EducationThe science

Types of innovation and their classification

Recently, more and more often one can hear the notion of "innovation", which means any changes, innovations and is used both independently and together with words such as activity, process, decisions, etc. What is it and how much is necessary ?

Society is arranged in such a way that it is in constant development. Changing needs, changing the content of human activities ... Accordingly, the changes relate to virtually all spheres of life. Almost in any book on economics one can come across the view that innovation is the transformation of possible scientific and technical progress into a real one, which, in turn, is embodied in new products of production or technologies. This contributes to the development not only of a certain process, but of the whole of mankind as a whole.

Types of innovation are distinguished depending on various characteristics. For example, they are local and global in scale. Being guided by technological parameters, they are divided into process and product ones. Depending on the depth of the changes, radical, improving and modification ones are noted. According to the degree of novelty, these types of innovations are distinguished, such as new ones for a given industry in the world, in the country, for an individual enterprise.

Depending on the place, it is necessary to note changes in the "input", that is, in the choice of information, raw materials, materials, etc. This can affect the quality of the goods or services produced. In addition, there are innovations "at the output," that is, those that directly affect the outcome of the work (services, technology, information, etc.). If we talk about changes in the enterprise, they can concern the system structure, management, technological or production.

Also highlight innovations in view of the type of activity. On this basis, the types of innovation can be the following: social, managerial, technological, production, economic, etc. So, at present, in educational institutions, in connection with the introduction of a new GEF, teachers are increasingly introducing innovative activities, including New forms, means, methods. This is attributed to social change.

There are many classifications, one of them proposed by AI Prigogine, and in its basis - five main criteria. So, from the point of view of prevalence, there are isolated (that is, done once) and diffuse (periodically applied) types of innovations. If we talk about the place of changes in the production cycle, then they can be raw, food and providing (in other words, binding).

From the point of view of continuity, innovations can be substituting, reflexive, opening, canceling, retrovovedeniya. The name of each of these species itself indicates what changes are meant. If we take into account the expected coverage of the market share, then they can be local, strategic or systemic. If such a criterion for classification is taken as a potential and a degree of novelty, such kinds of innovations as combinatorial, radical and perfecting can be singled out. As the names indicate, each of them has its own goal and direction.

Changes at any time pushed society to development. And it does not matter, they are anything completely unknown or old method, which again became relevant for any reason. The use of new materials and technologies leads to the emergence of improved products and services. Innovation in production or the social sphere is always in demand and most often economically justified. Innovations can manifest themselves both in a minor and outwardly imperceptible change, and in the expansion of the range of products offered.

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