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Whether it is possible pears nursing mum? We learn!

Breastfeeding is very useful for the baby, because with the mother's milk it gets in the necessary quantity the nutrients contained in it. Coming to visit the kids and their moms, everyone tries to bring something useful. If you decide to buy such a delicious hotel, like pears, nursing mothers, it is worthwhile to take an interest in their reaction to this fruit. Since unpleasant feelings in the abdomen can be not only a woman, but also a child, which will provide young parents with a sleepless night.

In the first trimester of his life, the baby perceives differently the product that the mother ate shortly before feeding. It is known that, along with such important microelements for breast milk with breast milk, discomforting substances can also get into the body. Therefore, you need to closely monitor the fact that there is a mother.

Berries and fruits are pleasing not only for their taste, but also for their benefit. Their consumption in food very well helps to stock up with necessary vitamins and microelements.

Continuing the theme of the aforementioned fruits, it can be noted that they are diverse in both color and taste, it all depends on the variety. But first of all it is necessary to understand the question: "Can a pear feed mum?" Talk about the benefits of pears can be based on its composition. It contains a lot of carotene, vitamins B, C, PP, in some grades, even there is a certain amount of iodine, which, of course, is useful for any organism, not to mention the growing one. The most important element in the pear is fiber, which promotes active intestinal peristalsis.
Many will cast aside any doubts as to whether a pear can be given to a nursing mother, knowing a number of advantages of these fruits. They do not cause allergies, excellent tone, positively affect the digestive system and cardiovascular system. But you should also pay attention to the fact that pears in large quantities can cause constipation.

Specialists in breastfeeding, answering the question "can pears breastfeeding mother," can respond positively. But still they will warn against the use of such a fruit in the first three months, because the risk of negative reaction of the baby is very high.

Proper use of the pear is also important for the peace of your crumbs. Do not eat it on an empty stomach and combine it with meat dishes.

It is worth remembering that it will not harm the pear feeding mum and, accordingly, the baby, if it did not cause any discomfort before pregnancy.

The main thing about which you should not forget, any product will be useful if you know the measure. Trying the pear for the first time after delivery, it is better to choose for this pleasure the first half of the day. Most often, the reaction of a child's body to a new product is noticeable after about a couple of hours. For possible negative reactions in the first-aid kit of a young mother should always be at hand means that reduce gas formation in the intestine.

After reading this article, you will be able to determine for yourself whether it is possible to pear the nursing mother, having learned all the positive and probable negative qualities of these fruits.

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