
Route "Anapa-Gelendzhik": distance between cities - how to get from one place to another?

Many people, mostly not local, are concerned with the question of how to drive the Anapa-Gelendzhik route. The distance between these cities is small - only 89 kilometers. By car you can drive from one point to another in about an hour. The good thing is, the track is convenient - practically without turns and serpentine, which is typical for the Krasnodar Territory.

Minimum financial costs

"Anapa-Gelendzhik" is a distance that can be overcome as quickly and without special financial costs. So, if a tourist has flown to Anapa airport, and he needs to somehow go to Gelendzhik, do not rush to take a taxi. In the resort cities the cost of such a service goes off scale. The best way to get to the bus station of Anapa (there are no problems with it - from the airport to it many buses go), and then go to the ticket offices and take a ticket. Any bus going to Gelendzhik will do. They go very often. The distance between Gelendzhik and Anapa can be traveled by intercity minibus a little more than an hour. Quickly and inexpensively - the ticket price does not exceed two hundred rubles. And then, this if with the luggage.


So, what is the bus for overcoming the distance "Anapa-Gelendzhik" bus? In fact, any. Going from Stavropol, Volgodonsk, Simferopol, Yalta, Kislovodsk, Krasnodar, etc. And there are direct flights. In general, the most important thing is that Gelendzhik is indicated in the route. And you do not always have to go to the ticket office. This, in some moments, is a waste of time. You can immediately go to the bus station at the station and negotiate directly with the driver. It goes even cheaper and, moreover, faster. Just in those buses that go along a long route (for example, "Yalta-Sochi") at the end of the trip there are many vacant seats. And the drivers are just happy to put somebody else on.

Other options

"Anapa-Gelendzhik" is a distance that can be overcome in another way. At the bus station, where intercity buses go, often there are taxi drivers offering their services. In principle, in the extreme case - if a person arrived in Anapa early in the morning, or at night, you can use this option. In less than an hour the taxi driver will take him to the right place. True, we must take into account that the cost will be appropriate. If a normal taxi is expensive, you can talk about long-distance. However, if there is extra money and opportunity - why not take advantage. All the same, there is a demand for this kind of service.

By car

"Anapa-Gelendzhik" - the distance that is faster and more convenient to overcome on your own car. The direct distance is only 70 kilometers. And shuttle buses call in on their way to Novorossiysk. So it's not quite quick and convenient, besides, 15 minutes will have to wait at the station. If there is a car - then you need to go on it. There is nothing complicated. Even in the event that a person does not have a navigator in the car. Everywhere, along the entire route leading from Anapa to Gelendzhik, signs have been established, along which it is possible to navigate. It is almost impossible to get lost is the main thing to be attentive and not to miss the signs. You can cut the road in front of Novorossiisk - you do not need to pass through this city, it's better to go around Hajduk.

Complexities, in principle, no. Everywhere there are refueling, so that at any time it will be possible to fill the tank with gasoline, if it begins to end. The track is illuminated well, so at night you can go without fear. Krasnodar roads are one of the best in Russia, driving them is a pleasure. And in some places you can even exceed the speed. But only care must be taken, especially at night.

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