Health, Diseases and Conditions
Sopli flow in a stream from an adult: what to do? Causes and methods of treatment
Rhinitis is a very unpleasant phenomenon. Observe a similar symptom in children and adults. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate not the current from the nose, but its cause. However, many people are more often non-standard approach to eliminating this trouble. This article will tell you about why the snot flows a stream from an adult. What to do in this situation - you will learn further. In addition, the reasons for the appearance of the symptom and the ways of its elimination will be described.
The appearance of a cold
If the snot streams, what should I do? First you need to establish the cause of the common cold. Surely only the doctor can do it. Address to the otorhinolaryngologist. The specialist will tell you how to deal with your problem and, if necessary, select the appropriate drug. Coryza can be viral or bacterial, allergic or fungal. Often snot appear due to physiological reasons. In each situation, an individual approach to the solution of the problem must be selected. With improper use of drugs, the condition can only worsen.
Rinse your nose
Let's say you do not know what to do when snot flows in a brook in an adult. One of the first actions should be washing the mucous membrane. To do this, you can use special compounds sold at pharmacies. For example, "Rinostop", "Akvalor", "Dolphin" and others. Suitable and normal saline solution. If there is no possibility to purchase the described medicines, then it is possible to prepare the salt solution independently. To do this, cool the liter of boiled water and dissolve in it a teaspoon of salt. Rinsing the nasal passages will help you eliminate pathogens from the mucous membranes. Also, saline solutions draw out excess fluid from the tissues, removing the edema. Preparations promote softening of crusts and their easy removal.
Emergency help
If the snot flows in a stream from an adult, what should I do? Regardless of the reason for the appearance of the common cold, you can use vasoconstrictive drugs as an emergency. They will help you in especially important situations when you need to be in perfect health. These medications include medicines based on xylometazoline and oxymetazoline: "Naphthyzin", "Tizin", "Snoop", "Nazivin", "Naftizin", "Otryvin" and many others. Their use should not last more than three days.
A longer-term use is permitted in the preparation "Vibrocil". Its active ingredient is phenylephrine. The duration of the drug is up to one week. All medicines have the form of drops or sprays. The consumer chooses what is convenient for him.
Viral disease and common cold
Often we are completely at a loss if the snot flows in a stream. What to do? In an adult, the cause of a symptom may be a viral disease. In this case, the body usually copes with the problem. But with reduced immunity, he needs help.
In each pharmacy you can buy drugs that increase immunity and fight the virus. These are medicines with the trade name Derinat, Grippferon, Genferon, Nazoferon and others. Use them strictly according to the instructions. On the first day of the disease, it is usually recommended that the drugs be given multiple times. Medicines have an antiviral effect, protecting the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract from further propagation of pathogenic microflora. They also contribute to the natural production of interferon and increase the body's resistance.
Bacterial pathology
What if the snot flows in a brook in an adult? The cause of the onset of a cold may be bacterial pathology. In this case, mucus discharge usually have a yellowish or greenish color. It is necessary to treat such a disease. Otherwise, it can go into a chronic form or develop into sinusitis, otitis and other complications.
There are antibacterial agents for topical application (drops and sprays). These are Polidexa, Isofra, Dioxydin, Miramistin and others. All these medicines are used for at least five days. In some cases, the doctor may advise you to use medicines for up to two weeks. Even if on the second day of treatment you feel better, do not stop using drugs. Otherwise, this will lead to the development of resistance of microorganisms to this type of antibiotic.
It is very unpleasant if snot and tears flow. What if none of the above methods help? Most likely, in this situation you are dealing with an allergy. The fault of its manifestation can be flowering plants, animals, household chemicals and so on. To determine what exactly causes an endless cold, the relevant tests will help.
There are several ways to treat an allergic reaction. Most often the patient is prescribed antihistamines for oral administration. These drugs are "Zirtek", "Cetrin", "Loratadin" and many others. Also, topical medications can be used: "Tafen", "Avamis", "Nazonex" and so on.
Medicinal rhinitis
This disease is a frequent reason for the snot to flow in a stream from an adult. What to do in this case? You need to visit a doctor as soon as possible and get the recommendations that suit you. You can treat medicamentous rhinitis in many ways. In each case, selected drugs and individual scheme of their use. Remember that prolonged medication rhinitis can lead to irreversible effects. Especially when it is caused by improper or excessive use of vasoconstrictors. In this case, surgical intervention, which has its consequences, will be necessary. Continue to use vasoconstrictive drugs - not a way out.
Pay attention to the surrounding conditions
It also happens that, for another reason, the snot is flowing in a stream from an adult. What to do then? It is necessary to pay attention to the conditions that surround you. The appearance of a runny nose can be the result of dry air. Especially often this happens in the winter with strong heating. Humidify the air in your home or office with the help of special devices - humidifiers. If there is no such device, then just hang wet towels around the room. In a few hours you will feel much better.
You now know the main reasons why a person may have a copious rhinitis. Pay attention to the fact that doctors are not advised to engage in self-medication. To find out what exactly caused the abundant discharge of mucus from the nasal passages, only diagnosis will help. If the snot does not last a long time and greatly worsen the quality of your life - ask for help from an otorhinolaryngologist. Easy breathing to you!
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