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Thrush In Men

Venereal diseases are many, but the most "opposite" is thrush. In addition, not only in women, but also thrush in men is very often.

Candida balanoposthitis is also known as thrush. For this disease, in most cases, no special complications and consequences are observed. Thrush in men usually proceeds asymptomatically and easily, affecting the glans penis and foreskin. The incubation period of candidiasis takes 2-14 days.

It should be noted that men are much less susceptible to this disease than women, since the fungus that causes thrush is washed out of the body naturally through the urethra. If the skin of the prepuce and the glans penis is healthy, the fungus of the genus Candida does not develop in such an unfavorable environment, thus the body itself resists the action of the infection. Proceeding from this, thrush in men is quite an important symptom, requiring special supervision by a doctor.

Infection with thrush is most often observed with weakened immunity, if there is a herpes pathogen in the blood or the presence of other sexual infections.

Over the past few years, the number of men among whom this disease occurs is increased. The main reason for this was the infection of a large number of women with candidiasis.

Among other factors leading to infection can be identified infection with dirty hands, through clothing or bedding, and through the spread of the fungus through contact with the focus of infection on the skin. Despite this, sexual transmission of thrush remains the main one.

Among the main symptoms of Candida balanoposthitis are the following:
- burning and itching in the region of the glans penis,
- soreness with urination,
- observation of dryness of the glans penis,
- discomfort during sexual intercourse,
- presence of a plaque of white color on the head of the penis.

Usually thrush in men is asymptomatic and they are only carriers of the disease.

Treatment of male candidiasis
Treatment of thrush in men usually involves the use of an ointment based on clotrimazole, related to topical preparations. The course of treatment includes a weekly use of a prescribed ointment, a thin layer of which is applied to the head of the penis and foreskin from 2 to 3 times a day. If candidiasis has passed into a chronic form or complications are observed, in addition to ointments, doctors prescribe generic drugs. Usually, a complex treatment is prescribed, presupposing the use of antifungal drugs, drugs needed to treat concomitant diseases and drugs to get rid of the factors that contribute to the development of candidiasis (for example, phimosis is a narrow foreskin that prevents the denudation of the glans penis and elongated foreskin).

Chronic candidiasis involves examination for the presence of saccharine diabetes and candidiasis of the intestine.

In order for the disease to be treated to the end, it is necessary to examine the patient's sexual partner.

Thrush and diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus refers to a disease that contributes to the development of thrush. There are cases when thrush in men is a symptom that characterizes the course of diabetes in a latent form. In the presence of recurrent candidiasis, it is necessary to check the presence of diabetes mellitus.

In order that the thrush in men the symptoms and treatment of which have been described, did not show up, it is necessary to apply preventive measures. The most important thing is to observe hygiene: hand washing should be done before and after the toilet and always with soap. It is because of non-observance of this elementary rule that Candida balanoposthitis was called the disease of dirty hands.

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