EducationSecondary education and schools

Which subjects are easier to take in grade 9: list and recommendations

The school is a great time in the life of a teenager. But sooner or later this stage becomes passed. This applies to future graduates.

Many of the guys decide to leave school after grade 9 and start training in a special college. But which subjects are easier to take in grade 9? How to determine the future specialty? What should I focus on in training and how to properly prepare for the GIA? Let's understand step by step.

Choose the direction

Determined with the passing of exams is necessary as early as the 9th grade. To properly plan your training, first of all you need to choose the direction of future education - technical or humanitarian. Which of these is easier?

Here it should be noted that everything depends on the inclinations of the student. Someone from elementary school to the very end of schooling is easier to get mathematics and other exact sciences, and someone is more inclined to study history and geography, so the answer to the question "which subjects are easiest to take in grade 9" for each will be different. The decision to take is pretty simple, if you follow the principles indicated.

Therefore, if you initially notice a tendency to study any science that you like best or is easier to give, then answer the question: "What subjects are easier to take after class 9?" - you will be much easier. In addition, you need to study the specialty colleges, which can include your favorite subject or a similar direction. Also, you should familiarize yourself with the specialties that you can get at a higher educational institution.

Tips for choosing

But how to determine which objects are easier to take in grade 9 to you? Here are some tips to help the student answer this question.

  1. Do self-testing. Having passed tests for career guidance, the student will already have a landmark.
  2. Contact the special organizations that are engaged in vocational guidance of students. Experts will help you more accurately determine the direction of your predispositions and inclinations.
  3. Estimate the scale of the task. If you are dreaming of becoming an IT specialist, then decide for yourself - will you be able to study the computer science and other necessary knowledge for a year (and then all the school years)?

Note that even if an item is not given to you very easily, but it is necessary to get the profession that you have chosen, through great efforts and work you will be able to master it. The main thing is to put a lot of effort, to devote time to self-study, and sometimes deny yourself walks with friends and other ways of rest.

What subjects should I take after 9th grade? Mandatory are two subjects - mathematics and the Russian language, the other students choose at their own volition.

And now let's analyze which subjects to take exams easier in grade 9 for each direction.

Humanitarian orientation

If the student has determined that he wants to continue his education in the humanitarian field, then social science is one of the subjects for surrender. It can not be said that this subject is very easy to hand over. However, if you have positive grades and regularly prepare homework on this subject, then it will not be difficult to pass it to good scores. Taking into account independent training in social studies, you will be able to achieve fairly high results.

What subjects should I take after 9th grade? There can be several.

  • History.
  • Geography.
  • Literature.

These items can not be called easy, however, they are most often found in the list of necessary for admission to college.

In a separate group should be distinguished biology and chemistry. These subjects can be called difficult for delivery, but their complexity is due to the uneasy specialization. Even future psychologists take biology, and both subjects are necessary for admission to a medical college.

Technical focus

What are the exams for choice to take in the 9th grade, who want to have a technical specialty? Of course, the first in this list is physics. It is hardly possible to call this subject simple, however, it is quite feasible to pass an exam for a good score if you are engaged in regular training.

The next subject is computer science. It is necessary for those who wish to become a programmer and have a profession related to information technology. This subject, like physics, can not be easily named, but for a student who gets along well with computer technology one of the answers to the question: "What subjects are easier to take in grade 9?" - there will be informatics.

Also, one should not forget about one of the compulsory subjects - mathematics. It is necessary in 99% of cases for admission to a technical college. Since this subject is mandatory for the delivery of the GIA, it is also necessary to prepare it carefully, as well as to the other selected subjects.

Tips for preparing

After the student answered the question: "What are the easiest things to take in grade 9?" - should prepare a plan for preparing for the exams. What should be done?

  1. To begin with, a schedule should be drawn up (preferably written in order to better follow the plan), in which you will allocate time for classes. The more subjects the student plans to take, the more time you will have to devote to self-preparation - consider this. In order to pass the exams well, you must give each subject at least 4 hours a week.
  2. If there is a possibility, do extra work with tutors - this will help not only to reduce the time for self-preparation, but also give a greater result, since classes with a specialist are always better than independent ones. In addition, for self-training requires a considerable willpower, because of which it is possible that its results will sometimes be at a fairly low level. This does not happen when you study with a tutor.
  3. Use codifiers at work. The codifier, in simple terms, is a document in which the principle of compilation of CMMs is displayed, and also includes all the topics used to compile tests on the GIA. This indicates that you can initially know all the topics on your subject, questions and tasks on which can be found in the tests.

Do not forget about the breaks

And of course, do not forget about the rest, which also needs time.

Allocate days when you are not engaged. For example, it can be 1-2 days a week. In addition, the body needs a daily rest, and best of all - an hour of walking in the fresh air.

Sometimes there are times when it seems that the forces have run low, and the subject studied has been fed up to horror. Allow yourself a week of rest without classes, but do not part with such interruptions.


We hope that now you have fully received the answer to the question: "What subjects are easier to take in grade 9?" Do not forget good phraseology - "hard in teaching, easy in battle." Any object can become easy if you carefully prepare for it, and then the GIA will not seem as difficult as at the beginning of the preparation.

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