HealthDiseases and Conditions

Varicose dermatitis: symptoms, photos, treatment

Varicose dermatitis is a specific disease in which the skin over the veins becomes inflamed. In this case, their function is reduced or completely lost.

Description of the disease

First, there are problems with the veins, their walls are gradually thinner, and the liquid component of the blood goes into the integumentary tissue. This also provokes the appearance of varicose dermatitis. As a result, there is inflammation, which changes the appearance of the skin, it begins to flake and itch.

This disease is mainly a chronic form, the skin of the lower limbs after that you must constantly pay close attention. If this is not done, later trophic ulcers may occur, the treatment of which is a difficult and time-consuming task.

Until such complications have manifested themselves, a surgical operation may be required.

The main causes of the disease

We will understand why there is varicose dermatitis.

This disease occurs most often because of the following problems with the veins:

  • Varicose veins;
  • Venous thrombosis of vessels of deep or superficial system. There may be signs of an inflammatory process (thrombophlebitis), but there may not be.

In the lower extremities blood stagnates most often due to the action of gravity, which is why there are prerequisites for a peculiar depot of blood in the veins. But venous vessels have certain characteristics. This is necessary for the return of blood to the total blood flow. The vein wall has a strong muscular layer, as well as valves along the blood flow. Valve flaps only work in one direction. The veins walls contract and together with the valves direct the blood back, they force to overcome gravity.

Muscles of the shin and the presence of negative pressure in the chest also contribute to this, as a result, the blood in the vessels rushes up.

Excess weight, prolonged standing on the legs, lower limb injuries, kidney disease and cardiovascular system significantly increase the burden on the veins. Gravity is harder for them to overcome, so there is a degeneration of the muscular wall.

But this is not varicose dermatitis.

What other factors provoke the disease?

Thinning is facilitated by the fact that genetically programmed a small amount of muscle fibers inside. Also, with diabetes mellitus in smokers and fans of alcoholic dystrophy of the muscular wall of veins occurs more quickly.

Upper limbs do not undergo this pathological process, varicose disease and dermatitis do not occur in them. Of course, there is a possible occurrence of thrombosis, but it happens because of medical manipulations in this area, as well as when the pathology in the mammary glands develops in women. But varicose dermatitis of the upper extremities will not be exact.

Because of the thinning of the venous blood wall, it is problematic to return to the heart, so it begins to stagnate. It becomes viscous, which leads to thrombosis. If a woman takes combined oral contraceptives, the risk of thrombosis rises. In addition, this leads to frequent pregnancies and abortions.

Despite the viscosity of the blood, the body has the task of returning it to the general bloodstream. The permeability of the venous wall increases, which leads to the emergence of a liquid portion of it under the skin. This forms puffiness in the legs. With a large accumulation of edematous fluid, there is inflammation and, consequently, varicose dermatitis in the lower extremities.

The likelihood of developing the disease is the same for all (both men and women), only children are not affected, even with the existing varicose veins.

Signs of varicose dermatitis

Many are curious to know how varicose dermatitis of the lower extremities manifests itself. The photo is presented in this article.

Veins and thrombosis have several stages. In this regard, the signs of varicose dermatitis will differ. The initial stage of venous lesion is characterized by:

  • The periodic appearance of itching in the lower limbs;
  • Redness on the legs - in the region of the lower leg and ankles, and the foot and thigh are not reddened;
  • In areas of redness the appearance of dense skin, less warm to the touch;
  • The appearance of small bubbles on this dense skin with transparent contents. After a while they disappear on their own.

Varicose dermatitis, meanwhile, is developing.

As the process continues, the skin itches more and more often. It becomes dark red with a pronounced density. Small knots are also probed under it. In this case, the number of bubbles increases, but as they disappear, crusts and peeling form.

If you do not treat varicose dermatitis, the symptoms will be added.

Additional symptoms

Gradually, the skin color changes to dark purple. It is rough to the touch and shines. This leads to the appearance of trophic ulcers. These defects have a rounded and irregular shape, small or medium size, "podrytye" edges. In fact, this is an open wound, which, if not properly treated, quickly becomes festering. Purulent discharge yellow, greenish or yellow-white color.

Itching in the shin area becomes unbearable. A person gets irritated more often, stops sleeping normally. Therapy at this stage of the disease should be complex, takes a long time. But self-medication is unacceptable, it is necessary to consult a surgeon. Otherwise, the situation may worsen. After healing of trophic ulcers, scars are formed.

Thus, varicose dermatitis is manifested . Treatment is discussed further.

Methods of therapy

It involves activities aimed at:

  • Improvement of venous outflow from the legs.
  • Elimination of edema.
  • Removal of inflammation.
  • Moisturize the affected skin so that it does not crack.
  • Prevention of suppuration.

All this is included in the systemic therapy with the use of pills, injections, ointments. But the treatment will depend entirely on the stage of varicose dermatitis.

Therapy in the first stage

Preparations containing diosmin (Detralex, Venus, Flebodia), improve venous outflow. Capsules increase the muscle tone of the veins. With the help of compression linen, venous congestion is eliminated. On sale there is a large number of stockings, tights to replace the function of weakened venous walls. The choice is engaged in an angiosurgeon or a phlebologist. But before this, dopplerography of the vessels of the legs should be performed.

Compression clothing promotes the treatment of varicose dermatitis, as well as the elimination of varicose disease in general. Clots are formed less often, the legs do not swell so much, there is practically no fatigue in the legs, and it is characteristic for the diagnosis of "varicose dermatitis of the lower extremities."

What helps with itching? The use of the following antihistamines in these cases is shown:

  • "Cetrine."
  • "Erius".
  • The Zodak.
  • "Diazolin."

And ointments:

  • Fenistila.
  • "Psylo-Balsam".

A rather unpleasant disease is varicose dermatitis. Treatment with ointments is not limited. What else is used in therapy?

Cracking of the condensed skin is prevented by the use of special moisturizers:

  • Baby cream with neutral pH;
  • Gel Seni Care;
  • Seni Care cream with arginine,

In the presence of bubbles, they are treated with zinc solution or baby powder. Suitable are also any protective creams in which there is zinc.

Venotonics and antihistamines relieve the inflammatory process, itching, puffiness. Complications from infectious infection during combing can be avoided thanks to them. This treatment of the first stage of the disease can be stopped. With a disease such as varicose dermatitis, folk remedies can also help.

Therapy in the second stage

Here, also, venotonic preparations, compression linens are used. But the itch of the extremities is treated in a slightly different way. Systemic antihistamines may not be enough. Assign hormonal ointments, which are applied to the inflamed skin.

Effective course application:

  • Elokoma.
  • "Locoid".
  • "Sinaflana."

When suppuration shows the use of combined ointments in the composition with antiseptic and hormones ("Pimafukorta", "Triderma"). Light sedatives or daytime tranquilizers will help calm the itching and nervous system, relieve insomnia. To them it is possible to carry:

  • Valerian.
  • Tincture of motherwort.
  • Sedasen.
  • "Adaptol."

How is the disease treated in the third stage?

We examined how varicose dermatitis is treated (photo was also presented) in the second stage. What if the disease worsened?

With trophic ulcers, surgical intervention is shown, in which pathologically altered veins are removed. But in the event that the ulcer has recently occurred or is only inflamed, the operation is not performed. First, acute inflammation is removed. The preparatory stage for the operation is the following steps:

  • The appointment of bed rest with a raised limb. This will provide blood and lymph drainage.
  • Wash the ulcer, remove particles of dead tissue.
  • Intravenous or intramuscular administration of drugs that improve the permeability of the vessels of the extremities.
  • Conducting the compression of the legs with the help of elastic bandages.
  • Control of blood glucose and its reduction if necessary.
  • Use of antihistamines in the form of injections.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for varicose dermatitis. They can be used in conjunction with drug treatment.

Honey and garlic

To make the tincture, the garlic should be crushed, then pour honey. Stand in a dark place for a week. Ready mix to use three times a day for 1 teaspoon for two months. Honey 350 g, garlic 250 g.

Leaves of cabbage

Two weeks in a row, a cabbage leaf is tied to a sick leg. To soften the sheet, it is beaten, on the foot is fixed with a bandage. Then a few days later the bandage is replaced with a new one.

Compresses from aloe

Aloe vera compresses are used to relieve inflammation and moisturize the skin. Suitable infusion of these leaves on the water or simply they can be applied to the legs in a cut form.

Recommendations for foot care

Care must be taken to keep your feet clean with varicose dermatitis. They are washed with water with dissolved soap funds daily. Wipe your feet with soft, soaking movements, followed by a moisturizing cream or gel, and also a hormonal ointment. It depends on what stage of the disease.

In food you need to eat foods that contain rutin. This vitamin is useful for the tone of the veins. It contains buckwheat, Bulgarian pepper, mountain ash.

It is necessary to fight carefully against excess weight, since this is the burden on the enlarged and thrombosed veins. It is also necessary to go to an endocrinologist to exclude diabetes and other pathologies leading to obesity.

Completely eliminate the venous problem is unlikely to succeed, and this will provoke a new inflammation under the skin. Affected skin should not be injured. Clothing made from natural fabrics that does not squeeze the limbs, is suitable for these purposes. Women are better off wearing skirts and dresses. At the same time, shoes should be comfortable.


As the prevention of varicose dermatitis, gymnastics, walking in comfortable sports shoes and a diet without flour, fat and sweet are used.

We examined varicose dermatitis of the lower extremities. Treatment and prevention have been described in detail.

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