BusinessHuman Resource Management

We develop job descriptions for the general worker

Often, employers have an acute need to perform work of a certain nature that does not require high qualification and special training. To offer cooperation in this matter to a worker with a diploma does not make sense. Who will agree to waste his time? After all, this work is not too prestigious and low-paid. It is this kind of work that has become the lot of an unskilled laborer.

A handyman needs everyone

Despite all the simplicity, this work is quite heavy and often requires considerable physical expenses. It is needed almost everywhere: in an institution, in a warehouse, in a production room, on a building site and just on the street. After all, it is necessary for someone, for example, to remove the construction site from domestic garbage, to clean the production area or simply to collect snow. That's for such purposes and need a person who has no special education and is ready to perform a variety of work on the instructions of the direct leadership. Without looking at all the circumstances, his work should take place within the law. It is for this purpose that the special "Job Regulations of the General Worker" are developed, which regulate his uneasy labor activity. The employer must have such a document in stock. Job descriptions of the handyman are developed in the same way as for the rest of the employees. Like any other standard document of this type, they have a preamble and four main sections. In the preamble, there must be a mention that this document was developed on the basis of normative acts and other documents that regulate labor relations in the country. Job descriptions of the handyman begin, as a rule, with the "General Provisions". Here the order of employment, direct subordination and working conditions is indicated. In the same section, everything that the worker must know, based on the needs and characteristics of production, is listed: safety techniques, rules for unloading and unloading goods, the ability to use the tools and equipment necessary for work. Handyman, like all other members of the team, must know the orders and orders of the company's management, the rules of BTRO, OT, fire protection and industrial sanitation. The "Functional duties" section lists everything that the employee will need to perform as needed. Job descriptions of the handyman, like everyone else, contain sections explaining the rights and responsibilities. The document must be approved by the head. The employee himself must sign it on the first day.

Assistant for all

The handyman in the organization is like a jack of all trades. He usually has his rather wide range of responsibilities. But this does not end there. The job description of the unskilled laborer states that he must provide all possible assistance to any employee on any site without fail. Take, for example, construction. The brigade of the finishers finished the work in the room. Who will clean up the remaining garbage and clean up? Of course, handyman. Who will help the painters deliver the paint to the uppermost floor? Again he, handyman. It is he who will help the janitor clear the roofs of the snow in the winter time, and in the summer without any problems the grass will mow. If necessary, it can be sent urgently to unloading or to help the storekeeper. There are many options. In any production for such a person there is always work.

One model for everyone

The duties of the handyman directly depend on the enterprise where he works. A sample job description can be easily found in various personnel manuals. The main sections, as a rule, are similar to each other. Only "Functional duties" change. A kitchen worker, for example, is required to perform all dirty and minor work related to food, dishes and cleaning of the premises. A handyman in industrial production, if necessary, is an assistant to all specialists. In the warehouse it is the same loader, and in the institution it is a specialist of a wide profile. He helps an electrician or performs the work of a carpenter, replaces a janitor or, instead of a cleaner, brings order to the room. All these circumstances are clearly prescribed in the instructions and are mandatory for execution.

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