Health, Healthy Eating
How many times a day do you need? Proper nutrition. Breakfast lunch dinner
Food is a source of energy necessary for the smooth functioning of the human body. That's why nutritionists recommend paying attention to what you eat. It is important that breakfast, lunch, dinner are full and balanced. After reading this article, you will learn about the basic aspects of proper nutrition.
Basic principles
Those who want to understand how much you need to eat once a day should remember that when drawing up an individual menu, it is desirable to take into account the physiological characteristics of your body. It is important that food completely meet your needs in carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and trace elements. For example, those whose activities are associated with heavy physical labor, it is recommended to eat more meat, and those who work in the office, show products with high glucose content.
One of the key roles in this case is the method of preparing certain products. So, fried chicken legs are much more harmful than boiled or baked. Also, you should pay attention to the temperature of the food you eat. Experts advise to exclude from the daily menu too cold and too hot dishes. Otherwise, you eat breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack can cause heartburn or stomach pain. Ideally, the temperature of the food served to the table should be about 38 degrees.
Among other things, it is important to consider the size of the portion. According to most leading nutritionists, one needs to eat a little, but often. Do not stretch your own stomach, sending him at the same time the first, second and third. Thinking through the menu, you should not forget about the recommended daily calorie rate.
What should be the best breakfast?
Those who are trying to figure out how many times a day there are, should remember that in the morning one should consume the most calorie meals. In this meal, you need to eat about 30% of the total daily recommended daily calorie intake. For a completely healthy person, this figure is about 3000 kcal per day.
The first breakfast, which takes place at 7-8 o'clock in the morning, will have time to fully assimilate and recycle into energy. If you neglect the morning meal in favor of a cup of coffee and a sandwich, then in half an hour you will feel hunger again.
You can have breakfast with carbohydrate food. The best for this fit omelets, scrambled eggs and bacon, cereals, cheeses and baked goods. But from semifinished products, sausages and sausages it is desirable to refuse, because in their composition there is a large amount of flavors, stabilizers and colorants that negatively affect our health.
Which foods are suitable for lunch?
Usually by 11 o'clock in the afternoon a healthy person again has a feeling of hunger. This means that it's time to eat a second breakfast, consisting of low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese. These products are considered to be excellent sources of potassium, magnesium and other micronutrients necessary for the normal life of our body.
To get the most benefit, you should give preference to natural products. Also for the second breakfast you can eat fruits. It is important that they are local, and not brought from another country. Most imported products have almost no useful substances, and its taste is very different from domestic counterparts.
What can you eat during a lunch break?
About 13-14 hours of the day, you must always eat some liquid dish. It can be an ear, a borsch, a chicken or vegetable soup. Such food will not only satisfy hunger, but it will not let you overeat.
If necessary, the soup can be replaced with a small portion of baked or boiled meat. Garnish is perfect for products that contain a sufficient amount of starch. It can be potatoes, beans, rice or pasta.
Those who want to know how many times a day there are, it is important to remember that after hot dishes you can not use any cold drinks. Such temperature changes often cause a slowdown in digestive processes.
What foods can I eat for a snack?
About 16 hours a healthy body again needs to replenish energy reserves. At this time, it is important not to overeat, so as not to shift the dinner time and avoid the unpleasant sensation of heaviness in the stomach. For snack, it is worth choosing light and quickly digestible dishes, like mousse, chocolate, fruit and vegetable salads. Nutritionists do not recommend at this time to eat cupcakes, pizza, buns, cookies and other pastries.
What to choose for dinner?
Those who have already realized how much one needs to eat once a day should remember that during the evening meal one should eat light meals. Ideally, dinner is recommended no later than four hours before going to bed.
During this meal, you can eat raw or stewed vegetables. But meat with fried potatoes or legumes are not considered the best option for dinner. Also in the evening it is allowed to eat low-fat fish or boiled white meat. Before going to bed, a glass of warm milk or kefir is allowed.
Nutrition by age
All dieticians hold a common opinion, according to which, in different periods of life a person needs a different amount of food. So, a newborn baby eats exclusively breast milk. At the same time he asks for food every three to four hours, hence the baby eats six to eight times a day.
As the child grows up, the interval between feedings also increases. In addition, the baby's diet is becoming more diverse, new products, previously unknown products, appear in it. A year-old baby is usually fed four to five times a day.
In adolescence, when there is an active growth of the body, nutritionists advise to transfer the child to 3 meals a day. During this period, your heir needs a full breakfast, lunch and dinner. Between these meals you can arrange light, but nutritious snacks.
Most adults eat the same way as teenagers, three times a day. But they are not so active, so they need fewer kilocalories. If a thirteen-year-old young man needs to consume about 3200 calories per day, then in an adult this figure is reduced to 3,000.
Meal in summer
It's no secret that in the hot season you need to adjust your diet. From the daily menu it is desirable to exclude salted, smoked, fried and fatty dishes. The best for summer fit: cottage cheese, milk porridge, stew, vegetable salads, okroshka and chicken meat. As a dessert, you can use fruit ice, various mousses and ice cream. For breakfast it is desirable to eat porridge, rich in all useful substances and slow carbohydrates. It can be sweet (with honey or fruit) or salty (with cheese or nuts). It is also recommended to supplement the morning meal with sour-milk products.
For lunch, you can eat vegetable soup with sorrel, parsley or spinach. Do not forget about meat and fish. However, in summer it is necessary to be very careful about the choice of these products and be sure to heat them. Fish and meat should be boiled, stewed, steamed or baked in the oven.
In the evening, you can eat some light, low-fat dish. For dinner, it is not recommended to eat fruit and berries, as they can cause a fermentation and discomfort in the abdomen.
To quench your thirst in the summer heat, it is recommended to drink fruit drinks, juices and compotes. Lack of fluid can cause thickening of blood, headache, weakness and deterioration of overall health. Therefore, in hot days it is important to observe the drinking regime.
In the summer months, do not abuse lemonades, carbonated drinks and packaged juices, because they contain a lot of sugar and other substances that have a diuretic effect. A good means to quench your thirst is considered to be chilled green tea, as well as a broth of dog rose or mint.
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