Fashion, Clothing
How to choose a mink coat. Advice for practical buyers
Even with the active promotion of the so-called "green" fashion that opposes the use of genuine leather and fur in clothes, a warm and elegant fur coat is also the limit of many girls' dreams. For a long time, this attribute is an indicator of the high status of its owner in society, as well as material wealth. In addition, the fur coat from natural fur is, first of all, protection from severe Russian frosts, which sometimes pass beyond the mark of -30 ° C.
The most popular, though not the most practical in its properties, is the fur of a small fur-bearing mink animal. The cost of products from its skins can vary up to several hundred thousand rubles. Such a large price gap is due to the quality of performance, the manufacturer, the country and many other factors. So how to choose a quality mink fur coat and yet not be with a fake on the hands and an empty wallet?
First of all, it is necessary to determine the place of purchase. Such a thing should not be looked for in the markets and the accompanying indoor pavilions. In such a situation, attractive cheapness can hide a rough forgery and poor quality. As a result, a lucrative purchase can, within a month of active socks, literally sprawl at the seams and remain tufts of wool on clothes. A claim, most likely, there will be no one to show, and it makes no sense.
So, let's say that you still listened to this advice and came to a good known fur salon. From the shapes, colors and specific smell already dizzy, and helpful salesmen, flashing white-toothed smiles, have literally showered you with all sorts of pretty furs? Do not get lost. The danger of acquiring is not at all what I wanted initially, here, perhaps, is even greater. How to choose a mink fur coat from the available variety? In principle, not everything is so complicated if you approach this issue carefully and with sense.
Choosing a mink coat in the cabin
Having chosen a model that appealed to you by style and price, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to fur. If you hold your hand through the hairs against the coat, they should not break, this is the first sign that you are holding the mink product. In addition, the undercoat should be thick, and through it the skin can not be translucent. With a good quality fur coat, all the villi easily straighten out after pressing, among them there are no lumps and seals of various types.
It is also worth noting and the fact that a good manufacturer never sews a lining completely, so that the buyer can make sure of the naturalness of the material used. The reverse side of the skin should not have external damage, cracks or darkening. As you can see, to check the purchase of this kind is a much more responsible and time-consuming process than to decide how to choose. Mink fur coat most of the fair sex representatives are estimated for the style, color and the criterion "goes - does not go", which is fundamentally wrong. If you have such an opportunity, then lightly pinch the fur with your fingers. If the hairs are easily left in your hands, then the product is clearly of poor quality.
How to choose a mink fur coat and not buy by mistake the painted beaver or nutria? The answer is pretty simple. It is enough to wipe the fur lightly with a damp cloth and look at the result. If the fur coat before the delivery to the store was pre-painted, then even the best remedy will remain on the fabric, leading the seller into due confusion, and you sending a firm gait to the exit.
In the event that, nevertheless, the management of the store turned out to be really conscientious and works exclusively with trusted suppliers of high-class fur coats, the question of how to choose a mink fur coat will not be too acute. If the tempting winter clothes have stood firm all checks, then, as they say, relax and just enjoy the fitting. However, do not forget sometimes to look at the price tags. Suddenly the favorite fur coat will be worth with a good Moscow apartment?
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