Business, Project management
Business processes of the enterprise
In section 3 of GOST R ISO 19439 (in 2008 the document was introduced in the Russian Federation from 01.01.2010, is identical to the standard ISO 19439: 2006), the definition of the term "business process", which is borrowed and complies with the international standards ENV 12204: 1996 and ISO 15704: 2000. These documents treat the concept of "business processes of an enterprise" or "business process" as a set of various activities that are partially established and aimed at achieving a certain desired result. It also defines the definition of the term "enterprise" or "enterprise", as one or more organizations having a specific mission, and also formulated goals and objectives, as a result of the sale of products or services.
The enterprise's activity covers various production factors. These include capital, human resources, energy, information and tools. Thus, the efficiency of the business directly depends on the personnel, financial means, materials, energy resources, information and means of production. As a result, the business processes of an organization must create values for internal or external consumers that are considered and evaluated in terms of utility. Achievement of certain results occurs when solving a number of problems that are logically related to each other or sometimes performed sequentially.
The process approach allows to organize the management of interrelated continuous actions, to optimize the whole process, to easily identify each task and to eliminate recurring, to reduce waste and unproductive costs, to improve productivity. To do this, the business strategy involves the development of a business model that logically describes the main business processes of an enterprise that create and supply goods or services that have an economic, social or other form of value to customers. Only the presence of a clear organizational structure and certain rules ensures the optimal use of resources aimed at the fulfillment of the goal.
All business processes of an enterprise are conventionally divided into three main types. The managers include strategic management and corporate governance. Operational are logistics, production of products or services, marketing and sales. Supporting business processes should be considered personnel management, technical service and support, accounting, administrative and economic activities. In connection with the complexity of organizations, there is a huge number of different approaches to creating a business model. They can focus on production operations and / or business operations, however, the general trends involve the inclusion of information technology. For example, using network computers to start and receive orders is an example of how information technology is used to coordinate production activities.
Today, in the CIS countries, including Russia, the most popular (used by more than a thousand enterprises) software product, with which it is easier to create the business architecture of the organization, is Business Studio, developed by the Russian company GC "Modern management technologies". With its help business processes of the enterprise are easily documented. The operating system uses Microsoft Windows. The latest (current) version of 3.6 Business Studio was released in March 2011. The program uses the methodology of SADT, which consists of structural analysis and design. Structured Analysis and Design Technique allows to accelerate and simplify, both the development of the entire management system of the organization, and the development, implementation and updating of the QMS.
The Business Studio product is used in projects aimed at business reorganization, optimization and regulation of business processes, implementation and certification of QMS, implementation of integrated information management systems. It helps to design and optimize the business processes of the enterprise, in addition, to develop an organizational structure (including staffing), manage documentation, implement the QMS within the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001 (version 2008), implement and support information technologies.
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