Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

Three-day split for the masses: a program for men

Under bodybuilding, first of all, the decrease in the level of fat tissues and the build-up of muscle mass are perceived. Classes aimed at increasing the weight, quite different from strength training. It is very important to plan correctly the scheme of classes: the number of trainings, a set of exercises, the number of approaches and sets. It is difficult to achieve the desired effect if the program is not developed. A great scheme, fully coping with the above tasks, is a three-day split on the mass. Let's look at what it is, what exercises are included in the program and how to engage in order to build muscle tissue.

What is a three-day split for mass?

What is this scheme? A three-day split on the mass is nothing more than a 3-day system of lessons per week. Such a scheme is quite popular. She found approval among professionals, advanced athletes and beginners, only knowing the basics of body formation.

According to this scheme, all muscles are divided into certain groups. During each training, only one group is studied. Thus, during the week all muscles are involved, and at the same time only once. For example, on Monday, the biceps and back are worked through. On Wednesday - working on triceps and chest. On Friday, leave the shoulders and legs.

For a long time, bodybuilders tried to pump all muscle groups in one workout. However, over time, it became apparent that such programs are far from perfect. The sportsman had to perform many exercises, approaches. Of course, such a load led to fatigue. As a result, the last groups of exercises no longer provided the necessary muscle pumping.

Here, and came to replace the exhausting, not providing the necessary effect of employment three-day split on the mass. The basis of such training is the separate pumping of different muscle groups.

The main advantages of split-classes

You already understand why the choice of many athletes stops on this pattern of training - it becomes possible to work out the muscles more efficiently. But this is not the only advantage of this scheme of studies.

Split by mass has a number of advantages:

  1. Duration of training. Since only a certain group of muscles is being studied, the duration of the session is correspondingly reduced. If before training could take 1,5-2 hours, then the system of split it lasts only 30-45 minutes.
  2. Intensity of occupation. It is much easier to pay attention to a certain group of muscles than the whole body. Naturally, in this case the selected tissues will be worked out much more effectively and qualitatively.
  3. The mood. Nobody will argue that this factor plays an important role in the achievement of the result. Agree, training, duration of 2 hours, after which, instead of a favorable effect, the strongest fatigue is felt, hardly anyone will like it. Another thing - this 30-minute session, after which there is an easy sipping in the muscles and the results are much better.

Making a split

Trainers have developed many effective 3-day split programs. Despite their difference, most often they are built on one principle - "pull-push". This means that a split for mass recruitment involves the development of pulling muscles in one class, and the pushing of the other on the other. At the third training they go about their legs.

What options can be offered to the athlete? The following three-day splits are considered the most effective.

The first option consists of working out:

  • Dorsal muscles - biceps;
  • Breast tissue - triceps;
  • Lower limbs - shoulders.

In the second variant,

  • Back - triceps;
  • Pectoral muscles - shoulders;
  • Leg muscles - shoulders.

The third option deals with:

  • Back - chest;
  • Upper limbs - shoulders;
  • Feet.

The fourth option is peculiar to pumping:

  • Dorsal muscles - biceps - posterior deltas;
  • Breast - triceps - anterior deltas;
  • Feet.

Choose an option

As you can see, specialists have developed many training schemes. That is why a person often raises the question: which of them should be preferred? Each of the options has its own merits, and is not without flaws. Therefore, the best three-day split for mass is the training scheme that suits you best.

Most often, the first option is chosen by the trainers. The specialists see the advantage of this division as follows:

  1. Each group of muscles is studied 1 time for 7 days.
  2. When the back is trained, the biceps must be studied. Therefore, "finish off" these muscles is necessary at the end of training.
  3. The above rule extends to another group: the muscles of the chest - triceps.
  4. The swelling of the legs ends with the work on the tissues of the shoulders. Training of the lower extremities provides the strongest anabolic response. Thanks to this deltoid muscle , a powerful stimulus to development is provided.

Features of the right choice

At the same time choosing the most effective training scheme, it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors:

  1. Floor. Split-workouts for men and women are significantly different. This is dictated by many reasons, among which the different structure of the muscular corset and different purposes. Girls begin training to get rid of excess weight and give the body a light relief. Three-day split for the masses for men is the construction of a beautiful figure. Strong sex resorts to such training, seeking to provide a "tuberosity" to the biceps and "masonry" the press.
  2. Level of preparation. If you are a beginner, then do not immediately go to split-training. Experts recommend the first time, during one session, to pump all muscle groups. This will ensure a balanced and even development of the body. And only by increasing your stamina and strengths, you can safely move on to a split lesson.
  3. Body type. All people are divided into 3 types: ectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs. Depending on the physique, some are able to quickly improve their body. For others, this task is almost impossible. That's why the approach to training should be completely different.

Consider what classes are recommended to men depending on their physique.

Recommendations for the ectomorph

Very often men who have this physique have many complexes. After all, they are characterized by a very "slender" figure, thin and long limbs. It is difficult for such people to gain weight. This is dictated by an excellent metabolism. However, do not despair. The correct approach to training will allow to transform such "shortcomings" in advantages.

The three-day split for mass gathering for ectomorphs is based on such recommendations:

  1. Focus on basic exercises.
  2. The duration of the lesson should not exceed 45 minutes.
  3. Repeat the exercises for each muscle group 6-8 times. Approaches should be 4-6. This will ensure the maximum result from physical exertion.

In addition, if you are an ectomorph, then remember the main rule: more is not much better.

The program of lessons for the ectomorph

Now we will consider what the scheme of trainings should be, so that a thin enough person could properly pump the body.

Experts recommend the next three-day split for mass for the ectomorph.

On the first day, take care of your legs and shoulders with the help of such exercises:

  • Squat (repeat the exercise 8 times, making 3 approaches);
  • Bench press (6-8 times - 3);
  • Press of dumbbells in the sitting position (6-8 - 2);
  • Bar press, pushing it away from the head / chest, standing (6-8 - 3).

On the next workout (after 1 day of rest), take the sternum and triceps using:

  • Rod presses, in the reclining position (8 times - 3 approaches);
  • French bench presses in a recumbent or standing position (6-8 - 3);
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars, you can apply the press, complicating the burden, on an inclined surface (6-8 - 3);
  • Extension of upper limbs standing on the block (6-8 - 2).

The last training from the three-day course (after a day of rest) is aimed at working out the back and biceps. This goal is achieved:

  • Pulling (recommended burdening) a wide grip (repeat the maximum number of times, complete 2 approaches);
  • Rod rod, during tilt, to the belt (8 - 2);
  • Deadlift (3 to 6-8);
  • Lifting the bar to the biceps (6-8 - 3).

After classes, rest is provided for 2 days.

Recommendations for mesomorphs

This category includes people who possess naturally developed musculature, a broad chest, a long torso. They have a great increase in muscle mass. People with this physique can easily form a beautiful body.

The split for mass collection of mesomorphs is based on such rules:

  1. It is recommended to repeat the exercise 8-12 times. Approaches need to be made 6-8.
  2. It is allowed to include in the lesson special exercises aimed at improving muscle forms.
  3. In one lesson, 2-3 groups of muscle tissues are recommended.

Complex of trainings

The three-day split for muscular mass collection was built on such activities.

On Monday, the muscles of the back and shoulders are worked through the following exercises:

  • Pull-up (load on) on the crossbar (repeat the maximum number of times, carry out 2 approaches);
  • Rod rod, the body is tilted (10-12 - 3);
  • Deadlift (8 times - 3 approaches);
  • Press the barbell, pushing it from the chest, in a standing position (10 - 3);
  • Repeat the exercise, but now in the slope (12 times - 2 approaches);
  • Lifting dumbbells, carry through the sides (12 - 3);
  • The press (25 - 5).

On Wednesday, the session on improving the pectoral muscles and hands consists of:

  • Dumbbell cultivation on the bench, lying (12 times - 2 approaches);
  • Bar press, in the supine position (10 - 3);
  • Lifting the bar (on the biceps) (10 - 4);
  • Extension of the upper limbs on the block downward (12 - 3);
  • Press the dumbbell, while lying on an inclined surface (12 - 3);
  • Raising dumbbells (on the biceps) (12 - 3);
  • French bench, lying on a bench, with a bar (10 - 4);
  • The press (25 - 5).

On the third day (Friday), take a walk with the help of:

  • Squats, holding the bar on their shoulders (12 times - 3 approaches);
  • Extension of lower limbs on the machine (12-15 - 2);
  • Lifting on socks in a standing, sitting position (14-20 - 4);
  • Bending of the legs, being on the machine (8-10 - 3);
  • Press with feet (8-10 - 3);
  • The press (25 - 5).

Features of lessons for endomorphs

This category includes people who are inclined to completeness. They quickly gain excess weight, which lingers in the region of the hips, abdomen, worsens the shape of the chest, shoulders.

Training for endomorphs is based on the following principles:

  1. At the heart of the exercises are heavy exercises that ensure the burning of calories and lead to the improvement (growth) of muscle mass.
  2. On the interval for rest between the approaches the minimum time is given - no more than 60-90 seconds.
  3. The duration of one workout is from 90 to 120 minutes.

Training complex

The three-day split for mass for the endomorph consists of the following activities.

On Monday, it is recommended to practice the figure with the help of such exercises:

  • Squats with rod holding on the shoulders (12-15 times - 4 approaches);
  • Leg extension on the machine (12-15 - 3);
  • Lower limbs on the simulator - lying down (12 - 3);
  • Flexion of the legs, also on the machine tool (10-12 - 3);
  • Rod presses, pushing away from the chest, in a standing position (10-12 - 4);
  • Pumping press (2-3 types of exercises);
  • Presses of dumbbells in sitting position, holding hands above the head (12 - 3);
  • Jumping rope, jogging (about 10-12 minutes).

On Wednesday, diversify your workout with:

  • Bar press bar while in horizontal position (10-12 times - 4 approaches);
  • Breeding dumbbells, lying on the bench (12 - 3);
  • Press of dumbbells, remaining lying on an incline bench (12 - 3);
  • Extension of arms on the block downward (12 - 3);
  • French press bar with the neck EZ, lying (10-12 - 3);
  • Exercises for the press (2-3 types);
  • Running, skipping rope (10-12 minutes).

And on Friday, improve the body with such exercises:

  • Pulling up the chest / chin on the bar (8-15 times - 4 approaches);
  • Pull rod while tilting to the stomach (10-12 - 3);
  • Deadlift (3 to 8);
  • Thrust of the T-neck to the chest area when tilted (8-10 - 3);
  • Lifting dumbbells, sitting on a chair, on the biceps (10-12 - 3);
  • Lifting the rod, while standing, on the biceps (8-10 - 3);
  • Swaying the press;
  • Running, skipping rope.

In order for your split-training to be most effective, it is best to conduct them under the guidance of a competent instructor. This is especially important for beginners.

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