EducationSecondary education and schools

"The influence of people on people" - an essay that helps rethink social settings

They say that the destiny of a person determines his character. But scientists have proved that in many ways the way of life is determined by the environment - those who are nearby. This is a family, friends, in the future - a work collective.

Sometimes within the school curriculum there is a need to touch upon the topic: "The influence of people on people." Composition - this is the form most often taken by this work. Or, considering this topic is necessary in order to prepare for the discussion in the lesson.

Why write the essay "The influence of people on people?"

Anyway, this reasoning should have a goal not only to prepare for the task, but also, perhaps, to answer some very important questions for yourself. After all, a person's life passes among people - whether he wants it or not. From birth, the child is entrusted to the hands of parents, grandparents, and then teachers and educators. Already from the sandbox, he learns to distinguish friends from enemies. With someone he likes to communicate, and with someone - not very much.

What brings friendship for a young adult?

A special role is played by friendship in adolescence and adolescence. And it's no accident, because this period is characterized by the search for oneself, its place in society. There is the formation of personality. A friend is the person in which each of us first of all tries to see himself. Such a scale is reached by the influence of people on a person. The composition given in the school helps to reflect on this issue, to consider in more detail the psychological aspects of social interactions.

Society and an individual: the main factor in their interaction

First of all, it must be remembered that a person reaches his level of development only through interaction with other members of society. So great, as already mentioned, the influence of people on people. The Russian essay can also contain the following example: a child grown, like Mowgli, in the jungle, can never reach the highest stages of development. They are available only to those children who grow up in the family, in the conditions of civilization. The fact that the society promotes the development of the personality from early childhood may well contain the work "The influence of people on people." Arguments that are provided by various sources are quite diverse. But the main factor remains the immutable role of society in the development of the individual.

Only from surrounding people, the child is able to adopt cultural norms, rules of behavior in society. The child grows up and receives feedback from adults - whether his actions are good or not, how his behavior should be adjusted.

Society in the sandbox

And such a mechanism is not only effective in relations between adults and children. Even among those kids who play in the sandbox, certain standards are already set. These rules of the game are designed to regulate relationships within a group of young children. If they were not, then more aggressive guys would be free to constantly take away from other toys, to break the sand pyramids - in general, to behave insultingly in all respects.

How do you know what a person is? Example from the Book of Books

There are many aspects that describe the influence of people on a person. The writing is the work in which the main factors should be described.

In general, the impact of one person on another can be negative or positive.

Negative influence is known to all. Life is full of such examples. But what will be the positive? In this matter, one can turn to religion. And, first of all, for such treatment, it is necessary to have sufficiently diverse views on the world. It is important to understand: written sources of any religion - be it Christianity, Buddhism or Islam - are, among other things, a rich cultural heritage. Everyone can apply to them, regardless of race or religion. Each of us can draw in them knowledge.

So what does this have to do with the ways that can help to write the essay "The influence of people on people"? In the Bible, Christ speaks of false prophets: "By their fruits you will know them." This legendary saying can be interpreted in the secular sense. And also its meaning is in many respects consonant with what Vladimir Mayakovsky wanted to say in the poem, which everyone remembers even from the primer, "What is good and what is bad."

How can you know for sure if a person is good or bad? What opinion can be made about this or that collective or a large group of people? On the one hand, to make such conclusions, it is necessary to stay for some time in this society. On the other hand, having allowed himself to be connected to the "wrong" person or collective, the individual risks becoming similar to them and has already lost the ability to judge objectively.

Here, ancient biblical wisdom comes to the rescue. If a person strives for good, he has noble goals, the devotion of which he devotes daily to considerable time. If he is compassionate and respectful of both the elders and those below him in rank, all this indicates a high degree of ethical and cultural development of the individual.

Such a person will definitely have a good influence on others - whether he is a friend, a member of the family, a teacher or a coach.

Another factor of influence of society per person

Write an essay "The influence of people on people" in Russian language - a difficult task. You need to be able to evaluate and compare different information. How else does society affect a single person?

Experience is what allows an individual to build each subsequent relationship in a more productive way. Being in society, a person encounters during his life with a variety of different social situations. They can be both insignificant, and very serious, such that affect the whole further course of his life. For a person's path to succeed, he must have the knowledge that will allow him to avoid mistakes.

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