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Pumpkin: useful properties and contraindications. The Benefits of Pumpkin for Health

In this article, we will tell you about what a vegetable is like a pumpkin. Useful properties and contraindications to eating this product will also be described below.

Botanical description

Pumpkin is a genus of herbaceous plants that belongs to the Pumpkin family. It has hairy or hard-rough stems, creeping along the ground. Also this plant has branched tendrils and large buglike leaves.

As is known, the pumpkin has large white or yellow flowers, which can sit alone or in bundles. It is on them that fruit is subsequently formed.

Pumpkin, useful properties and contraindications to which we describe in detail below, is a large vegetable, covered with a solid outer layer. As a rule, its crust has an uneven surface. Inside this vegetable there are numerous flattened seeds.

History of the vegetable

The use of pumpkin for human health is undeniable. After all, this vegetable began to be used for food 5 thousand years ago. For the first time she was seen in ancient Rome and Greece. In Mexico, it was presented to the table in 3000 BC. As for Egypt and Persia, as well as Indian tribes and eastern countries, they liked pumpkins and loved them for their quick cooking and useful properties.

This vegetable was consumed by everyone. Pumpkin ate raw, stuffed, baked and fried. Moreover, many people used this product not only as food, but also made from it a lot of useful things for the house (for example, jugs, bowls, baby bathtubs, hats and musical instruments).

Product Caloric Value

Low calorie and the benefits of pumpkin allows you to eat it for anyone. As you know, its energy value is about 23 kilocalories per 100 g. This value is especially pleasing to those who are very fond of this vegetable, but carefully watches its shape.

Not without reason, many nutritionists recommend to regularly use this product to their customers. From it you can easily make various cereals, casseroles and desserts. It should be noted that you will not need any culinary knowledge to prepare the presented vegetable. After all, the dishes are made from it easily and simply.

One can not help saying that the pumpkin becomes soft and usable already after 15-18 minutes after the beginning of heat treatment.

Pumpkin: useful properties and contraindications

Many people know about useful properties of this product. But if you do not have this information, then we will present it right now.

The main benefit of pumpkin for the body is that it contains a huge number of useful elements. It has long been established that this vegetable includes vitamins A, B2, B1, B3, B9, B6, C and PP. As for micro and macro elements, the pumpkin is very rich in iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, copper, fluorine and zinc.

From all of the above, we can safely conclude that the benefits of pumpkin for the human body is enormous. After all, it has a large supply of all useful vitamins and elements that are extremely necessary for a person.

It should also be noted that the flesh of this fruit helps to cope easily with irritability and fatigue. The substances contained in it improve sleep, soothe the nervous system and noticeably increase attention.

Freshly squeezed juice made from a pumpkin is recommended to be taken during stresses and autumnal depressions. Also, the pumpkin is very useful for those people who are constantly experiencing weakened immunity. But this is only if they have no contraindications to eating it.

Contraindications to the use of the product

The benefit of boiled pumpkin, as well as raw, baked or fried, is undeniable. But if you think that this product can be consumed by everyone and in any quantity, then you are mistaken. After all, like any other fruits that are saturated with useful elements, the pumpkin also has its contra-indications. About them and will be discussed below.

So, to use a pumpkin in any form is highly not recommended, if you have the following deviations in health:

  • Individual intolerance to the product;
  • Allergic reactions to vegetables;
  • Gastritis with low acidity (especially during an exacerbation);
  • Stomach and duodenal ulcer (especially during an exacerbation period);
  • diabetes.

If you have one of the above violations of health, then take a pumpkin for food is prohibited. Otherwise, you can significantly worsen your condition.

How does it affect the body?

To understand how this product affects human health in general, we decided to tell you about what changes you can see after regular and, of course, the correct use of this vegetable.

Improvement of vision

As mentioned above, the pumpkin contains a large amount of vitamin A (that is, carotene). Of course, the presented substance in this product is much less than in carrots. But, regularly eating vegetables, you will notice that it positively affects the organs of vision, protecting them from various ailments.

Improving digestion

Pumpkin seeds, the benefits and harms of which always cause heated controversy, should be eaten only in raw form. After all, after heat treatment, they lose almost all their vitamins and trace elements.

So, why are pumpkin seeds useful ? The benefits and harm of seeds cause ambiguous attitude among their fans. On the one hand, this product contains a lot of substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system. On the other hand, pumpkin seeds abound with salicylic acid, which can easily cause a stomach ulcer. That is why it is not recommended to consume such seeds in large quantities.

As for the orange pulp of the pumpkin, it affects the digestive system only in a positive way. Using such a fruit with meat, you can greatly facilitate the process of digestion. It should also be noted that the pumpkin contains a lot of fiber. Thanks to the latter you will be able to clear your digestive tract from accumulated wastes in a short period of time.

Benefits for hypertensives

Pumpkin baked, the use of which is an indisputable fact, is very often recommended for those who suffer from high blood pressure. Its regular use contributes to the strengthening of the walls of the vessels, as well as the normalization of the water-salt balance.

It is impossible not to say that such a fruit is almost always shown to those who have increased cholesterol.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Pumpkin, useful properties and contraindications to which have been described in detail above, is used not only as a food product. So, orange fruit is often used as an external agent. This is due to the fact that the pumpkin has anti-inflammatory properties. Crushed into gruel, it is applied to the skin with burns, acne, eczema and rash. As practice shows, such a folk remedy in a short time reduces pain, and also promotes rapid healing of wounds.

What else is useful in an orange vegetable?

Many experts say that pumpkin has an excellent diuretic effect. This fruit contains a lot of water (about 90%), as well as potassium salts. And therefore actively promotes the gradual dissolution of sand and stones in the bladder and kidneys.

If the patient has swollen hemorrhoids, then it is enough for him to only use the pumpkin in its raw form.

Also it should be noted that, regularly including such a vegetable in your diet, you are able to get rid of emotional stress and depression. Specialists noted that pumpkins lovers had an elevated mood and markedly increased vitality.

Due to its special properties, this product is good for insomnia. Moreover, due to the high content of vitamin C, pumpkin contributes to the fight against viral diseases.

Application in cosmetology

Learning about the beneficial properties of this vegetable, many companies began to make on its basis a variety of balsams, shampoos, lotions, cream, soaps and masks. Those cosmetics that are designed to be applied to the skin are famous for their rejuvenating effect. As practice shows, they are able to smooth out not very deep wrinkles.

The Benefits of Pumpkin for Men

According to experts, men should pay special attention to the already familiar pumpkin seeds. After all, they are rich in such a substance as zinc, which is involved in the formation of testosterone.

Eating several seeds a day each day, the stronger sex can protect your body from diseases such as adenoma and the prostate of the prostate.

It should also be noted that it is very useful for men and pumpkin juice. This is due to the fact that he very quickly restores physical strength after a hard working day.

By the way, it has long been proven that the pumpkin significantly increases the male potency. That's why she is among the top ten best aphrodisiacs.

How to choose and store?

Before buying such a vegetable, you should pay attention to its size. You should not chase big fruits. It is better to buy an average pumpkin, which has a weight of 4-5 kg. In this case, you should pay attention to its skin. It should be free from stains, bruises and cracks, as well as other damages.

To properly store a pumpkin, you need to know that she likes cool and opaque places. An ideal place for such a vegetable will serve as a cellar. By the way, the pumpkin must necessarily have a peduncle. This is the only way to ensure its long and proper storage.

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