LawRegulatory Compliance

Samples of the provision on bonuses. Order on approval of the provision on awarding: a sample. Sample regulations on bonuses to employees LLC

For sure, every person is familiar with such a thing as bonus. This is a form of payment for work in excess of the established salary, which implies additional remuneration of particularly distinguished employees. Some people like a more lyrical definition - they think that the prize is primarily a means of promotion. However, the essence does not change. Everyone is aware of the existence of such an allowance, but not everyone knows the samples of the provision on bonuses. And their content is just worth knowing to all working people.

general information

First of all, it should be noted that each enterprise can have its own sample of the provision on bonuses to employees (LLC is this or another type of activity - it is not important). Which is logical, since every company, firm, corporation, institution and any other structure is different in its specifics and features. However, there is a certain standard, compiled according to all the rules - it, as a rule, is taken as a basis.

And absolutely all the models of the bonus regulations have something in common. And this is the first chapter in the document. It contains general provisions. As a rule, the first chapter includes 5-6 items.

It says that the submitted document is a normative act that was developed in accordance with Russian law, and it applies to all employees of the enterprise. The position notes its direct purpose. I'm sure: the bonus act is aimed at increasing the efficiency of the work carried out by the employees, which, in turn, is aimed at improving the performance of the enterprise.

It is specified that the issue of this remuneration is the right, and not the responsibility of the management. Anyone who performs his work qualitatively or in a larger volume can count on him.

And, finally, the document says that the premium is given in the event that in the treasury of the company there are free cash that can be spent on stimulating employees. Remuneration is given on the day of payment of salary in the month that follows the reported one.

On the conditions

The document also contains information that allows us to understand, under what conditions, workers can count on remuneration. And here are the main:

  • Conscientious and successful performance of the employee's duties, prescribed in the contract.
  • Correspondence to the award indicators.
  • Implementation of an individual plan.
  • Positive impact of the employee's success on the results of the enterprise.

And now something can be explained. On the example of the activities of LLC, engaged in providing customers with a product or service. In this case, the bonus is the employee's individual sales plan for the month. Which, in turn, is approved by order of the Director General of LLC every calendar month. But before it comes into effect, the plan is communicated to the employees of the enterprise under the signature. Also, the regulation specifies which premium is placed on the employee, who claims to be on all indicators. Usually this is 35% of salary.


In addition to the above, each sample of the provision on bonuses to employees of the LLC contains information and about the conditions under which a person can be deprived of remuneration. Here are the main ones:

  • The employee does not get a bonus if he does not fulfill his official duties prescribed in his contract or does not cope with them in full.
  • Also, he can not count on remuneration in case of violation of the requirements set by the administration in relation to the execution of documentation and the results of work.
  • If a person has not coped with the task for a set deadline or has passed it later, the prize is also not relied upon.
  • For non-fulfillment of orders of instructions and orders of direct management, remuneration is also not provided.

There are a number of violations, for which they can not only deprive the premium, but also write a fine. These include absenteeism, regular tardiness and absence from the workplace for several hours without warning and indicating a good reason. A more serious violation is the appearance of a person in the workplace in the state of alcohol, narcotic and toxic intoxication.

Also, punishment follows the disclosure of legally protected secrets (official, commercial and state), which became known to the employee of the company in the course of performing duties, and personal data of other employees.

For theft of property, not only a fine is required, but also a court, since this is an administrative offense. If, on the fault of the employee, an accident (accident, accident, etc.) occurred due to neglect of labor protection requirements, the court is also threatened. On the seriousness of the event depends punishment - either fine, or imprisonment (which also happens, but rarely).

Types of rewards

Information about them also contains samples of the provision on bonuses. So, the most common kind of premiums is the so-called current compensation. Which is issued to the employee on the basis of his work for the month. But in the event that he reached a high production performance. Check whether it was possible to achieve the desired, you can simply - all information is available in the regulatory act of the enterprise.

For example, the provision on awarding sales managers (the sample should be freely available at the workplace) states: the reward is laid if the employee contributed to the apparent increase in the volume of goods or services offered, the reduction of accounts receivable, and prevented the spoilage of products.

Employees of the rental office are entitled to a surcharge for the delivery of premises / cars / other property to customers, the number of which is higher than the monthly rate set by the management.

If a person works in the field of financial directorates, then he can be given a premium for quality provision of financial and cash disciplines, as well as early determination of the monthly results of the enterprise's activities and timely delivery of statements and declarations.

However, as already mentioned, the models of the provision on bonuses differ depending on the activity of the labor structure. But these three examples as a whole make it possible to understand what the employer takes into account when it identifies people worthy of the award.

Eligibility for a surcharge

It should also be noted with attention, talking about the provision of payment and bonuses. A sample with the expanded content describes in detail, in which cases the employees of a particular structure have the right to receive remuneration.

So, if a person is listed in the commercial department, then he can list the surcharge when his unit earns profits. Naturally, in the case of performance and they are tasked by income.

The employees of the service unit are awarded prizes in two cases. The first is after profit is received by the whole enterprise. The second - after the revenue of the commercial department. People working in the shops can expect compensation after the whole enterprise has received its profit.

On a one-time reward

About this type of premium separately tells the provision of bonuses in a budgetary institution. The model says - a one-time reward can be awarded in several cases. And in which exactly:

  • Based on the results of successful effective work of the institution for the year.
  • For a significant overfulfilment of the approved plan.
  • For the rapid implementation of leadership orders and especially important / urgent tasks, as well as impressive results.
  • For a competent initiative, which implies the development and subsequent implementation of activities that are aimed at saving the facility's resources / resources and parallel improvement of safety practices of working conditions and performance.

Another premium is written out on the occasion of the anniversary birthday - at 50 and 55, and every subsequent 5 years. But even here there are some nuances that contain every sample of the provision on awarding employees of budgetary institutions.

So, with a work experience of less than five years, such a "gift" is usually not given. If the employee's experience varies from 5 to 10 - then the reward will be 25% of his salary. From 10 to 15 years - 50% of the salary. And if the experience exceeds 15 years, the premium will be 75% of the salary.

Still at the enterprises it is accepted to "see off" the bonus for employees' retirement and to thank them in this way for many years of work. In this case, the amount of remuneration is determined by management.

Payments at the end of the year

This type of mark-up is worth noting separately, since it is usually relied upon by everyone. In addition, there is a separate provision on bonuses at the end of the year (a sample must also be in each enterprise).

Its purpose is to increase the material interest of the working people in the quality performance of their duties. This remuneration is issued to all people working in an institution under the RF Labor Code and being in the staff at the time of December 31 of the year (and if they were in it for the previous 12 months). Those who did not work from 01.01 to 31.12 are also entitled to a surcharge. Or if the birth of a child or a long trip has occurred. All the rest - a bonus proportional to the time worked.

How is it calculated at all? For the first year of work - 50% of the salary. For the second - 70%. And for the third and all subsequent - 100% (full 13th salary). The premium is usually awarded in February. Together with the salary for January.

About other allowances

The order on the bonus provision, the sample of which is provided above, also contains information about other payments. Take, for example, compensation allowances, which are laid in accordance with the third paragraph of 255th article of the Tax Code. They are issued to people working in conditions that are different from normal. And it's not just about working in an unfamiliar climate, polluted atmosphere and in a dangerous atmosphere. Also, compensation is given for overtime work. It means several shifts, working at night, combining professions, going to your place on holidays or weekends.

And bonuses, by the way, which relate not to compensation, but to encouragement, can be expressed not only in monetary terms. Another manager can publicly announce gratitude (although this is usually accompanied by the handing over of the "envelope"), to give out a valuable gift, a certificate of honor or to give him the title of "best" by profession. Promotion is also a kind of bonus.

Supplements for superiors

One can not fail to mention the provision on awarding the CEO. The sample, of course, is different. At least because the conditions prescribed in the collective agreement do not apply to the head.

So, the size of the official salary and stimulation of the general director is established by the Board of Directors. The premium is issued for special achievements - usually for successful results related to the implementation of key performance indicators.

The amount of remuneration is naturally greater than that of other employees. If the award is issued according to the results of the quarter, then it can reach one and a half monthly salaries. Remuneration is issued at the end of the year, after taking into account all the results? Then it can amount to a maximum of 12 official salaries.

However, this is not all information that contains the provision on awarding the director. The sample also makes it possible to make sure that lump sum payments for superiors are also issued. For example, for the performance of urgent or particularly important work. But, again, the decision on whether to issue it or not is taken at a general meeting, following which a corresponding protocol is drawn up.

Can the CEO write out a reward to himself? Of course not. This violation, as described in the second part of the 135th and 191st article of the LC RF. For such behavior is usually threatened with dismissal, full recovery of the damage caused, and problems that the tax inspection will provide.

How to draw up a document?

This is also worth telling. Since every entrepreneur and the head of a particular institution should know about how to "paint" in the document the bonus of employees. Samples of orders (provision on awarding) are freely available, so that one of them can be taken as a basis. But usually they follow this scheme:

  • First, the conditions specified in the employment agreement are prescribed.
  • Then rules on bonuses are entered in the regulation on remuneration of labor.
  • Then the finished document is approved.

First, the general provisions, including the name of the act (it must be indicated that it is local and developed in accordance with the LC RF), the name of the enterprise, the list of employees. It is important to note the purpose of the introduction of the document, as well as the fact that the issuance of the award is a right, and not a duty of the head. Then the bonus figures are indicated. That is, the grounds under which employees can expect to be rewarded. In addition to this - the size and procedure for calculating remuneration.

In conclusion, the period during which this regulation acts will be indicated. And the order, observing which the head can make changes in the provision on bonuses. The sample is then checked for errors and approved if they are not detected.


Of course, this normative act takes effect when an order is issued to approve the provision for bonuses. A sample of this document is built according to certain rules. It begins with the word "Order", after which the list of innovations is listed. In this case, it looks like this: "... approve and put into effect the provision on bonuses to employees of LLC * the name of the enterprise * from 01.01.17." It is further noted that the previously existing document from that day ceases to be valid.

It is also usually attributed to the clause in which it is stated that the head of the personnel department undertakes to familiarize the whole staff of the institution with a new act and bring it under the signature of each of them.

Then the signature of the general director, the seal of the enterprise is put. Then the order to approve the provision on awarding (a sample, by the way, is given a little higher) is made public. Employees get acquainted with it and put a signature, expressing their agreement with the document.

By the way, in the very act of bonuses it is said (in the very last chapter) that it comes into force from the day when the order for approval is issued. And it is valid until the leadership draws up a new document.

Finally, it should be said that changes and additions can be made to the act at the reasonable initiative of employees, and not just the head. But only if you really want to add an item, you need to think it over carefully, paint the grounds and explain why it should be in position. And only after that go with your proposal to the leadership. By the way, such an initiative (if it is deemed relevant and useful) can also be rewarded.

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