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Valentine: value. Name and secret of origin

Knowing the secrets of a name is always a very fascinating process. After all, you can learn so much about a man! Yes, and understand some of the features of his character is also very useful. Are you interested in exploring the secrets of a man whose name is Valentine? Then this publication is for you!

Valentine: value. The name of a strong man

The name under consideration came from the Latin language and means "healthy", "strong". A woman named Valentine is distinguished for her sincerity, kindness, gullibility and unselfishness. Her nobility has been observed since childhood. The girl will not spare her favorite toy for her friends, and she will also share her treats with the children, even if it is the last.

Valentine: value. The name of a noble person

It often happens that kindness brings extra chores to Valentina or even problems. For example, a girl is able to quickly help a person, even if it is even worse than him. Valya does all this from a pure heart, because she can not see how others suffer, who are not indifferent to her.

This nature is characterized by excessive credulity to his girlfriends, who can sometimes slukavit. For this reason, Valya can aggressively treat their enemies, who, in fact, did not do anything similar to what was told. Therefore, the person in question should better rely on his own opinion. There are practically no enemies in Valentina. It attracts gambling.

Valentine: value. A fiery, but quick-witted nature

In all people she tries to see only positive traits. The owner of this name has some disadvantages: she can become very angry and quarrel with friends. Her mood changes easily, perhaps, so Valentine is resourceful and the first goes to reconciliation.

Speaking of professional activities, a girl can become an excellent doctor or nurse, a teacher, a dispatcher, a nurse, a salesperson, a waitress. Her favorite pastime she will be completely given.

Valentine: value. Name of serious women for the family

Marry Valya comes out solely for love and shows her good qualities in the family. She likes to do housework, cooks delicious food and is able to spend all her free time on children. Unfortunately, the spouse does not always appreciate the entire care of this woman, so she is unable to make her truly happy.

The mystery of Valentine's name in astrology

Women, whose name is Valya, is guarded by the planet Venus.

  • The color of the name is a sea wave.
  • A stone-amulet is a pearl.
  • The plant-mascot is willow and forget-me-not.
  • The guardian animal is a sterlet.
  • The most favorable day is Thursday.

To create a family, men with names like Gleb, Semyon, Sergei, Alexander, Vladimir, Ivan and Valentin are more suitable. It will be more difficult to maintain a relationship with a person if his name is Stepan, Leonid, Nikolai, Boris and Georgi.

Now you know what Valentine's name means. The reliability of this characteristic, according to statistics, is approximately 75.73%.

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