Spiritual developmentMystic

Conspiracy from drunkenness and its consequences. Reviews of the conspiracy of alcoholism on alcohol

Alcoholism is a terrible, dangerous and very common disease of modern society. People suffering from addiction, suffer not only themselves, but also loved ones, a close environment. This is why today, among the common people, conspiracies of drunkenness are particularly popular. Consequences, reviews of rituals, as well as techniques for their conduct and description of the necessary attributes - all this will be discussed in the article below.

Features of rituals

Usually such ceremonies are a matter of women's hands. It's no secret that a loving spouse, looking at the torment of her adored husband, is ready for anything. Having tried various methods, young ladies steadily turn to magic. They consider conspiracies as the last hope, which will help to wrest the spouse from the clutches of the insidious "green snake", to restore his taste for life and work. Any conspiracy of drunkenness and its consequences is a delicate matter. Therefore, before you start the ritual, it is tiresome to take into account all its features, because you will appeal to the higher forces. And if they do not please, anger them or give them a reward, the "rollback" will be strong and destructive for the conductor and the one to whom he is dedicated.

All the words of the conspiracy must be pronounced clearly, confidently and correctly. No initiative! When it comes to a woman, the ritual is held on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, if the ritual is directed at a man - Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Among the main attributes are candles, wax, water, photographs. The choice of magical accessories depends on the personal preferences of the person who makes the ritual.

Plot on water

Very easy to use, does not require additional costs. Therefore, women often choose this conspiracy from drunkenness. Reviews about him are the most positive: the young ladies say that he "works". For the ritual we need a standard glass: it is filled with water. You can take the bodily fluid, but if there is not one, the usual one - the tap water - will do. Pouring water into the container, say above it the following words: "The water inside will quickly fall - alcohol dependence will instantly go away. And there is no turning back. Amen! "You need to repeat the spell three times.

The ritual is best spent with the waning moon, at midnight. Plot the water on the windowsill: there it is all night, after which the next morning it must be added to the food of the alcoholic or to give him just a drink. You can also stretch the glass for a whole week, giving the spouse its contents in small portions. Dilute liquids with alcoholic beverages. By the way, water can be impregnated with a towel, which is used by a drunkard. After a week, bury or burn a hygiene item.

Ritual with sacred water

A very effective conspiracy against drunkenness, the consequences of which will be the most minimal. The explanation is simple: the ritual uses consecrated water, the one that you bring from the church on the feast of the Lord's Baptism - January 19. It has a special power. The plot itself is also better done on this day, right after visiting the temple. To do this, you take out of the pantry an ordinary small jar, pour in it a miracle liquid and whisper words, bending low over the capacity - so that the lips almost touch the surface of the water. At the same time, it is necessary to say the following: "As our God, Jesus Christ, did not drink, he did not know the hops and did not suffer without him, as the Virgin Mary and the saints did not know, the holy brags did not know, they did not torture her, so did the servant of God ( Name) from alcohol to refuse and never to return to it. Amen!"

The plot is read three times, after which the bank is sealed. You can open it only in order to add the spelled liquid to the food and drink of a person suffering from alcoholism. Dishes should already be cooked: boil and even heat water is forbidden - so it loses its properties. If the case is very neglected, the ritual is held several times.

Conspiracy on the photo

The famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova described in detail this conspiracy of drunkenness and its consequences: the reviews of the ritual are simply ecstatic. Those people who spent it at home say that it almost always gives a positive result. During the ritual, you need to bend over the picture of your loved one and whisper a short prayer: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! "To think in this case, it is necessary that the wife will have the strength of will and wisdom to refrain from drinking alcohol. Imagine it teetotal, healthy and cheerful.

There is another popular ritual, conducted on the photo. Waiting for midnight, above the image of the spouse you need to whisper: "The moon is waning, alcohol dependence on the servant of God (name) forever recedes, completely disappears and does not return. I say - the moon does. Amen". As the first and second rite do on the descending month. His "rollback" has this conspiracy from drunkenness. And its consequences must be taken into account to protect yourself. Before the ritual and after it, go to the temple, pray and put the candles.

Rite with liquor

No less effective plot from drunkenness, the consequences of which can be very unpleasant. The ritual is performed with the help of the cemetery, so it requires additional preparation. But first things first. To begin with, you need to take a bottle of the alcoholic beverage to which the husband is usually attached, go to the churchyard and find a dug grave to which the deceased person should be buried. Stand and wait for the dead man to come. After the funeral, when relatives leave, put a bottle near his grave and say: "With the warm-up to you, the newly-appointed slave of God (name). Here is a gift from the servant of God (the name of a drunkard). Remember him drinking as you are. Let him not get drunk, he will sleep and become an ardent teetotaler. As you slave of God (the name of the deceased) do not pull your hands to the bottle, so would a bitter drunkard did not drink, did not drink, and stayed with a clear mind until the end of his century. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

You leave the bottle near the grave under the protection of the deceased. Like all cemetery rituals, this is dangerous. After it is carried out, it is necessary to go to church, order service for the deceased person who was disturbed, put candles for repose and read the prayer "Our Father ..." forty times.

Ritual for her husband

This rite is done on a regular castle, which before that you buy in the store. You need to buy it on Friday, and the thing should be big, strong and reliable. Wait for midnight and pour into the hole the remnants of alcohol, which left behind your husband. Better if they are fresh, in extreme cases, you can use and pre-stored alcohol. After that, close the lock with a key, saying: "You, a libertine and a bitter drunk, let bottles and taverns remain locked for the rest of your life, like this castle."

The conspiracy of husband's drunkenness will remain in effect until the castle remains closed. So try to hide the key away: throw it into the flowing river. The castle can be buried: being dominated by different elements, two parts of one whole will become inaccessible to each other, and the effect of the rite will become stronger. The ritual is spent on the old moon. The heavenly luminary during this period loses its force, along with which various misfortunes, troubles, problems and illnesses recede.

Conspiracy against a son

Agree, it is much more painful for the mother to look at the drinking heir than the wife for her husband. Native blood, on which great hopes were laid, instead of becoming a support, rolls to the very bottom. In addition, the power of maternal love is much stronger than that of a married couple. Therefore, any words spoken from the lips of the parent have, to some extent, a magical power. If a woman has a good mother-in-law, and she gets along very well with her, you can use her help. A double force will have such a conspiracy of drunkenness, and its consequences will collapse with a crushing blow to alcoholism.

What do we have to do? On a clean Thursday, on the eve of Easter, the mother should wash in the apartment where her son lives, all the windows. The work is carried out according to the usual scheme, only the last water used for cleaning must be poured into the jar. Then the parent beckons the heir and sprays his back with this liquid, whispering these words: "As I gave birth to you, I nursed milk, raised and raised it, so would you, the slave of God (name) did not drink vodka, did not drink into wine, to wine Did not touch. The windows are clean and you are clean. May it be so".

Strong plot on yourself

He can become very productive. Such conspiracies and prayers from drunkenness are endowed with a double force: a person understands the problem, realizes that he needs help. If there is a desire to get rid of addiction, he will not only do rituals, but will try to undergo a course of treatment. In tandem, these methods will help start a new life in which there will be no more room for alcohol. For the ritual, wait for the waning moon. In the apartment you should be alone, in the extreme case, be closed in a separate room, so that no one interrupts you.

The rite requires preliminary preparation. A week before it, begin a strict fast, which you need to keep until the day of the ritual. When it comes, go to the bath and be sure to put on clean clothes. Then, going home, go to any flow source and draw water. Arriving at the apartment, wait until midnight and whisper over the liquid such words: "Alcohol addiction retreat - a place for a new life give way. There is no more green snake in it. I'm as clean as this water. " Imagine how you leave addiction. Read the plot three times, and drink water.

Helpful Tips

If you decide on such a rite, hack to yourself on the nose of one simple truth: breaking the harmony in the family is capable of conspiracy from drunkenness. And its consequences must be taken into account when carrying out the ritual. It is better to turn to experienced mages and healers for help. If you want to do everything yourself, strictly follow the following rules:

  • All rites of alcoholism are conducted on the waning moon.
  • Representatives of the stronger sex are treated in "male" days, ladies - in "women".
  • It is forbidden to speak on Sundays, fasting and during church celebrations.
  • Read the plot in a whisper, believing in what you say, and heartily wanting a dream to come true sooner. When you are confident and calm, sincerely believe and hope, the action will be more effective.
  • Interrupt the rite in no case it is impossible, so choose a time when you are alone and not engaged in extraneous matters.

By observing these conditions, you will successfully hold any conspiracy of drunkenness on alcohol, photography or water.


If something went wrong, then you will get a strong "rollback". How is it manifested? First, if the basic rules are not respected, a person can drink even more. Secondly, your gross mistakes will lead to the negative impact on your health or close people. Especially when the ceremony was held in the cemetery: here you ask for help from the otherworldly forces, and they can be angry and send you a solid dose of problems. Remember that magic, even white, is a serious matter. Therefore, it requires a competent approach, accuracy of execution and compliance with all conditions.

What will happen if there is no "rollback", instead, the expected result is obtained? At first, it will be difficult for a person without a habitual dose of alcohol. He can become nervous, irritable, depressed. Here your support is very important: without excessive reproaches, resentment and anger. Do not remember the past, but start life with a new leaf.

Now you know how to properly conspire against drunkenness. The consequences, feedback about them and other interesting details you could read in our review. Let peace and peace come to your home, and in life an era of harmony and prosperity will come.

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