
Trigan-D - administration and use of the drug

Trigan-D is a fairly common drug that is used to treat abdominal pain, with kidney, intestinal, hepatic colic, dysmenorrhea. It is also used for the appearance of irritable bowel syndrome, when there is a spastic contraction of the smooth muscle shell of the intestine. Also, trigan-D can be prescribed by a doctor as an antipyretic agent during colds, to relieve pain with myalgia, sciatica, neuralgia.

This drug has a combined analgesic effect on the human body. The action of trigan-D is based on the anticholinergic activity of the components present in it, it has an analgesic effect in the occurrence of spasms of smooth muscles.

The most effective use of this drug in the occurrence of problems in the work of the intestine, when there are spasms of smooth muscles of the intestine.

Paracetamol, which is present in trigan-D, has an anti-inflammatory effect. It acts in synergy with the hydrochloride of dicyclomine, while increasing its effectiveness and accelerating its analgesic effect. There is a rapid and complete absorption of paracetamol from the digestive tract. Its maximum concentration in the body, after taking the medicine, is reached after 30 minutes. Through the same time, an analgesic effect occurs, and within two hours - the maximum analgesic effect.

Due to the fact that the drug is administered orally, the hydrochloride of dicyclomine is rapidly absorbed and after 1-1.5 hours its amount in the blood plasma comes back to normal. The period of its excretion from the body is 30 to 70 minutes, excreted by the kidneys.

Mode of application

Reception of this drug is recommended as early as 12 years, you can take from 2 to 4 times a day for 1-2 tablets. The drug is taken before meals, for 15 minutes. More than two tablets of the given medicine at a time can not be taken, the daily norm should not exceed four tablets. If the patient has very severe pain, the drug can be injected intramuscularly. The total course of treatment with the drug Trigan-D can not exceed five days.

Contraindications for taking the drug:

- Obstructive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatic ducts and urinary system;

- the presence of acute bleeding, diseases of the cardiovascular system;

- the patient has ulcerative colitis, glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy;

- presence of pronounced disorders of renal and hepatic functions;

- intolerance to paracetamol, as well as blood diseases;

- the patient's age is less than 12 years.

Trigan-D - consequences and side effects:

- possible difficulties in talking or swallowing food, the appearance of thirst and vomiting. Reduction of the tone of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation and dry mouth may appear;

- changes in the heart rhythm - the appearance of tachycardia, short-term bradycardia and arrhythmia;

- sudden occurrence of drowsiness, dizziness and staggering;

- a slight increase in intraocular pressure, as well as photophobia, dilated pupils;

- dry skin and reddening of the skin, temporary urinary incontinence and allergic reactions may also occur.

In cases of an overdose of the drug in the patient, loss of accommodation is possible, drowsiness may appear, as well as photophobia and arrhythmia. In such cases, it is necessary to wash the stomach or initiate vomiting. At the first signs of an overdose, this drug should be consulted by a doctor, and the treatment should be carried out in a medical institution.

Trigan-D reviews are positive, but it is highly recommended not to exceed the dose of this drug. All this information can be used only as an introduction to the drug.

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