HealthWomen Health

Inflammation of the ovaries is a symptom that can lead to infertility.

In the modern world, inflammation of the ovaries, the symptoms of which are quite diverse, occurs quite often, and is now becoming more common. Perhaps this can be related to the rhythm of life or negligent attitude to one's health. Some doctors of sciences say that these features of the development of the reproductive system of a woman predispose to the development of this kind of pathologies and diseases. However, this does not detract from this problem at all and does not make it less relevant (the importance of this pathology still remains very high).

With the diagnosis of "inflammation of the ovaries," the symptoms, in the first place, indicate that the main reproductive function of a woman is disrupted. In some situations, this can be reversible violations, well, in more and more neglected forms - the process goes into a chronic stage. Usually, the inflammation of the ovaries in women affects not only the ovaries, but also the fallopian tubes, and sometimes the uterus itself. All this is due to too close location of these organs in the cavity of the small pelvis.

Symptomatics of the inflammatory process in the cavity of the small pelvis is quite bright. The first signs of the disease can be a sharp soreness in the lower abdomen. Sometimes this pain is compared with the pain syndrome with appendicitis or peritonitis, as well as with intestinal colic. Pain can radiate into the perineum, rectum, waist and hamstrings. In addition to pain, the patient notes weakness, malaise, fever and reduced performance. All these symptoms significantly knock out a woman from the usual rhythm of life and bring a lot of inconvenience.

Inflammation of the ovaries, the symptoms of which are associated with violations of the menstrual cycle, disastrously affects the entire body as a whole. There comes amenorrhea or anovulatory cycles. However, in compensated situations, there can be no malfunction, and the woman will not worry.

In some patients there is a violation of sexual desire and discomfort during intercourse. This is due to the infiltration of tissues in the inflammatory process, resulting in pain or discomfort.

Inflammation of the ovaries, the symptoms with which it is accompanied in women are quite frequent - whitish abundant discharge from the genital tract and impaired urination. This also indicates a close arrangement of the organs, as a result of which the process from the ovaries can pass to the urinary system. In the absence of treatment, some women develop cystitis, urethritis, vulvovaginitis and pyelonephritis. Such a "bouquet" of diseases is very hard to cure.

It is difficult to diagnose ovarian inflammation, the signs of which are hidden or oiled. This situation is often observed when a woman does not consult a doctor for a long time, and the disease turns into a chronic form. Unfortunately, in this situation, the process is not only difficult to detect, but also difficult to treat. After a long inflammatory process in the small pelvis is a good substrate for secondary bacterial flora, and even worse - an excellent reason for the formation of adhesions.

That's why a woman should always undergo a preventive checkup at a gynecologist and take a smear once every 6 months. This is not for the doctor, but for the woman herself. After all, even in the absence of a pronounced clinical picture, changes in the smear will, and therefore the woman will not remain without treatment and further diagnosis.

In addition, care must be taken to disrupt the cycle. The fact that some women are guided by the rule - if menstruation has begun (no matter when), then everything is fine. In practice, it's not so good at all. The presence of a malfunction in three menstrual cycles in a row - a cry of the body for help. Treat your health with care!

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