
The origin of the word "Rus". The meaning of the word "Rus"

The history of appearance in the language, the very origin of the word "Rus" has always been interesting to scholars - philologists, historians, linguists. Many Russian writers gave their understanding of the term. It is also used in the works of oral folk art. The first attempts to explain the meaning of this word have their roots in antiquity. Over the past centuries, several versions of its interpretation have been formed, but none of them can be called absolutely correct.

The origin of the word "Rus" and the literary heritage of the Russian people

In support of the thought expressed above, we can give examples of literary works, whose authors represent their vision of the origin and interpretation of the word "Rus."

The version expressed by Nestor, as is commonly believed, is one of the oldest. The author of the "Tale of Bygone Years" left descendants with records that make one think about many things, including the origin of the Russian people, their historical homeland. Another interpretation of the concepts is offered by other well-known literary figures of the past. Of particular interest are the research papers of MV Lomonosov, NM Karamzin ("History of the Russian State"), L. N. Gumilev ("From Russia to Russia").

In V.Chivililkhin's novel "Memory," the author puts forward a version about the existence of inexplicable sources, which are capable of fueling the energy of every person who lives on his native land. Thanks to the ability to honor the historical homeland, know the language and customs of ancestors, people can stand up and overcome any hardships. The work contains evidence of the emergence of the first Russian settlements on the banks of numerous rivers and lakes.

The origin of the word "Rus" is considered in many school and university textbooks. Some authors of the interpretation of the concept are very similar. Other scientists present their vision to the readers, different from those of their colleagues. It should be noted that each of the authors did a great deal of research before putting forward their assumption. And it deserves respect.

The influence of foreign and ancient languages on the birth of hypotheses

There are many versions in which the theory of the origin of the word "Rus" is related to foreign languages. So, for example, in the West European group the root "rus" is used, the meaning of which is reduced to the word bear. In the Finno-Ugric languages, a lexeme of similar sound also existed. All this served as the basis for the appearance of yet another additional version explaining the origin of the word "Rus."

Latin also gave birth to a hypothesis trying to explain the meaning of this concept. The root word in this language meant the countryside.
Variants of the origin of the proper name and the name of the people are found in Swedish, Iranian, Old Russian, and many Slavic languages. Traditionally, the interpretation of the concept is associated with an ancient state located in the territory of Eastern and Northern Europe, as well as the peoples who inhabited it. Most linguists still tend to believe that the word "Rus" for many reasons can not have a Slavic origin - it came from a foreign language.

First version

There is a large group of scientists, linguists, historians who connect the origin of the word "Rus" with the name of the river or a noun denoting a reservoir. This version looks the most reliable and has concrete evidence.

It is known that most of the ancient settlements of the Slavs appeared precisely on the banks of rivers and lakes. Water greatly facilitated the life of people, was used in economic activities, was a natural obstacle on the route of enemy troops, it was easy to move through the water in the summer, lay roads in winter.
That's the meaning of the word "Rus" is in direct connection with the name of the rivers, on the banks of which, in ancient times, settlements were founded that became the beginning of great cities. It is known that Ros is the right tributary of the mighty Dnieper. The same name was worn by the Niemen many centuries ago. The word "Rus" refers to the name of one of the branches of the river in its delta. The bay, where he was flowing, was called Rusnaya.

Similar names were worn by other small rivers, which were tributaries of larger reservoirs. In this regard, do not forget that the great Volga in ancient times also called the Ras or Ros.

Version two

According to BA Rybakov and a group of other scientists, the origin of the word "Rus", "Russians" is associated with the name of the tribe that lived in antiquity in the vast territories of modern Eastern Europe - to Kiev in the north and the steppe zone in the south. Later, to the tribes of the Roses, or Russ, as they were called, their neighbors joined. The union of the tribes served as a prerequisite for the birth of the people, who later became known as the Russian, and the territory where he lived - Rus.

Version three

Another group of scientists trying to explain the origin and meaning of the word "Rus", says that its interpretation is closely connected not with water, but with the forest. Roses are forest rooters, people who settled in areas covered by forests. It was the forest that helped the tribes survive in harsh climatic conditions, giving warmth, food, allowing them to make things so necessary in everyday life.

To the same group of versions can be attributed another. As mentioned above, the word "bear" in some Western European languages sounds very similar to the root "rus". Hence it follows that Rus could call people who settled in the forest, leading a secretive way of life, but strong and powerful, like a bear. This animal was considered to be the strongest and most formidable forest dweller.

Version Four

This hypothesis of the appearance of the word is associated with the languages of the Finno-Ugric group. In some of them there was also a word similar in sound, pronunciation with the root "dew". In translation, it sounds like "Varangian", which means "hired warrior". In the main, people who came from Eastern Europe became Varangians. Later, the places from which they came most often came to be called Rus. Initially, the word "Varangian" was not the name of the people, but pointed to the social status of a group of people.

Now there is a suggestion that the Varangians and Russians are words that are close in meaning. They mean the name of the same people who lived on the territory of an ancient state located in the north of Europe.

Version Five

One of the common hypotheses that explain the meaning of the word and its origin, indicates that "Ruses" - this is not the name of the tribe. According to scientists, so called those who were collecting tribute from people who were supposed to pay it.

Confirmation of this version is the modern translation of the "Tale of Bygone Years", where the names of the Slavic tribes are opposed to the word "Ros".

Words with the same root, their interpretation

Considering the meaning of the word Rus, it is impossible not to pay attention to the existence of a whole group of forms that are close to it in its meaning. After a short study, it is easy to see that each of the interpretations in one way or another is again connected with water, the river, and the sea.

For example, a mermaid is a mythical creature that lives in water bodies. It is told about ancient pagan beliefs. And in the rapids of the Dnieper dwells another fairy monster, his name is Rus.

In the dialects of certain regions of Russia, to this day, lexical units that share a common root with the word Rus are used. For example, Ruslina is a stream or a ridge, rust is the movement of water by a rapid stream, the channel is a deepening on land, the place where the river flows. The names of Ruslan and Ruslan are also believed to be related to the word Rus.

Instead of concluding

Versions of the origin of the word "Rus", their vast diversity indicate a great interest in this issue not only scientists around the world, but also ordinary people. Attention to the topic has not weakened for many centuries.

A large number of existing versions indicate the unresolved problem. But the following becomes clear: the formation of a powerful Old Russian state became the basis for the formation of a single nationality and the birth of the Russian language. The circumstances connected with the feudal fragmentation of Rus, the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars, led to the fact that the cultural development of individual territories went its own way.

But, despite the years of disparate existence, "the gathering of Russian lands" still took place, which subsequently led to the emergence of an independent unified Russian state.

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