Spiritual developmentChristianity

God's anointed. Anointing the Kingdom

The Spirit of the Lord prompts and teaches the one on whom he lives. He points out that there is righteousness, how to preserve and multiply it: "You do not need someone to teach you. But this very anointing teaches you ... "The word" anointed "is very often found in the Bible. Throughout the history of mankind, various nations had many God's anointed. They were mentors, leaders, leaders, kings. ? So who is this Ancient anointed ? This is a deep philosophical question, which we will have to deal with today.

Who is the anointed of the Lord?

The Lord's anointed is God's chosen one, who is best suited to administer an Orthodox country from a multitude of other people according to Divine foreknowledge. He is the chosen servant of God, the Lord communicates his grace and gives gifts to help in governing the country through the church rites of anointing for the kingdom. имеет пред Господом задачу, что заключается в таком управлении страной, что помогает всему народу быстрее и легче спасти свои души от погибели, стать ближе к Царствию небесному путем верной и жертвенной службы царю, то есть помазаннику Бога. Thus, the Anointed One has before the Lord the task of ruling the country, which is to help all the people quicker and easier to save their souls from perdition, to get closer to the Kingdom of Heaven by faithful and sacrificial service to the king, that is, the anointed of God.

Grace of the Emperor

) имеет благодать постигать цели, способы решения современных жизненных вопросов, а также тех, что осветляют далекое будущее станы. The anointed king (the king ) has the grace to comprehend goals, ways of solving modern life issues, as well as those that brighten the distant future of the camp. Not always the vital questions of the people coincide with the demands of the Orthodox state, whose goal is the salvation of souls both now and in the future. может разрешить данную проблему самым наилучшим способом. Sometimes the needs of the present and the distant future are opposite, in this case only the monarch, the anointed of God, can solve this problem in the best possible way. And all for the good. This is the grace of the sovereign and the presentation of the Lord to God's anointed.

Proof of this truth

If God is Virtuous, he cares about the well-being of the people; If God is Omniscient, he predicts which of the people can best rule the country; If the Lord is Almighty, he does so that the person he chooses and his descendants are the most suitable for government at all times and in every life event. Asserting the dynasty of kings, God provides her with help and guardianship, directing the monarch to the right decisions in difficult times. Thus, the Lord knows that the faithful service of His anointed will give positive results, improve the quality of life of the people, create good conditions for the salvation of the souls of each Orthodox people. The Orthodox Church teaches us that the Lord is Virtue, he is omniscient and omnipotent. Therefore, it is he who chooses an anointed one who will rule the state.

Anointing in the Bible

выступает обрядом, при котором монарх, что вступает на трон, помазывается елеем (оливковым маслом) и миром (ароматическим маслом из нескольких трав) с целью подношения ему даров Господа для правильного управления государством. The anointing of the kingdom is a rite, in which the monarch that enters the throne is anointed with oil (olive oil) and the world (aromatic oil from several herbs) to give him the gifts of the Lord for proper government. The first example from the Bible is the story of Aaron, when he was elevated to the high priest's dignity. . Many times in this book there are signs of the anointing of monarchs, so later, when the king ascended the throne, an anointing ceremony was always conducted for the kingdom, when the monarch received the blessing of heaven .

Anointing in Orthodoxy

In Orthodoxy this rite was conducted by the patriarch, the senior bishop. When anointed Russian monarchs, they used a vessel that, according to legend, belonged to the emperor Octavin Augustus and was lost in 1917. The anointing of the kingdom in Orthodoxy is not one of the seven sacraments of the church.

Characteristics of the Anointing

. Anointing is the blessing of heaven . It is given not for one's own needs, but for serving the Most High. This is the power that is given to change for the better, for the ability to bring spiritual fruits. The fruit, that is, the end result, is of great importance. Anointing is given for the "ripening of the fruit." A reward from above will be given only for the fruits, not for the anointing itself. Regardless of the size of the anointing, the reward will be rewarded for the percentage of fruit that was brought, so who was given a lot of anointing, so it will be much to ask. должен принести все 100% положительного результата. And the Anointed One must bring 100% of the positive result.

Monarch and Church

The minister of the church, the patriarch, can not rule the peoples of the state. If he declares himself king, he will defile the purity of faith, since he recognizes the right of those who falsely believe in the Lord, the salvation of souls. Therefore, the sovereign is above the patriarch, the Orthodox canons give him the power to appoint and remove the patriarch and bishops. несет ответственность перед Богом, людскому суду он не подсуден. In life the anointed is responsible before God, he is not the judge of the people's court.

Russian Orthodox Tsar

преподносит дары Господа государю, русский православный царь становится так называемым мужем своего народа, а народ образно становится его женой. After the rite of the anointing, when the holy spirit presents the gifts of the Lord to the sovereign, the Russian Orthodox king becomes the so-called husband of his people, and the people formally become his wife. For this reason, the coronation is called "the wedding of the kingdom." Thus, between the king and his subjects there are "conjugal relations", which in Orthodoxy should proceed strictly according to the commandments. This means that in God there must be both a monarch and a people. Neither the king can exist without the people, nor the people without the king in the Lord. So, we see the construction of the line of power from the Most High to the people through the anointed one - the monarch. The king can save his people from sin by directing his vector on himself, if for the will of God, the consent of the sovereign himself and the absence of such a sin on the monarch himself.

People and the Lord

God does not deny the existence of another source of power different from himself, power from the people as a result of their free choice. The Lord will not resist if a person chooses life and power without the Most High. That's why not every power is given from God. The unity of the Lord and man always goes through the anointed, the absence of which makes it impossible to receive grace. не коснулся помазанника, Всевышний оставляет народ на произвол судьбы, без своей поддержки. If the holy spirit has not touched the anointed, the Almighty leaves the people to their fate, without their support.

The Truth of the Royal Authority of God's Anointed One

The anointed of God is the personification of Jesus on earth, the God-given savior-messiah. His hands, the Most High, save the chosen people and the earthly Church from the destruction of Satan, both spiritual and physical. He represents the living instrument in the hands of the Lord. It is by the hands of the king that God protects his heritage from enemies, that they kill the body and soul, and keep from sins, applying both the power of the word and the power of the sword. The Church says that one should pray for the anointed king, since it is the Christian duty of all people. If we reject the legitimate anointed of God, then there will be no opportunity to commit an act of faith in rejecting Satan. The absence of prayer for the elect of the Lord is the way to the Antichrist. He who rejects the anointed of God falls into the hands of Satan, who with his own hands will create a parody of the Universal Orthodox Empire, that is, the kingdom of the Antichrist. To that state and its people, that they believed and received their king, a resurrection and victory over all enemies is foreseen.

Thus, the anointed of God is the king chosen by the Most High people. He is elevated to the throne of the state, whose people the Lord chose, and represents the Head of the militant Church of Christ. The Orthodox Tsar is the father of the people, his boss, well-wisher and defender. Where there is a head of state, there is order, and because of his loss, there are often disasters. And as in the family there can not be more than one father, so in the state there can not be more than one ruler.

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