
Resorts in Indonesia: description, reviews, photos

On the border of two oceans are thirteen thousand islands of Indonesia. Here you can spend hours alone on the morning beaches, enjoy the magnificent nature, admire the waves that roll on the white sand, and taste fresh and juicy fruits that grow in abundance on this generous land. The resorts of Indonesia are well known to our compatriots. In recent years, thousands of tourists from Russia have had an unforgettable vacation on the islands of Lombok, Bali, Bintan and others. Today we will tell you about these heavenly places.

Choosing a resort

Each of us, when planning your vacation, sets priorities when choosing a resort. What is more important for you - an exotic country or a short flight, a comfortable hotel room or economical accommodation, the opportunity to have fun and actively spend time or the desire to be alone and relax from the city bustle?

Choosing resorts in Indonesia, you should know that the path to these heavenly places is not close. Twelve hours flight is difficult for young children and elderly people. This discomfort is hardly noticed by middle-aged people and young people, for whom the resorts of Indonesia with white sand do not seem so far away, for them is not a significant obstacle to the rest, about which they dreamed, the time difference.

It should be noted that exotics is not all to taste, but the resorts of Indonesia are equipped with comfortable hotels, where everything is organized at the European level. In cozy restaurants you can always find for yourself dishes from different cuisines of the world, including Russian.


This most popular and most visited island is located in Southeast Asia and is part of the Indonesian archipelago. Its highest point is Gurung Agung (active volcano, 3,142 m).

The relief of the island in the north is mountainous, and in the south it is terraced. The total area is 5633 sq. M. Km. From east to west it stretches for 150 km, and from north to south - for 80 km. The population is about three million people. Denpasar is the capital of Bali.

Among tourists, the island became famous for its delightful resorts. Kuta, Nusa Dua and Sanur, located in the south of the island, are the most popular, according to tourists, resorts in Indonesia. They are dominated by yellow fine sand, and on the north coast (Amed, Lovina) - black volcanic.

What to see on the island

Bali is often called an island of 1000 temples, although in reality there are more than 2000. Local travel companies organize interesting excursions to the mountains. No one will be indifferent to the park of reptiles and birds. Safaris on elephants, rafting, a tour of one day to the neighboring island of Lombok - everyone can choose the rest of the soul.


The resorts of Indonesia, whose description is immediately offered to watch tour operators, conquer the hearts of travelers instantly.

The island of Bintan is at the equator, so here is a tropical, even climate. The air temperature ranges from +21 to +32 degrees. Humidity is from 61 to 96%. Usually the whole year on the island is sunny, in the period from October to March, rains more often and wind increases. All hotels of the island are open all year round.

The resorts of Bintan are virgin beaches with snow-white fine sand, bordered by smoothly swaying palm trees, crystal clear sea and lush vegetation. All this has to relax and have a good time, which are necessary for a full rest.


In modern Bintan, the past and the present are closely intertwined. In the southern part of the island are fishing villages, characterized by a leisurely rhythm of life. Those who wish can visit the mausoleums, the royal mosque. Here you will be shown the ruins of the royal palace, which are a reminder of the monarchical past of the island.

Tourists are offered to learn traditional methods of fishing or to go to mangroves on a boat to learn the nature of the tropics. If you want to learn more about the culture and everyday life of the local population, visit the pineapple plantations, watch the women who weave from the pandan leaves various souvenirs and bags.

After a busy day filled with excursions and new impressions, you can pamper yourself with a relaxing massage. A huge number of SPA centers work here.


The resorts of Indonesia, photos of which you can see in our article, are all very different, but they are united by an unusually beautiful nature. Lombok enters the southern chain of islands facing the Indian Ocean, which are located east of Bali.

The name of the island comes from the word lombok, which in Indonesian means "burning pepper". The fact that the shape of the island reminds a pepper. On it is the highest volcano of Indonesia - Gunung Rinjani.

The island of Lombok attracts lovers of a relaxing holiday. Small beaches, the absence of noisy and bothersome tourists will allow you to completely relax. Here you can do a fascinating diving, explore ancient temples and magnificent pagodas. Local residents of the island are friendly and welcoming. Those interested can learn about the skills of weavers and potters.

The climate of the island of Lombok is more dry and soft than in Bali, so it is ideal for relaxing in any season.


The islands of Indonesia attract tourists from all over the world in that you can relax here at any time of the year. For this, it is not necessary to wait for the beach season.

Indonesia is not in vain called the land of the eternal sun. It's always comfortable here. Even if it rains sometimes, it ends very soon, leaving even small puddles. It reminds, rather, a refreshing shower. The resorts of Indonesia in January also have a complete rest, as in July. The air temperature in this winter month rises to +30, and the water - up to +29.

Things to do

The island of Java is famous not only for beach rest. For tourists, it is very interesting to get acquainted with the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta; The oldest city of Jogjakarta, the cultural capital of the country; The famous volcano Krakatau, known throughout the world; The oldest national reserve Ujung-Kulon, in which the Javan rhinoceros are very comfortable; The stunning temple complexes of Prambanan and Borobudur.

In the center of Jakarta on Liberty Square you will see the Monas Monument, a marble obelisk. Its height is 132 meters, but its main feature is in the gold tongues of flame, for the manufacture of which it took thirty-five kilograms of gold. On the elevator you can climb to the observation deck, which is built on top of the monument, and see the magnificent panorama of Jakarta. In an hour's drive from the capital is Bogor - a popular resort, which is famous for its botanical garden.


The resorts of Indonesia are also on the westernmost island of Sumatra. Here, tourists are invited to visit the National Park-Reserve Gora Lauser, where rare and endangered species of animals live.

Lake Toba - the largest in the south-east of Asia. It is located in Sumatra and is famous for its unusually picturesque views. Guests of the island are offered to go in for a variety of water sports - water skiing, surfing, enjoying boat trips.

Resorts of Indonesia: reviews

All who were fortunate enough to have a rest at the resorts of Indonesia unanimously agree that the magnificent nature of these places deserves to be seen at least once.

Rest in these places are happy with divers - the underwater world of Indonesia is unusually beautiful. In addition, this type of recreation here is well developed - you can rent necessary equipment, get advice and advice from experienced instructors.

Many travelers note the opportunity to choose a hotel to their own taste and financial capabilities. Local residents are friendly and welcoming, and the work of hotel, hotel, restaurant staff is beyond praise.

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