Arts & Entertainment, Films
What is drama, what does it attract us?
Even in the ancient times of the existence of ancient Greece and invincible Rome, the notorious Euripides was one of the first to show this genre of prose to the world, it was he who first realized what drama is. In modern interpretation, the popularity of films with a dramatic plot is almost inferior to comedies.
In general, what is drama? The answer lies literally on the surface.
First of all, we see the action (so this word is translated from Greek), and this already, in itself, attracts. Secondly, an acute conflict is necessary here, whether it is hidden or expressed explicitly - it is not important, the main thing is that it develops and keeps us in constant tension. Thirdly, it is also important that the heroes of drama often become ordinary people, with whom it is easy to associate oneself. And in this cycle we empathize, we try to catch the reasons and motives of actions, we watch how the individuals evolve, passing through suffering.
One of the most popular genres of modern cinema are youth dramas. In such films, the problems of youth are very often raised . These films provide food for thought to both young people and older people. This is another opportunity, another chance for the older generation to understand the young. Their aspirations, hobbies, understanding of life, what young people are breathing today, what they think about, what they are striving for, what they are capable of and what they can sacrifice for the sake of achieving their goals.
Perhaps, it is these films that allow us to become a little closer and understand what a drama is for a young person.
Youth dramas are not only about love and relationships between teenagers. It can be stories about life, how difficult it is, when you do not understand adults, wise and uncles and aunts. They often like to teach and warn, condemn and ridicule. About how to choose your own way in life and not make a mistake. What really are important real values, and what is just tinsel. Who is really a real friend, and who simply uses you. How to understand all this life in general? And this is only a small part of the questions that arise in a person when he begins to grow up.
Huge popularity among teenagers has won such genre as anime drama. Anime - the whole world, created by Japanese animators - can be a separate full-length work, designed in the form of a full-length film, and a series consisting of relatively short stories.
Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun, perhaps deeper than many others, feel what drama is. They are carriers of a special philosophy, in which dramatic notes, elements of self-sacrifice and self-giving, loyalty to duty are very often traced. All this was absorbed in cartoons in the style of anime.
Nowadays, anime is a unique cultural layer, which surprisingly combines both series for children - anime in its original sense, and teenage sagas, often quite serious, causing genuine interest in the adult audience.
Thanks to all this, both serials and full-length films in the genre of drama have earned loyal fans among people of all ages - from schoolchildren to retired people.
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