HealthWomen Health

Curd selection? It's thrush!

The main functions of the female body are gestation and the birth of a child. Therefore, you need not only to carefully take care of your health, but also at the first signs of ailment to consult a doctor. Otherwise, the body can fail, which will negatively affect the overall well-being. How? Elementary - cottage cheese secretions and incessant pruritus.

Is thrush a cause for concern?

Thrush (candidiasis) - is a disease that causes yeast-like fungus, developing with instant rapidity. The microorganism mainly affects the internal genitalia and the urinary system. During this disease a woman feels discomfort and unpleasant smell, there are itching, burning and curd discharge from the genitals.

Before treatment, every woman should undergo a diagnosis of the disease, which consists of:

  1. In the study of smears from the vagina
  2. In a mycological study that allows to identify the type of fungal infection

Thrush is a family disease, therefore it is recommended that treatment be carried out not only by the woman, but also by the man.

Why there are cottage cheese in women?

Ideally, the natural environment of the vagina prevents bacteria from multiplying, which reduces the risk of infection. A secret is developed that cleans the walls and leaves in the form of secretions to the outside. But quite often the normal balance is disturbed by some factors that suppress the immune system:

  1. Treatment with antibiotics. Antibacterial drugs destroy both harmful and beneficial bacteria, which immediately affects women's health.
  2. Contraceptive preparations. Natural hormones control the number and level of fungi. The use of hormonal tablets can affect their normal level and provoke the development of thrush.
  3. Diabetes. With this disease, the level of sugar increases not only in urine and blood, but also in the vaginal secret, which provokes the development of thrush.
  4. Infection during intercourse. Thrush is not a venereal disease, however, during sexual intercourse the vaginal mucosa is damaged and the risk of infection increases. It should be noted that in men, thrush develops asymptomatically. Therefore, the course of treatment must be carried out together with the sexual partner.

It is worth noting that cottage cheese and itching may not always be indicative of thrush. Often, some venereal diseases manifest themselves in this way - there is a mucus, like white flakes, and there is severe itching, and sometimes burning. It is necessary to undergo examination and pass tests that will exclude diseases such as chlamydia, ureaplasmosis or microplasmosis.

Symptoms of Candidiasis

So, let's take a closer look at the symptoms that characterize thrush.

  1. Itching around and inside the vagina is the main symptom of a thrush. It can manifest itself so strongly that it can cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. Painful sensations. With inflammation of the tender mucous membrane, pain occurs during sexual intercourse.
  3. Cottage cheese . Abundant discharge, reminiscent of cottage cheese and having a characteristic unpleasant odor.
  4. Burning with urination. Urine falls on the inflamed parts of the vaginal mucosa and thereby causes a burning sensation.

How is thrush treated?

After you have completed the necessary examination, during which the type of fungal infection that caused the disease was identified, the doctor prescribes complex treatment. It primarily depends on the severity and "neglect" of the disease.

If the disease is at the initial stage, it is enough to pass the course with vaginal preparations: Clotrimazole, Terzhinan, Klion-D, etc. They allow you to recover from thrush for 7-10 days. To exclude relapse, the course of treatment is usually repeated after a month.

If the disease worsens more often 4 times a year, it is recommended to use systemic drugs: "Fluconazole", "Diflucan" or "Flucostat". They are used for 150 mg once

If the disease has a severe and "neglected" form, then doctors adhere to a more complex treatment regimen, consisting of the use of vaginal and preoral medications.

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