Business, Human Resource Management
Electrotechnical Personnel: Meaning and Definition
From the number of specialists and managers at the enterprises operating electric installations, the person responsible for electrical safety is appointed. Electrotechnical personnel are required to report to him for ongoing TB and OT activities. If the enterprise provides for the position of Ch. Energy, duties of the responsible person are usually assigned to him. The appointment of the employee and his deputy is carried out after checking their knowledge, assigning the appropriate tolerance group: in installations with voltage greater than 1000 V - V, and up to 1000 V - IV.
Duties of the responsible person
The designated subject must:
- Develop and maintain the necessary documentation on issues related to the operation of installations.
- Ensure safety when carrying out work of any type.
- Monitor the availability, timeliness of inspections and testing of tools, fire fighting and protection equipment.
Employee categories
. All employees in the enterprise are divided into electrical and electrotechnical personnel . A separate category is workers whose activities, as a rule, are not related to the direct operation of facilities. If they perform actions in which there is a probability of electric shock, they are assigned 1 gr. Electrical safety. A record of this is entered in the log of the established form. At the same time, such employees do not receive certificates. Assignment 1 gr. Is carried out after a briefing. It ends with a test of knowledge through an oral survey. Periodicity of assignment 1 gr. - at least 1 rub. / Year.
Electrotechnical personnel
Employees of this category are characterized by a number of signs. включены сотрудники, у которых в качестве ключевой составляющей процессов, управляемых ими, выступает электрическая энергия. First and foremost, the electrotechnical staff includes employees who have electric power as a key component of the processes controlled by them. также включены сотрудники, использующие в своей работе переносной электроинструмент, электрические ручные машины, светильники и прочие работники, для которых знание ПОТ устанавливается в должностной инструкции. Their activities, for example, may be related to electric welding, electrolysis, work of electric arc furnaces, etc. The list of electrotechnical personnel also includes employees using portable electric tools, electric hand-operated machines, lamps and other workers for whom the knowledge of POT Is set in the job description. Employees who do not belong to the energy department of the enterprise, having II gr. And above, obey him. At the same time, in their duties and rights, they are equated with electrotechnical personnel.
The electrical personnel includes:
- Administrative and technical workers. They include managers and specialists who perform duties related to operational and technical maintenance, installation, repair and installation activities in installations.
- Operational staff. These workers carry out routine maintenance and management of plants. Their duties, in particular, include inspection, preparation of workplaces, operational switching, admission, supervision of other personnel, performance of tasks within the current operation of equipment.
- Operative and repair workers. These employees are specially trained to service the plants assigned to them.
- Repair workers. These employees provide maintenance, installation, testing, adjustment of equipment.
Training of electrotechnical, electrotechnological personnel
Requirements for testing knowledge, duration of briefings are made depending on the classification of workers in a particular category. Before the electrotechnical personnel are assigned to independent work or transferred to another site (post) associated with the operation of the facilities, it must undergo appropriate training in its place. A similar rule applies also in case of a break in business for a period of more than 1 year.
Specificity of briefings
проходит: The electrotechnological personnel passes:
- Instructions: primary, introductory - at workplaces, repeated, target, unscheduled for HSE and PB.
- Preparation for a new profession / position with on-site training. The duration of such an internship is 2-14 shifts.
- Verification of knowledge of norms, rules on protection (PTE, POT, PUE), PB and other documents in the amount necessary for the post.
- Duplication of 2-12 shifts.
- Special preparation.
- Control trainings (fire-fighting and anti-emergency).
также получает дополнительное профобразование для повышения квалификации в непрерывном режиме. Electrotechnological personnel also receive additional professional education for continuing education in continuous mode.
Check of knowledge
It can be primary. персонал, состоящий из новых работников. Such testing is performed by the electrotechnical personnel, consisting of new employees. Another reason for holding it is a break in attestation lasting more than 3 years. The check can also be periodic. It, in turn, is divided into regular and extraordinary. проходит проверку раз в год, если в его задачи включены: In the first case, the electrotechnical staff is tested once a year if its tasks include:
- Direct organization and performance of maintenance of existing power units.
- Implementation of installation, commissioning, repair, preventive testing.
A similar period is established for employees who have the right to issue outfits, orders, and conduct operational negotiations. Administrative and technical personnel, OT specialists admitted to inspecting facilities, are inspected every three years. Extraordinary attestation is carried out regardless of the date of the previous performance in the following cases:
- When implementing new or revised rules and regulations.
- When installing new equipment, changing / reconstructing the main technological and electrical circuits. The expediency and necessity of conducting an extraordinary audit is determined by the responsible person.
- When transferring / appointing to another job in the event that the prescribed duties require knowledge of an expanded list of rules and norms.
- If the employees do not comply with the regulations of the regulatory enactments on RT.
- At the request of state inspection bodies.
- Based on the conclusion of the commission investigating an accident involving people or a violation in the functioning of the power plant.
- When upgrading to get a higher group.
- At break in activity in the given post more than half a year.
Conducting a check of knowledge of electrotechnical and electrotechnological personnel is carried out by the commission. It is formed by the order of the head of the enterprise. The commission should be attended by at least five people. At the same time, its chairman should have group V at voltages above / 1000V and IV at voltages of less than 1000V. As a rule, he is responsible for the electrical part. At a direct check of knowledge, the employees of the enterprise must have at least 3 members of the commission. At the same time, the chairman must participate in the event without fail. The presence of his deputy is allowed. Upon completion of the audit, groups of electrotechnical personnel (from II to V) are appointed. The corresponding mark is made in the certificate.
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