Sports and Fitness, Outdoor Sports
Wellness walking, easy jogging, walking in the fresh air. Movement is life
There are people who lead an active lifestyle, and for them wellness walking is a kind of daily fitness. There are practically no restrictions, the elderly and hypertensive patients are advised to start doing healthy walking daily. It will be useful to people who have extra pounds.
Benefits of wellness walking for the body
What benefits does the health-giving walk bring to the body? To begin with, when walking a person trains blood vessels and the heart, which, in turn, reduces the risk of various heart diseases. It is not without reason that it says: "Running from a heart attack." But when running on the joints, there is a greater load than when walking, and this is contraindicated for people who have problems with joints. And the best option in this situation will be to do wellness walking.
What benefits can walking bring? Calories are burned and excess weight goes away. It is recommended to walk more to people who have obesity, since it is very difficult for them to engage in any sport. Walking gradually removes them from hated kilograms, since it is one of the types of physical activity. Walking in the fresh air, especially in the evening, improves sleep, strengthens the immune system, fruitfully influences the psyche, as the stress resistance increases.
Walking Technique
Will walking help lose weight? Calories will be spent and kilograms will go away if everything is done correctly. Healthy walking has a special technique, since it is a certain kind of sport.
Healthy walking techniques:
- When walking, we bend our arms in the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees. Hand movements should be rhythmic and performed along the body back and forth.
- Hands should be compressed into fists, but not severely.
- When walking the leg becomes from the heel to the toe, the body should be relaxed, the stomach is drawn, the shoulders relaxed and straightened.
As you know, in order to make walking really healthy, you need to have a system. And this means, for training you need to allocate three days a week, you should walk for at least forty minutes, the walking speed should be equal to 6.5 km / h, but you need to watch the heart rhythms, they should not exceed one hundred and forty beats per minute . Do not allow shortness of breath, breathe evenly, the first three steps breathe in through the nose, the next three - breathe out through the mouth.
Walking with ski poles became very popular. This option is much more intensive, because when moving in this way, almost 90% of all muscles work in the body.
Scandinavian walking
This kind of walking in health-improving purposes was invented in Scandinavia. Initially, it began to apply skiers, who, in order not to lose shape in the summer, practiced walking, which mimicked the ski run. Since then, walking with ski poles has started to gain increasing popularity, and many athletes choose it as an aerobic load in the intervals between training sessions.
Let's consider what is the advantage of this type of walking:
- First, during it, the load on the joints of the legs is significantly reduced, as it is evenly distributed to the legs and hands.
- Secondly, with the presence of sticks in the hands of walking speed increases significantly.
- Thirdly, the training of the heart and blood vessels is carried out in a more loaded mode, which positively affects their condition.
- Fourthly, posture is well adjusted, since the presence of sticks in the hands does not allow a person to stoop, and he involuntarily keeps his back straight.
- Fifthly, it has a fruitful effect on the cure of diseases of the cervical region and shoulder joints.
This kind of intensive walking is available to all. You do not need to buy expensive equipment, pay for fitness halls. This is a great option, which allows you to deal with your health and body without spending a lot of money, it is enough to buy ski sticks, and forward.
If you have a problem with the spine, you want to lose weight or you do not have a lot of money to buy a subscription to the gym, then walking with sticks will do. It is not very popular in Russia yet, but you can always buy your inventory and begin to get better right now.
A little bit about the morning run
We are always told that jogging in the mornings is very useful, since it is a universal kind of load that has not harmed anyone yet. But running in the morning is not always as useful and safe as they say about it. There is an opinion that the myth about the harm of jogs was invented by those who do not want to deal with them, but this is not so. Professionals claim that in the presence of some chronic diseases from jogging can only get hurt.
Running in the morning, of course, is very useful, if it takes place in the fresh air. It is on fresh, and not in the atmosphere of a big city. When running on a megapolis, you need to understand that the benefits for muscles, of course, will be, they will catch up, but the lungs into which urban air will get can suffer.
Running is contraindicated in people with heart and vascular diseases in severe form, people with obesity, with aching joints. In general, there are many risk groups, and for this reason it is better to use an alternative type of exercise - health walking.
Why is it not recommended to run with heart disease? The fact is that with such a load as jogging, it's not about building muscle, it's more of a means for losing weight. And there is an opinion that as all muscles become smaller, the same thing happens to the heart, as a result, a person begins to feel worse. Of course, in this case, if you run moderately and watch your pulse, the run will not hurt.
In any case, jogging in the mornings is a very individual matter. Try and evaluate the sensations after the first attempt, if you feel fine, you can continue to do this further, but if not, then do better walking wellness.
Evening run before bedtime
Let's talk about the evening jogging. If you compare them to the morning, they are much more useful for the body, since it is already prepared for classes. It is also the evening jogging that relieves stress accumulated during the whole working day, oxygen enrichment of the body occurs.
Decide at what time and how much to run, there will be only you, since it depends on your employment. But there are some rules that say that you should not run more often than 4 times a week, because the body should be given rest. Less often, too, is not recommended, since the load will be insufficient. The best time for walking or jogging is from seven to ten o'clock in the evening, it should last about forty minutes. Running should begin an hour after you ate in the evening. Do not run too late, because the agitated body will be difficult to calm down, and you can not fall asleep on time.
Running better in the park or on the sports ground, because there the air is cleaner than on the paths that pass through the city.
How to run?
In order for jogging to benefit, you need to divide it into three equal parts. Begin a run with a simple warm-up, then run at a moderate pace, after a while accelerate, and in conclusion - a very slow run, almost walking. If you just start jogging in the evenings, then you need to keep a check on the condition, breathe properly, make sure that your heart rate does not go down. Watch your posture, not the machine with your hands too much. Do not run immediately for an hour, start with a small one, for example from five minutes, and gradually increase the time and pace, so you can avoid some unpleasant moments in the state of health.
If you are driving a sedentary lifestyle and decided to start running, it is more likely that after the first classes you will get muscle aches, it's okay, you do not have to stop training, after a week of jogging in the evenings your muscles will get used to the load and will stop ache.
Walking and hypertension
Any hypertensive patient is afraid of sudden movements, since in this case the pressure can change dramatically. Of course, you need to strengthen the heart muscle. But how to do it correctly, if only from one ascent of the stairs the heart jumps out and suffers from severe shortness of breath?
It is necessary to do health walking, which is shown to almost all hypertensive patients, if they do not have exacerbations. You need to walk, but only take precautions.
On a note
Be sure to take note:
- You should start walking only after visiting the attending physician and consulting with him.
- The load should increase gradually. If you feel a slight discomfort during walking, then stop studying, rest. And the next day you can try again, but only at a slower pace.
- The warm-up should be easy, without slopes and squats.
- Do not force yourself to walk by force, this process should give you pleasure.
- Do it regularly, every other day, but without fanaticism, as soon as you start to feel tired, walking should be stopped urgently.
- Your movements should be slow and measured.
Very effective Nordic walking in hypertension, since it can be an auxiliary tool for rest. So, if you have shortness of breath when walking, you need to stop and rest, and you can do it by leaning on the sticks. Once breathing has recovered, you can safely move on.
As soon as you start training, you may have higher blood pressure, more pulse, but this is due to increased blood circulation in the body. In some cases, dizziness may occur. But with constant training under the supervision of specialists after a month of training there is an improvement in overall well-being, pressure jumps disappear, and a headache occurs. The main thing - classes can be held in any weather, regardless of the time of year.
With constant walking over time, the heart muscle will become stronger, and your disease may recede, and the vessels, whose tone significantly decreases, also increase, and as a result, the blood pressure drops to normal.
It is good to start doing healthy walking at a time when the disease has only begun to manifest, then you can avoid all complications. But even when hypertension is quite neglected, doctors advise their patients this kind of exercise, but only under constant supervision.
Terrenkur - treatment by walking
In the process of walking our body uses a lot of muscles, the respiratory system and joints.
Scientists have long been interested in the impact of walking on human health, and now there was an innovation called a health path. Hiking is prescribed to patients as an alternative to medicines. In this case, the severity of the disease depends on the route of walking, its duration and pace.
One of the advantages of this type of recovery is that the load on the joints is minimal. And so this method was originally intended for people with obesity and not trained physically. Walking helps and those who do not run to run for health reasons, for example, people suffering from osteochondrosis. You can not run, but you can go on walking, especially wellness.
Types of terrenkur
There are as many types of terrenkur:
- Easy, smooth route with a length of five hundred meters.
- The average, the pace of walking changes periodically, you need to go for a mile and a half, and the route is drawn over an uneven surface.
- Complex, many sites with terrain swings, a length of more than six kilometers, an intensive way of walking varies with the slow.
How does the pathogen affect the body?
Doctors have found that wellness walking helps the body cope with many ailments, as the supply of oxygen to the organs is improved, muscle corset is developed, metabolism is accelerated, which leads to weight loss and reduction of joint load.
In addition, the pathogen increases blood flow in the legs, which can help fight their diseases without surgery.
In order to get the long-awaited benefit from the terrenkur, you do not just have to walk, but do it right.
It is necessary to begin with the easiest, since the body must get used to the stresses that you impose on it. The decision to engage in this kind of sport you must take consciously, since wellness walking should be a pleasure that will not work out under compulsion. After a few trainings and you feel that this route has become too easy for you, you can go to the average level of training. To learn it, you will need a lot more time, but it's worth it. As you begin to feel much better and will be ready to go further in your training, moving to the most difficult level of wellness walking.
In conclusion, I want to say: whatever kind of walking you choose, the result will not be long in coming. It can be just walking outdoors in the evening, they will necessarily have a beneficial effect on the health of your body as a whole. After you start to engage in this sport, your muscles will catch up, if there are extra pounds, they will go away, the heart and blood vessels will be trained. All internal organs will work much better, because they will receive a large amount of oxygen. You will have immunity to various stressful situations and improve your mood and well-being.
Be healthy!
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