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Mysterious photos that can not be explained: rating, history and interesting facts

People have long been interested in various mysteries, they have always been attracted to mysticism. It causes almost every person a genuine interest. Unsolved situations make the brain think out its own solutions and details.

This article presents cryptic photos that can not be explained. They are for the whole history of art - the only ones that do not lend themselves to logic. Even scientists are not able to find a clue. Maybe it will come to mind one of the readers?

List of photos

A list of cryptic photographs that are difficult to explain will help you navigate the article. What are some interesting pictures about?

  1. Grandmother in the place of Kennedy's assassination.
  2. Glow in the valley of Hessdalen.
  3. Sea monster.
  4. Cosmonaut.
  5. Water ghosts.
  6. UFO.
  7. Strange image.
  8. Mount on the Moon.
  9. Ghost in the photo.
  10. The killer hotel.

Lady Grandma

Lady Grandmother named the woman who, by assumption, filmed the murder of John F. Kennedy on the camera. She got this name because of her appearance: in the photographs she was wearing a scarf, which reminds a bit of Russian headgear. Scientists and police hundreds of times tried to identify the identity of Lady Grandma, but all attempts have become a failure. There is a version that she was Beverly Oliver. Such an assumption appeared after the statement of this woman in 1970, in which she "identified" herself in the photo. However, the researchers found her words false.

On November 22, 1963, gunshots were heard in Dallas. All the people who filmed the president's motorcade on camera immediately ran away. But one woman, who hid her face with a handkerchief, continued this deed and left only after the shots ended. When the corpse was discovered, the police ordered to show all the amateur videos taken at the time of the murder. The material that was made by Lady Granny was not found. Moreover, of all the videos available, there was not one that was removed from the same angle.

Now on the Internet, mysterious photos of the past walk freely. On them you can see the woman described.

Glow in the valley of Hessdalen

The Hesdalen Valley is a few kilometers from Trondheim. It has a length of 15 km in length and 5 km in width. Around the valley on the western and eastern part is the ring of one of their local mountains, having a height of more than 1 km. On the southern territory you can find a couple of lakes. Here there are small settlements of 200 people.

For several decades scientists have not been able to solve the mystery of "fire birds". This glow appears regularly over the valley. It is constantly visible in different places. Luminous objects can be seen over the roofs of houses or somewhere high in the sky. Most often they appear at night in the winter season. In the summer, the radiance is so rare that it can be completely invisible.

The glowing objects could for several hours glide motionless above the valley, sometimes the settlements noticed that they move with certain speed across the sky. Once scientists at the expense of special radar caught them. Then they moved at a speed of 8500 m / s. The shape of the objects is different, the color varies from white to yellow.

Such mysterious photos and stories about them cause a lot of controversy between Internet users. However, it is almost impossible to find out the truth.

Sea monster

Many people know the next picture. Users on the forums claim that the photo is the result of working with the editor. But they do not know that Frenchman Robert le Serrek took this giant animal in 1964. In the future, photography was the object of controversy among zoologists.

The date of the snapshot makes it clear that no one used the editor when creating it.

Robert with his wife rested at the bay Stonehaven, which is located near the island of Hook. The first giant animal was noticed by a woman whose husband had arrived at the call. According to their description, the object looked like a tadpole. Its length was 2.5 meters. The animal did not give signs of life, so the couple felt that it was dead. When people came closer, the object began to move.

This picture is included in the list of real, but the most mysterious photos. After all, he really does not give in to any explanation.

The mysterious astronaut

Man Jim Templeton in 1964 decided to take photos of his daughter and wife in the Cabrio. He and his family rested not far from the local bay. Jim did not think at that moment that one of the pictures taken would some day add to the rating of the most mysterious photos in the world.

After the image was displayed, the man noticed that behind the back of his daughter is a man in a spacesuit. In this case, Jim argued that at that time next to them there was no one. When the photo became available to the public, the audience began to claim that the girl was most likely behind her mother. Others also suggested that the photo is really an astronaut who landed near a couple.

Ghosts in the Water

In the winter of 1924, a ship was moving along the Panama Canal, which was on its way from California to New Orleans. It was on this flight that two sailors were killed. Presumably, they were suffocated by pairs of oil or gasoline. They were buried in the sea near the coast of Mexico.

The very next day one of the crew members noticed two faces on the waves. According to his stories, he immediately recognized in them the dead comrades. Before the arrival at the destination, the team saw them several more times. After that, the captain reported this to his superiors, he was given the task to photograph the ghosts.

When the faces appeared, the crew leader captured them in the pictures. After this, the sailors appealed to the Bureau of Investigation in order to make sure whether these photos are true. Traces of falsification were not found. That's why this picture is included in the list of cryptic photos, which are difficult to explain.


The picture, which is presented below, was made in 1950. After the mysterious flying object was fixed, a rumor appeared about the existence of the aliens. After that, the researcher Kiho filed a request to the United States Air Force, which described the claims. They are related to the discovery of two satellites surrounding the Earth. However, the country's administration stated that no one explored research facilities in orbit. Moreover, nothing is known about them. Thus, there were one more cryptic photos that can not be explained.

Strange image

The photo shows a family that just moved to a new home in Texas. On this occasion, pictures were taken. After their manifestation, it turned out that two women were hanging from the ceiling, or a silhouette floating in the air. Naturally, during the creation of photographs no one saw him.

After a little investigation, there were some facts that made it possible to assert that the photo was forged. However, the real explanation for the picture did not become known. That's why he enters the review of mysterious photographs, which can not be explained.

Mountain on the Moon

Below is a snapshot that was taken during one of the studies. When scientists were reviewing photos, this one got to the list of "exposed". Indeed, she suffered from a large amount of light exposure. After it was slightly "darkened", something was seen that was on the Moon. As a result of research, it turned out that this is the silhouette of a mountain or a pyramid. First, it is not entirely clear why these pictures are cryptic photos that can not be explained, but did such entities ever have been seen on Earth's satellite?

Ghost in the photo

In 1919 Freddie Jackson was killed. It happened during the working day - he was killed by the aircraft propeller. Two days later the whole squadron was called to shoot a joint shot. After he was manifested, all the workers were very surprised - after all, their friend is also in the photo. By the way, the funeral took place at the same time when the picture was taken. Such mysterious photos, which can not be explained, often walk on the Internet, but this shocked everyone. After all, at that time there was no photoshop!


In all Internet lists, where the rating of mystical photos is compiled, this ranked first. The picture "tells" about the deceased guest of the hotel - Elise Lam. What was so shocking about the whole world? The published mysterious photos, which can not be explained, immediately excited America in early 2013. They are also accompanied by a video (until now it can be found on the Internet). It gives grounds to believe that the pictures are authentic.

Eliza Lam came to America on January 26 from Canada. She stopped in an inexpensive hotel. She was only 21. The girl was an exemplary daughter, she called her parents every day, telling about interesting situations with her in the United States.

After Eliza came to the City of Angels, her relatives were worried, as she stopped answering calls. She was last seen in a bookshop. Returning to the hotel, she went to her floor in the elevator. After the girl left, she disappeared without a trace.

About Lam remembered on February 19, when the new guests began to complain about the quality of water, an unpleasant smell and a strange color. After the repairmen climbed to the roof and opened the water tanks, they found there a naked Lam.

Mysterious photographs that can not be explained (the shock is shocked), confirming this story, would not have attracted a lot of noise if it were not for some strange things. It all started with the promulgation of the video, which was taken by the elevator camera. It depicts a girl - Eliza. For some reason, when you pressed the floor button, the doors did not close. After that it is clear that the girl is trying to hide from something in the corner of the elevator. The next action of the guests became chaotic looks, she ran out of the room, looked around and fought with someone. At the same time, the elevator doors continued to be open. There is a feeling that someone was holding them. After the strange actions of the girl, she finally left the elevator. By the way, he immediately closed and went to the next floor. From the strange, it can be noted that six months after Eliza's death, information in her blog was refreshed.

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