Fashion, Clothing
How to choose a mink coat to make you happy for a long time?
Probably, we can say with 100 percent certainty that almost every woman dreams of a luxurious fur coat made of natural fur. Most often in the dreams of the beautiful half appears a mink. It was so customary in our country that this fur is a symbol of well-being and respectability.
First, decide for what purpose you need a mink coat. If in order to keep warm in severe winter frosts, then this is not the best choice. The mink fur is not as warm as, for example, foxes or sables. And if your goal - to show off before the girlfriends, then this is a good option. The mink fur coat can be very effective, and therefore it can quite bring to a half-unconscious state of "sworn girl-friends".
How to choose a mink fur coat by style? Agree, the question is not simple. Moreover, today large fur salons offer a huge selection of such products for every taste.
If you are tall and slender girl, then on you coat of any model will look decent. In this case, everything will depend on your preferences and tastes. If you are petite and fragile, then do not try on too lush and long fur coats. By the way, about fitting. If you want to know how to choose a mink fur coat, then remember the main rule - you have to measure all the samples you like in the salon. Do not be shy: only in this way you can stay on the most suitable option. And yet, during fitting, look not only at your reflection in the mirror, but also listen to your own sensations. "Your" fur coat will immediately give you a feeling of comfort and convenience, you do not want to shoot it. Of course, a fur coat should not be very heavy, but a very light model should alert you.
How to choose a mink fur coat (the photo you see on this page) correctly? Pay attention to the quality of fur. Swipe on it - on your palm should not remain hairs. To the touch, it should be silky and quickly recover after crushing.
Take a snow-white handkerchief with you, which should not be painted, if you spend it on a fur coat. Otherwise, you are faced with a poor-quality product. An important factor in the issue of how to choose a mink fur coat is the quality of fur. It should be smooth and smooth, do not have bald patches.
Today it is not difficult to buy a mink fur coat in Moscow. The question is how to make the right choice, because you want to not regret buying in the future. To do this, purchase fur products in large salons that have a good reputation.
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