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We raise hemoglobin. What products increase hemoglobin

Hemoglobin in the blood depends on the content of iron - the most important microelement involved in the circulation. If a person is diagnosed with "anemia", that is, iron deficiency, then he is not eating properly, perhaps he simply does not know which products contain hemoglobin. This iron-containing protein is found in vegetables, fruits, meat, seafood. Further it is necessary to tell about what products raise hemoglobin in the highest degree, and what it is better not to use because of their obstacle to assimilation of iron by an organism.

Slight iron deficiency can be corrected if you choose the right diet (a kind of diet) and observe it for a certain period of time. Such nutrition will have a good effect on the overall work of the body, and can also correct some circulatory shortages.

What is the norm of the hemoglobin content in the blood? The usual interval is from 120 to 140 g / l, in pregnant women, as a rule, this figure decreases, because a very large number of microelements is used for fetal nutrition and its development. In large cities, this gap is further reduced because of the negative impact of environmental conditions.

In case a person does not have enough iron, unpleasant symptoms appear, such as: fatigue, dizziness, excessive pallor, poor working capacity. If you have these symptoms, you should contact your doctor to take tests that will determine the adequacy of iron in the blood. If there is a lack of it, the doctor will prescribe medicines, advise people's remedies, and also tell you what foods increase hemoglobin.

If you decide to increase the level of iron-containing protein by yourself, you should pay special attention to the composition of the purchased products. If the problem touched the child (which happens most often with premature babies who, during their intrauterine development, did not have time to "take" from the mother the necessary stock for the optimal life activity of the substance), then it is worthwhile to ensure that the baby food must contain iron.

Vegetarians most often await such an ailment as anemia, because vegetables contain less hemoglobin in meat, fish and seafood. Therefore, people who prefer purely vegetable food should be checked regularly for iron. Also, beware of the girls, carefully watching their figure. Such a representative of the beautiful half of humanity is along with the diet to take vitamins with a high content of trace elements.

The daily intake of iron in food is 15 mg for women and 10 mg for men. In children, hemoglobin is most often lowered, so it is worthwhile to take a preliminary note on the information about which foods increase hemoglobin. Such foods include almonds, seafood, sea kale, fresh cabbage, bran, veal liver, mushrooms and cocoa. You can also treat yourself and your child with berries that are rich in iron. The leader among them is currant, but in the winter it is rarely found anywhere, and in frozen form it is not so useful, as many trace elements lose their basic properties at low temperatures. What foods increase hemoglobin yet? It is important to eat fish, nuts, greens, oatmeal, apples, and in the summer - peaches, plums. Very tasty and wholesome drink made from rose hips.

What products increase hemoglobin - the topic of many debates and debate between scientists, but how to properly combine them, for the body to have maximum benefit, information is more difficult to find. Wheat flour products fasten iron in the intestines, which will significantly reduce its absorption. Tea and coffee should also not be consumed during meals and immediately afterwards. And vitamin C in every possible way promotes the correct assimilation of iron-containing protein, even not under the most favorable conditions.

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