
How to wear a dress shirt? With what kind of shoes?

Dress-shirt - an interesting element of style kazhual, able to bring a variety in your everyday image. This wardrobe is loved for its multifunctionality, because it can be worn as a dress, and combined with trousers, like a shirt, and even to be thrown over unbuttoned as a light raincoat. Picking different accessories, you can give the same dress-shirt completely different mood. Our article will tell you how to wear a dress-shirt in the most profitable and effective combinations.

History of appearance

Such a model could only appear in the stormy twentieth century. Could the ladies of the nineteenth century think that once corsets are out of fashion and dresses will be fastened in front on the buttons, like men's shirts? The inventor of dress-shirt is not someone else, like Coco Chanel. Only she, with her challenge of her time, could offer to lengthen the men's shirt and wear it as a dress.

In the 50s, during the heyday of feminine and gentle images, Christian Dior slightly modified the model and made it really more like a dress.

Subsequently, this model has more than once surfaced on the catwalks of fashion shows and in the end it has again become fashionable this season.

Features of the model

When we talk about a dress-shirt, we most likely mean an elongated shirt that can be buttoned up like a dress. On the other hand, it can be a dress, the top of which is similar in cut to the shirt (collar, breast pockets, button fastener, fastening cuffs or specially turned up sleeves several times), and the bottom is an ordinary skirt without additional buttons. The principles of socks and combinations with other things for these two types of dresses-shirts will be different.

If an elongated shirt you can safely wear with pants, then, for example, a dress of the second type, with a whole-bottomed bottom, worn on top of the trousers, will look at least strange. Especially if it's a dress with a lush silhouette.

Most often, such a dress, like a classic men's shirt, there are sleeves. However, there are also models without sleeves, more similar to elongated waistcoats on buttons. If you have such a dress, experiment at home. Try to put it on and on itself, like a sundress, and like a long waistcoat on top of anything else. You can get interesting combinations - it all depends on the specific product and composition of your wardrobe.

Model of medium length

The average length is universal. If the dress also has a straight silhouette, it will look good and in combination with trousers, and in itself.

The cut of the trousers can be different. A dress-tunic of medium length plus tight jeans or leggings is a rather common image among the inhabitants of megacities. And in combination with bloomers or loose light pants, a dress shirt becomes a dress for a summer resort.

How to wear a dress-shirt, the silhouette of which expands to the bottom? With trousers and a skirt such cut is better not to combine, all the same it is more than a dress, than a shirt. Better concentrate on picking up beautiful shoes, as well as pretty pantyhose or stockings.

Do not forget about shoes

Do not underestimate the factor of shoes when creating an image. Sometimes it can be the decisive element of your style. What kind of shoes to wear a dress shirt? Sometimes one and the same model can be worn with open sandals on a thin heel or with sneakers and golf - both are good, but significantly different in mood.

One of the secrets of a well-chosen wardrobe is combinatoriality. All things should fit together well, including shoes with clothes. For a dress-shirt, you can pick up a few different images, based solely on shoes:

  • Sandals, boats, thin hairpin of medium height, graceful heel - in such a combination dress-shirt can be worn in the office, at the evening reception, and on a romantic date;
  • Ballet shoes, loffers, low-speed shoes , moccasins, sneakers - a walking version, which can also be worn for work with a free dress code;
  • An extreme hairpin, a high wedge, boots-boots - in the event that you have a party or some other informal celebration, and you want to look deliberately provocative.

With what to wear a dress-shirt in a cage

Checkered fabric will never go out of fashion, because any wardrobe thing in the cell (as well as in striped) makes the image easy and light. The colors of the cage must be harmoniously combined with each other and with the color of the other elements of the wardrobe. Classic is the combination of red and black cells.

Most often, the dress-shirt in the cage looks like an elongated men's shirt - this cut makes your image incredibly stylish. Want to add to the mood a little insolence and fervor - wear a checkered dress shirt with jeans, and if the weather allows, then wear high boots.

With what to wear a dress-shirt in a cage, if it's hot outside? Attire is not for shy: wear it unbuttoned, and under it - top or jersey and short shorts. This combination looks very impressive when on the street the wind - the edges of the shirt are quietly dangling, creating the impression that you are standing in a dress, then suddenly fly apart, revealing your elegant legs.

Long dress shirt

Maximum length of the hem hides all the shortcomings of the figure and immediately makes the image more mysterious. Dresses in the floor - it is always a self-contained element of the wardrobe: they are good in themselves and do not require anything to complement. Especially spectacularly looks a long dress shirt with a slit going from the hip. In case the model of a straight dress closing an ankle seems to you too boring, just take a good pair of scissors and add a product of individuality. The main thing is to make the cut even.

It is better, if the dress-shirt length of the floor will be expressed waist. This will make your silhouette thinner and lighter. If the cut straight and waist is not provided, you can always use a belt.

Despite the fact that the long dress is already a full-fledged image, there are several successful combinations for a long dress-shirt. With what to wear such a model? On tall women, a long dress with a short cape-bolero looks good -the line of the breast becomes more emphasized, and the proportions of the figure are even. It is also interesting to combine the long with the long, for example throw a cardigan in the floor on a dress-shirt. You can do the opposite - put the top layer and jeans on the bottom layer, and put on the unbuttoned dress-shirt instead of the cardigan on top. It is important not to overdo it, because sometimes unreasonable layering can weight the figure.

Mini length: justified risk

When a girl decides to wear a dress-shirt of ultrashort length, it is always a bit risky. Often it looks as if somebody left the house in a long blouse, forgetting to put on his pants. Therefore, if you want to be considered a lady with a good taste, then make sure that the dresses and tunics of the length of the mini fit perfectly on you and do not mislead others: what is worn on you, and whether you have any memory problems.

But with leggings and jeans, such dress shirts are combined without problems - you can wear a short dress-shirt as a T-shirt.

With what kind of shoes do you wear a mini-dress shirt? Again, it depends on how much you intend to shock the public. Want to further emphasize the shape of your feet - try to shoe high boots or wear long stockings.

Black: always perfect

If you can not decide the color of the dress-shirt, then buy black. Black color is the eternal classic of fashion and one of the easiest ways to look elegant. Even if you think that black you are old and makes you gloomy, you just have not found a suitable model for yourself, or tried to combine it with accessories.

Another plus in the choice of black color - any black dress in combination with shoes on the hairpin easily turns from day to day office or carelessly-casual in an elegant evening outfit. Under this axiom, black dress-shirts fall.

With what to wear black to look brighter? Do not just stop at the selection of shoes - complement the image with stylish accessories of your favorite colors. Elegant little handbag, original ring or necklace always win against a black background. The secret: if you crazy like any color that does not suit you according to the color type of your skin - try to wear it in accessories. A small detail will noticeably lift your mood, but not at all to reflect on the overall color perception of your image.

Dress-shirt with stripes

Strips on the fabric - it is always a reminder of the summer and carefree mood. The same bright dress looks like a striped shirt. With what to wear it, that it does not resemble a grandmother's robe? Of course, with stylish shoes and accessories.

Let's remind about the classical trick of stylists: a vertical strip slits, horizontal - fills. But from each rule there are exceptions: sometimes horizontal stripes look great and do not spoil the figure at all. It all depends on your specific proportions.

As with the cage, the strips will look stylish if their colors blend well with each other. First time decided to put on a striped one and do not know where to start? Get the dress shirt in black and white stripes.

Jeans dress-shirt: what to wear

In the photo, the dress-shirt of jeans often looks like an elongated jeans jacket. It can be worn as a dress, and really used as a jacket, combining with the lower layer of clothing, of course, only if your dress is unbuttoned from top to bottom, like a shirt. To work with a strict dress code, you are unlikely to wear such a dress, but it's a great option to remain stylish on holiday on a day off.

Most often jeans dress-shirt - blue. Shades of denim blue - a great many, so most often such a dress, as well as black, fits all. The main thing is to choose a suitable blue tone and silhouette on the figure.

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