipment for this is not required.

Cedar oil from coniferous foot is, in fact, the same gum, but with a higher content of essential oils and lower - rosin. This is the essence of a powerful action for external use. Essential oils, rich in phytoncides and trace elements, are used to treat rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis, for inhalations for colds. Ingestion in microscopic doses can accelerate recovery in inflammatory processes in the body.

Reviews about cedar oil

Despite the fact that this natural product is quite expensive, many people use it to treat internal diseases and to get rid of skin problems. Most reviews of this application are positive, since oil has almost no contraindications and side effects, and its healing properties are amazing.

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