HealthHealthy Eating

What can and can not be eaten by a nursing mother - a diet during lactation

With the birth of a child, the main concern of a woman is to provide the baby with everything necessary for its growth and proper development. In this regard, the mother must strictly adhere to a certain diet and eat foods containing useful substances. Here the main question arises: "What can and can not be eaten by a nursing mother?".

Basic nutritional requirements during lactation

To ensure that the newborn receives as many vitamins and microelements as possible from the mother's milk, the woman must eat high-calorie and healthy foods. Nutrition of lactating women should be balanced and contain a complex of macro- and microelements for the recovery of the body after childbirth.

Therefore, any diet can harm both mother and child. But, of course, this does not mean that a woman needs to absorb all products indiscriminately. Nutrition for mothers who are breastfeeding, especially in the first six months, should be properly organized. Food should be taken in small portions every three hours. Snacking is better to correlate with feeding. Also, you do not need to limit yourself in using liquid. To increase the amount of milk a woman needs to drink at least seven glasses of water a day.

What you can not eat a nursing mother?

First of all, make a list of foods that you are allergic to not accidentally eat, because they can also cause an unpleasant reaction in the baby. During lactation it is necessary to exclude chocolate products, egg yolks, all citrus fruits, seafood, some kinds of berries, for example, strawberries and strawberries.

What else can not eat a nursing mother? Of course, it's all legumes, grapes, onions, cabbage, rye bread, tk. These products will only provoke problems in the child's digestive system and cause colic. Sweet foods can also cause fermentation in the digestive tract. Mom during lactation should give up black tea, cocoa and strong coffee, as all these exciting drinks will negatively affect the baby's condition - he will not sleep well, will become moody and restless.

It is forbidden to eat foods containing harmful dyes, chemicals and artificial flavors. You do not need to eat salty, bitter and sour dishes. Do not abuse fatty meats and lard, otherwise the children's body will be saturated with fatty acids, and the baby will begin indigestion. That's why you can not eat a nursing mother in order to take care of your own child's health.

Most importantly - forget about liquor while breastfeeding! Any kind of alcohol can lead to irreversible consequences: weight loss and immunity of the baby, slowing his mental and physical development. Do not breastfeed and smoke.

Healthy foods

The essential ingredient in the diet of the nursing mother is protein. He is involved in the development and growth of tissues, strengthens the bones and immune system of the child. A woman should introduce enough animal protein into her diet. Its suppliers are low-fat fish, meat (rabbit, poultry, beef) and eggs.

Caution should be given to fruits and vegetables. If you eat some new product, then monitor the reaction of the baby. This will reveal what the child is allergic to. Breastfeeding should not change a habitual life and negatively influence your mood. The most important thing is not to forget to be happy with the appearance of a miracle in your family and give him a smile and attention!

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