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Connected speech is ... Preschoolers' coherent speech: development and formation

Confidence in their abilities, determination, finding their place in society - all this is directly related to the development of speech, the ability to correctly and clearly express their thoughts. Linked speech is the union of fragments, denoting one specific topic and carrying a single semantic load.

At birth, the child has the makings of speech. The main task of adults and teachers is to develop them correctly. After all, the child's formed coherent speech is the guarantee of the future successful development of the personality. What does this concept mean? Solitary speech is the ability to formulate and express your thoughts.

Types of Speech

There are two main types of coherent speech:

  • Monologic.
  • Dialogic.

The first one requires great communication skills. On how correctly expressed a thought, it depends, how others will understand it. From the narrator requires a good memory, the correct use of speech speed, developed logical thinking, so that the narrative sounded consistently and clearly.

Dialogues usually do not use complex verbal revolutions. Speech does not have a clear logical sequence. The direction of the conversation can change arbitrarily and in any direction.

Bookmark speech skills

Formation of coherent speech occurs in several stages.

1st stage - preparatory, from 0 to 1 year. At this stage, the baby gets to know the sounds. For the first few weeks he simply listens to an adult speech, while he develops a passive set of sounds, he gets the first screams. Later there is babbling, which consists of randomly pronounced sounds.

In the same period, the child is shown objects and calls the sounds that characterize them. For example: a clock is tick-to-do, water is a drop-cap. Later the baby reacts to the name of the object and looks for it with a look. By the end of the first year, the crumb says individual syllables.

The second stage is preschool, from one year to three years. At first the child pronounces simple words denoting both the object and the action. For example, the word "give" the kid means both the object, and their desires, and the request, therefore, only close people understand it. After a certain period, simple sentences appear, the child begins to express his thoughts more accurately. By three years in the speech prepositions are used. Harmonization of cases and gender begins.

The third stage is preschool, from 3 to 7 years. This is a period of more conscious formation of the personality. Closer to 7 years, a speech apparatus is formed , the sounds are clear, correct. The child begins to build competently the offers, he already has and constantly replenishes the vocabulary.

The fourth stage is school, from 7 to 17 years. The main feature of the development of speech at this stage in comparison with the previous one is its conscious assimilation. Children master sound analysis, learn the grammatical rules of constructing utterances. The leading role in this case belongs to written speech.

These stages do not have strict, clear boundaries. Each of them smoothly passes into the next.

Development of coherent speech of preschool children

After the beginning of going to the kindergarten, the child's environment changes and, together with it, the form of speech. Since up to 3 years the kid is constantly next to people close to him, all communication is built on his requests to adults. There is a dialogical form of speech: adults ask questions, and the child answers. Later, the child has a desire to tell about something, to convey their feelings after a walk, while listeners can already be not only close people. This is how the monologic form of speech begins to be laid.

All speech is connected. However, the forms of connectivity with development are changing. The coherent speech presented by the child is the ability to tell so that what you hear becomes clear on the basis of your own content.

Components of speech

Speech can be divided into two components: situational and contextual. Expressing his thoughts or describing the situation, a person should build a monologue so that the listener understands what the conversation is about. Children are not at first able to describe the situation without specifying specific actions. To an adult, listening to the story, it is difficult to understand what the conversation is about, not knowing the situation. Thus, the first is the situational coherent speech of preschoolers. At the same time, it is impossible to completely exclude the presence of a contextual component, since such moments of speech are always interrelated.

Contextual speech

Having mastered the situational component, the child begins to master the contextual. First , children's spoken language is full of pronouns "he", "she", "they". In this case, it is not clear to whom they specifically refer. For the characterization of objects the concept "such" is used and is actively supplemented by gestures: hands show what kind of, for example, large, small. The peculiarity of this speech is that it expresses more than expresses.

Gradually the child begins to build a speech context. This becomes noticeable when a large number of pronouns disappear from the conversation and replace them with nouns. Connected speech is determined by the logical nature of the person's thoughts.

You can not master the connection and not have logic at the same time. After all, speech directly depends on thoughts. Solitary speech is the consistency and consistency of thoughts expressed aloud and combined into grammatically correct sentences.

According to the conversation of the child it is clear how developed his logic is and what vocabulary he has. With a lack of words, even a logically correctly constructed idea will cause the difficulty of saying aloud. Therefore, speech should be developed in a complex: logic, memory, a rich vocabulary. Everything should be in harmony.

The main types of coherent speech formation

The development of coherent speech in children occurs through various methods. The main ones are:

  • Development of dialogue skills.
  • Retelling.
  • Story from the pictures.
  • Compilation of descriptive stories.

The first type of conversation that the child learns is dialogue. Children are taught:

  • Listen and understand the speech of an adult.
  • Communicate with other children.
  • Build a dialogue with answers to questions.
  • Repeat words, phrases for the educator.

Children aged 4-7 years are taught simple forms of monologue construction.

Retelling requires the child to be mindful and assiduous. To begin with, there is preparation for retelling, then the teacher reads the text, and after that the children answer questions related to the read material. A retelling plan is drawn up, then the tutor again reads the story, and the retelling begins. Children of younger preschool age do almost everything together with the tutor. The older children themselves are developing a retelling plan. Thus, the connection between logic and speech is maintained.

Pictures - a tool for the development of connectivity

Learning coherent speech is done using pictures. The narrative of the pictures is facilitated by an ordinary independent retelling. Since the course of the story is depicted in the drawings, it is not necessary to remember everything. For the younger preschool age, one-piece pictures with the objects depicted on them are used. Children, answering the questions of the teacher, describe the image.

From the age of 4 the child is taught to compose a story by picture. This requires such preparation:

  • Viewing the picture.
  • Answers to the questions of the educator.
  • The story of the tutor.
  • The story of children.

In the course of the story, the teacher suggests the basic words. He controls the correct direction of speech. By the age of 5, children are taught how to write a plan and tell them about it. In 6-7 years the child is able to focus on the background of the picture, describe the landscape, minor, at first glance, details. Telling the picture, the child, relying on the image, should tell what happened before the events shown and can happen after.

The educator with his questions outlines a storyline that goes beyond the boundaries of the picture. When telling the child, you need to monitor the correct grammatical construction of the sentence, for a sufficient vocabulary.

Particular attention should be given to stories on landscape pictures. Since it requires the ability to use words in a figurative sense, make comparisons, use synonyms and antonyms.


Of great importance in the development of coherent speech of preschoolers is the ability to describe a specific subject, situation, time of year.

In the younger preschool age, children are taught to make a story-description of a toy. The educator asks questions and directs the narrator. The basic basic words for which the description is being described: the size of the toy, the material, the color. The older the child becomes, the more authentically he tells. Begin to carry out a comparative description of objects and living objects, two different objects. Teach children to find common characteristics and opposite. Story stories are composed, with the inclusion of the described subjects in them.

Also, children in the senior preschool age tell stories from personal experience, describe the situation with them, the content of the cartoons viewed.

Technique of connected speech - mnemonics

The technique is based on the use of pictures. All stories, verses are coded with pictures, after which the story is then narrated. The methodology is based on the fact that children in preschool age rely more on visual memory than on auditory memory. Training takes place using mnemodorozhek, mnemotablits and schematic models.

Symbols, by which words are encoded, are as close as possible to speech material. For example, talking about pets, next to the depicted animals draw a house, and for wild animals - a forest.

The study is from simple to complex. Children consider mnemokvadraty, later - mnemodorozhki with pictorial symbols, the meaning of which they know. The work proceeds in stages:

  • Study of the table.
  • Coding information, converting the presented material from symbols to images.
  • Retelling.

With the help of mnemonics, the learning of speech in children goes intuitively. At the same time they have a good vocabulary and the ability to conduct a coherent monologue.

Levels of connectivity of speech

After using various methods in practice, educators check the level of coherent speech in children. If some of its development is at the lower level, other methods are applied to them, which will be more effective when working with such children.

The coherent speech of preschool children is divided into three levels:

  • High level - the child has a large vocabulary, grammatically and logically correctly builds sentences. Can retell the story, describe, compare objects. At the same time his speech is consistent, interesting in content.
  • The average level - the child builds interesting proposals, has a high literacy. Difficulties arise when building a story on a given storyline, then he can make mistakes, but with the comments of adults, he is able to correct them himself.
  • Low level - the child has difficulty in plotting the story on the plot lines. His speech is inconsistent and illogical, semantic errors are allowed due to the difficulties in building connections. There are grammatical errors.


Formation of coherent speech of children is a continuous process of educating the tutor with the help of various techniques and game forms. As a result, the child begins to connect and grammatically correctly express their thoughts, to conduct a monologue, to use literary techniques.

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