Homeliness, Tools and equipment
How to choose a home heat meter
When it's cold time, the apartments are heated by radiators. Batteries are filled with hot water and thus heat the rooms. But, as you know, a warm apartment costs its owners not cheap. Norms, taken not clearly as, reach almost to the skies. Therefore, an increasing number of tenants receive an apartment heat meter. Consider how to choose and install the device correctly.
Installation contract
Individual counters will be taken into account in the calculations in the event that homes have house heat meters , and 75% of all tenants will also install individual appliances.
In addition, the following is required:
- Check the technical conditions on the possibility of installing meter data in the apartment;
- To apply with the application to the housing organization;
- To pass instances in "Gosenergo", "TeploKanale" and other state organizations;
- When all permits have been received, you can contact the firm that installs the devices, which has the appropriate license for it;
- Having acquired a counter and having installed it, it is necessary to contact the supplier of heat, so that a representative comes and places the appropriate seals.
From now on, the calculations will be made according to the installed meter. They say that the savings in such cases are about fifty percent of the amount that owners pay according to the regulations.
Now, understanding how beneficial it is to have a home heat meter at home, let us turn to the question of how to choose the right model correctly. There are meters, apartment and industrial. The first is usually of a small size with a channel not exceeding 15-20 millimeters. For the most accurate calculation, use a flow meter. But its installation is not always justified, because the temperature in the heating main, the pressure in the pipe, the volume of the coolant and the density must be taken into account.
The counters are of the following types:
- Tachometric;
- Ultrasound;
- Electromagnetic;
- Vortical;
- Radiator distributors.
Tachometric Counter
This house heat meter has a mechanical effect. It can be of several types, but the principle of action is one - the device calculates the hot water flowing through the battery. For correct registration, it is necessary to additionally install a filter, since the system is rusty and dirty in the system, because of which the readings will not be issued soon. Despite the smallest cost of the device, as a result with the filter it will not be such a budget option.
Ultrasonic Counter
Ultrasonic home heat meter is manufactured in different versions. But they all differ only in flowmeters. The device is installed in the pipe on a straight and reverse flow. The emitter transmits an ultrasound signal through the liquid, and the receiver receives it by flashing the data.
The arrow on the water flow transmitter must match the direction of the liquid. Temperature sensors are also installed in the circuit.
Electromagnetic counter
This type of instrument is installed both on an open and closed heat supply system. It is convenient to consider the heat in the apartment with their help, but they are expensive. The electromagnetic counter consists of a primary transducer, an electronic unit and a temperature sensor. It automatically reads both water and heat supply, and temperature consumption, functioning on the principle of electromagnetic induction.
Vortex counter
The vortex counter for heat in the apartment works on the principle of the Carnot path. In the formation of artificial interference on the path of water, the liquid envelops it, and vortex flows appear. The instrument measures steam and water. It is installed horizontally between the nozzles.
Radiator distributor
Such devices are saved in houses where there are common heat meters installed, but due to several vertical risers in the apartment most other types of individual devices are not suitable. The radiator distributor calculates the relative temperature of the heating, not the absolute one. The latter type of calculation is achieved in this case after calculating the indications of the distributor and the common house meter. The fee for individual consumption is made by a method that is approved by Gosstroy of the Russian Federation.
The work of the device is that it fixes the temperature on the surface of the radiator, as well as inside the room. The temperature in the room is programmed and is at the level of twenty degrees. The measurement from the battery is carried out once every three minutes. This type of meter does not need to cut the battery. It is attached to the radiator, depending on the design.
Deciding on the purchase of the device, it is necessary to take into account the heat coming out of doors, cracks, windows and so on, especially in case of heating with electrical appliances. If you want to save, you should advance and seriously insulate the whole apartment in advance. Then the temperature will be constant, which will be fixed by heat meters, the price of which varies from three and a half thousand rubles to thirty-five thousand or more. And these indications will have a positive effect on payment receipts, and the cost of the meter itself will quickly pay off.
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