Health, Healthy Eating
Vegetable protein. Products containing it
Proteins, fats and carbohydrates ... Anyone who is at least a little interested in the problems of proper nutrition, is familiar with these concepts. There are different opinions about how to better use the products necessary for the normal development and well-being of a person. This question is especially important in diet or children's nutrition, in nutrition of athletes or people who are on recovery in the postoperative period. A special place in its importance in this three is the protein. It is necessary, as the most important building material, for the formation of muscle tissue to the body of any person.
For some reason, when it comes to protein, first of all, remember milk or meat, but not vegetable protein, products of vegetable origin, such as: peas or soy. But their content is high enough in them. They are excellent sources of protein. And at the same time, the total intake of cholesterol and saturated fat decreases. But only if they are combined, in order to get the body a complete set of the necessary initial nutrients.
Vegetable protein, the products in which it is contained, are characterized not only by its quantity, but also by the quality - the composition of amino acids. The proteins that enter the human body are split into simpler components - amino acids. There are 20 species in total. Then the body synthesizes new chains. What exactly, the body decides on its own. In order for this process to proceed continuously, a sufficient amount of the starting material must come from food. But here there is one nuance - the human body is not able to synthesize some of the amino acids itself, and therefore the supply of these eight essential amino acids must be provided from food. Protein, which contains such amino acids, is called high-grade. All proteins of animal origin, with the exception of gelatin, are such - they contain all essential amino acids, but this is rare among plant products. Some amino acids are not enough.
If you understand, an adult a day needs only 30 g of protein. Of course, an extra portion of protein does not happen and does not threaten an overdose, because it is not stored in the "stock", but is removed from the body.
If you consider vegetable protein, soy products, come first, because 100 g of soybeans satisfy the daily requirement for protein. But at it or her enough high caloric content - these 100 g give 381 kcal. In the derivative product - cheese tofu in recalculation per 100 g will be 120 kcal and 10 g. And it turns out that 30 g of protein will amount to the same 360 kcal. The advantage of soy and products from it is that the protein contained in them is full.
Noteworthy are other bean products containing vegetable protein - lentils, beans or peas, in which 100 g of dry product contain protein within 24-30 g with a lower calorie content of 300 kcal.
The leader among vegetables, undoubtedly, is Brussels sprouts - 100 g of its weight contains 5 g of protein. The second is spinach. It contains about 3% protein! Spinach can be used in garnish, and as an independent dish. Cauliflower or kohlrabi will also be useful in the diet. In it, the protein content is close to spinach.
Asparagus with its 3% is considered a delicacy and is a rather expensive treat, therefore it is very difficult to dial the daily allowance at the expense of one asparagus. An alternative here can be green string beans, with sufficient protein and low calorie content. It makes sense to use this product in your menu.
Among the cereals only buckwheat contains a full-fledged vegetable protein. Products made from other cereal crops can not boast such a property. Therefore, they should be used in combinations to improve the quality of the formulation.
It is impossible not to recall the nuts with their 16-18% digestible protein. But they have a high percentage of fat and calories. Nuts can be included in the diet, but their number should be reduced to 25-30 g.
And, of course, mushrooms with their high enough protein content. Dried mushrooms contain it in an amount of 20 - 30%. The daily norm of the dry product is 100 g, but this amount will last for several days. And yet, the protein in the mushrooms is poorly digested, because it is associated with chitosan. Mushrooms for this reason can not be its main source.
Solving nutrition issues, choosing foods rich in vegetable proteins, you need to remember that they are better used in combination, in combination. So they complement the valuable properties of each other and give your body all the useful substances that are necessary for its normal functioning. Here opens up space for culinary fantasies. And I want to wish you good luck!
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