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Basic language tools in Russian. Language facilities: definition and use

The Russian language is one of the richest, most beautiful and complex. Last but not least, this is the presence of a large number of means of verbal expressiveness.

In this article, we will analyze what a language means and what kinds it is. Consider examples of use from fiction and everyday speech.

Language facilities in Russian - what is it?

The means of speech expressiveness are used in the Russian language to give the text a special meaning, beauty and depth. They help express the author's attitude to the subject of discussion, pay attention to the most expressive features of an object, event or phenomenon.

Russian poetry and literature can not be imagined if one excludes the use of linguistic means. The use of words that make the text expressive not only adorn it, but also show the level of the writer's skill, his speech culture, style.

The description of the most common object can be made beautiful and unusual, using language art means.

Words and expressions that express the text expressively are divided into three groups: phonetic, lexical (they are also trails) and stylistic figures.

To answer the question, what is a language tool, we will get to know them closer.

Lexical Means of Expressiveness

Paths are linguistic means in the Russian language, which are used by the author in a figurative, allegorical sense. Widely used in art works.

Paths serve to create visual, auditory, olfactory images. They help create a certain atmosphere, make the desired effect on the reader.

At the heart of lexical means of expressiveness lies a hidden or explicit comparison. It can be based on external similarity, personal associations of the author or the desire to describe the object in a certain way.

Main language facilities: trails

We are still encountering trails with the school bench. Let's recall the most common of them:

  1. Epithet is the most famous and widespread trail. Often found in poetry. Epithet is a colorful, expressive definition, which is based on a hidden comparison. Stresses the features of the described object, its most expressive features. Examples: "ruddy dawn", "light character", "golden hands", "silver voice".
  2. Comparison is a word or expression based on a comparison of one object with another. Most often it is made in the form of comparative turnover. You can learn from the use of characteristic for this reception unions, as if, as if, as if, as, exactly, that. Let's consider examples: "transparent as dew", "white as snow," "straight as a reed."
  3. Metaphor is a means of expressiveness, based on a hidden comparison. But, unlike the comparative turnover, it is not formalized by unions. The metaphor is built, relying on the similarity of the two objects of speech. For example: "onions of churches", "whisper of grass", "tears of the sky."
  4. Synonyms - words that are close in meaning, but differ in writing. In addition to classical synonyms, there are contextual ones. They take on a certain meaning within a particular text. Let's get acquainted with examples: "jumping - jumping", "watching - seeing".
  5. Antonyms are words that have exactly the opposite meaning. Like synonyms, they are contextual. Example: "white - black", "shouting - whispering", "calmness - excitement".
  6. Incarnation is the transmission to an inanimate object of features, characteristic features of animate. For example: "the willow rocked the branches," "the sun was brightly smiling," "the rain was knocking on the roofs," "the radio was chirping in the kitchen."

Are there other paths?

There are a lot of means of lexical expressiveness in the Russian language. In addition to a group of acquaintances to everyone, there are also those that are not known to many, but are also widely used:

  1. Metonymy - the replacement of one word for another, having a similar or the same value. Let's get acquainted with the examples: "hey, blue jacket (address to a man in a blue jacket)", "the whole class opposed (meaning all students of the class)."
  2. The synecdoche is the transfer of the comparison from the part to the whole, and vice versa. Example: "it was audible how the Frenchman was exulting (the author speaks of the French army)", "the insect flew", "there were a hundred heads in the herd".
  3. Allegory is an expressive comparison of ideas or concepts with the use of an artistic image. Most often found in fairy tales, fables and parables. For example, a fox symbolizes cunning, a hare is cowardly, a wolf is anger.
  4. Hyperbole is deliberate exaggeration. It serves to make the text more expressive. He puts emphasis on a certain quality of the object, person or phenomenon. Let's get acquainted with examples: "words ruin hope", "his deed is the highest evil", "he became more beautiful forty times".
  5. Litota is a special understatement of real facts. For example: "he was thinner than a reed," "he was not taller than a thimble."
  6. Perifraz is the replacement of a word, an expression of a synonymous combination. Used to avoid lexical repetition in one or adjacent sentences. Example: "the fox is a cunning cheat", "the text is the author's brainchild".

Stylistic figures

Stylistic figures - language tools in the Russian language, which give speech a certain imagery, expressiveness. Change the emotional coloring of its meanings.

Figures of speech are widely used in poetry and prose since the time of ancient poets. However, the modern and outdated interpretations of the term differ.

In ancient Greece, it was believed that stylistic figures are language tools of the language, which in their form differ significantly from everyday speech. Now it is believed that the figures of speech - an integral part of the spoken language.

What are the stylistic figures?

Stylistics offers a lot of its own resources:

  1. Lexical repetitions (anaphora, epiphora, compositional junction) are expressive language tools that include the repetition of any part of the sentence at the beginning, end or at the junction with the next. For example: "It was a great sound. It was the best voice I've heard in recent years. "
  2. An antithesis is one or several sentences built on the basis of opposition. For example, consider the phrase: "I'm in the dust - and in the sky I'm hovering."
  3. Gradation is the use in the sentence of synonyms located according to the degree of growth or extinction of the trait. Example: "Sparkles on the New Year tree shone, burned, shone".
  4. Oxymoron - the inclusion in the phrase of words that contradict each other in meaning, can not be used in one composition. The most striking and well-known example of this stylistic figure is Dead Souls.
  5. Inversion is a change in the classical order of the arrangement of words in a sentence. For example, he did not "run," but "he fled."
  6. Parcellulation - the separation of a single sentence into several parts. For example: "On the contrary, Nicholas. He does not blink. "
  7. Multi-Union - the use of unions to link homogeneous members of the proposal. It is used for greater verbal expressiveness. Example: "It was strange and amazing, and a wonderful and mysterious day."
  8. Non-union - the links of homogeneous members in the proposal are implemented without alliances. For example: "He rushed, cried, cried, groaned."

Phonetic means of expressiveness

Phonetic means of expression are the smallest group. They include the repetition of certain sounds in order to create picturesque artistic images.

Most often this technique is used in poetry. The authors use a repetition of sounds when they want to convey the sound of thunder, leaves rustling or other natural phenomena.

Also, phonetic means help to give poetry a certain character. By using some combinations of sounds, the text can be made more rigid, or vice versa - soft.

What phonetic means exist?

  1. Alliteration - a repetition in the text of the same consonants, creating the image necessary for the author. For example: "I dreamed of withdrawing shadows, leaving the shadows of the dead day."
  2. Assonance - the repetition of certain vowel sounds in order to create a vivid artistic image. For example: "Am I wandering along the streets of noisy ones, I enter the crowded temple".
  3. Onomatopoeia - the use of phonetic combinations that convey a certain sound effect: hooves, noise of waves, rustle of leaves.

The use of verbal means of expression

Language facilities in Russian are widely used and continue to be used in literary works, whether it be prose or poetry.

Fine writers of the golden age demonstrate excellent mastery of stylistic figures. Due to the masterful use of means of expressiveness, their works are colorful, imaginative, pleasing to the ear. Knowingly they are considered a national property of Russia.

With linguistic means, we come across not only in fiction, but also in everyday life. Practically every person uses in his speech comparisons, metaphors, epithets. Without realizing it, we make our language beautiful and rich.

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